Как определить, является ли метод потомком TNotifyEvent?
If I am given a TPersistent object, and a method name, is there a way to determine if the name is an event of TNotifyEvent type? For example, given a TPersistent lMyObj and an event name, "OnDataChanged", how can I determine if OnDataChanged is a TNotifyEvent?
function IsNotifyEvent(Sender: TObject; const Event: string): Boolean; var PropInfo: PPropInfo; Method: TNotifyEvent; begin Result := False; PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Sender.ClassInfo, Event); if not Assigned(PropInfo) then Exit; if PropInfo.PropType^.Kind <> tkMethod then Exit; Method := TNotifyEvent(GetMethodProp(Sender, PropInfo)); Result := Assigned(Method); end;
Tip by Jack Sudarev