Как прочитать весь список Published методов?
procedure EnumMethods( aClass: TClass; lines: TStrings ); type TMethodtableEntry = packed Record len: Word; adr: Pointer; name: ShortString; end; {Note: name occupies only the size required, so it is not a true shortstring! The actual entry size is variable, so the method table is not an array of TMethodTableEntry!} var pp: ^Pointer; pMethodTable: Pointer; pMethodEntry: ^TMethodTableEntry; i, numEntries: Word; begin if aClass = nil then Exit; pp := Pointer(Integer( aClass ) + vmtMethodtable); pMethodTable := pp^; lines.Add(format('Class %s: method table at %p', [aClass.Classname, pMethodTable ] )); if pMethodtable <> nil then begin {first word of the method table contains the number of entries} numEntries := PWord( pMethodTable )^; lines.Add(format(' %d published methods', [numEntries] )); {make pointer to first method entry, it starts at the second word of the table} pMethodEntry := Pointer(Integer( pMethodTable ) + 2); for i := 1 to numEntries do begin with pMethodEntry^ do lines.Add(format( ' %d: len: %d, adr: %p, name: %s', [i, len, adr, name] )); {make pointer to next method entry} pMethodEntry := Pointer(Integer( pMethodEntry ) + pMethodEntry^.len); end; end; EnumMethods( aClass.ClassParent, lines ); end; procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin memo1.clear; EnumMethods( Classtype, memo1.lines ); end;
Взято из https://www.lmc-mediaagentur.de/dpool
function GetComponentProperties(Instance: TPersistent; AList: TStrings): Integer; var I, Count: Integer; PropInfo: PPropInfo; PropList: PPropList; begin Result := 0; Count := GetTypeData(Instance.ClassInfo)^.PropCount; if Count > 0 then begin GetMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(Pointer)); try GetPropInfos(Instance.ClassInfo, PropList); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin PropInfo := PropList^[I]; if PropInfo = nil then Break; if IsStoredProp(Instance, PropInfo) then begin { case PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind of tkInteger: tkMethod: tkClass: ... end; } end; Result := AList.Add(PropInfo^.Name); end; finally FreeMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(Pointer)); end; end; end;
Tip by Grega Loboda
uses TypInfo procedure ListProperties(AInstance: TPersistent; AList: TStrings); var i: integer; pInfo: PTypeInfo; pType: PTypeData; propList: PPropList; propCnt: integer; tmpStr: string; begin pInfo := AInstance.ClassInfo; if (pInfo = nil) or (pInfo^.Kind <> tkClass) then raise Exception.Create('Invalid type information'); pType := GetTypeData(pInfo); {Pointer to TTypeData} AList.Add('Class name: ' + pInfo^.Name); {If any properties, add them to the list} propCnt := pType^.PropCount; if propCnt > 0 then begin AList.Add(EmptyStr); tmpStr := IntToStr(propCnt) + ' Propert'; if propCnt > 1 then tmpStr := tmpStr + 'ies' else tmpStr := tmpStr + 'y'; AList.Add(tmpStr); FillChar(tmpStr[1], Length(tmpStr), '-'); AList.Add(tmpStr); {Get memory for the property list} GetMem(propList, sizeOf(PPropInfo) * propCnt); try {Fill in the property list} GetPropInfos(pInfo, propList); {Fill in info for each property} for i := 0 to propCnt - 1 do AList.Add(propList[i].Name+': '+propList[i].PropType^.Name); finally FreeMem(propList, sizeOf(PPropInfo) * propCnt); end; end; end; function GetPropertyList(AControl: TPersistent; AProperty: string): PPropInfo; var i: integer; props: PPropList; typeData: PTypeData; begin Result := nil; if (AControl = nil) or (AControl.ClassInfo = nil) then Exit; typeData := GetTypeData(AControl.ClassInfo); if (typeData = nil) or (typeData^.PropCount = 0) then Exit; GetMem(props, typeData^.PropCount * SizeOf(Pointer)); try GetPropInfos(AControl.ClassInfo, props); for i := 0 to typeData^.PropCount - 1 do begin with Props^[i]^ do if (Name = AProperty) then result := Props^[i]; end; finally FreeMem(props); end; end;
And calling this code by:
ListProperties(TProject(treeview1.items[0].data), memo3.lines);
My tProject is defined as
type TProject = class(tComponent) private FNaam: string; procedure SetNaam(const Value: string); public constructor Create(AOwner: tComponent); destructor Destroy; published property Naam: string read FNaam write SetNaam; end;
Also note the output, there seem to be 2 standard properties (Name and Tag) !
Class name: TProject
3 Properties
Name: TComponentName
Tag: Integer
Naam: String
Tip by Ronan van Riet