Как узнать тип соединения с интернетом?
uses WinInet; const MODEM = 1; LAN = 2; PROXY = 4; BUSY = 8; function GetConnectionKind(var strKind: string): Boolean; var flags: DWORD; begin strKind := ''; Result := InternetGetConnectedState(@flags, 0); if Result then begin if (flags and MODEM) = MODEM then strKind := 'Modem'; if (flags and LAN) = LAN then strKind := 'LAN'; if (flags and PROXY) = PROXY then strKind := 'Proxy'; if (flags and BUSY) = BUSY then strKind := 'Modem Busy'; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var strKind: string; begin if GetConnectionKind(strKind) then ShowMessage(strKind); end;
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