Как получить строковое значение перечисляемого типа?
procedure GetEnumNameList(Pti: PTypeInfo; AList: TStrings; X: Integer); {(********************************************************** Will return in AList string version of an enumerated type less the first X characters . eg X = 4 and type eXORBuySell = ( XOR_BUY, XOR_SELL ); GetEnumNameList(TypeInfo(eXORBuySell), ComboBox1.Items, 4); Now ComboBox1.Items[0] = 'BUY' and ComboBox1.Items[1] = 'SELL' ************************************************************)} var I: Integer; begin AList.Clear; with GetTypeData(pti)^ do for I := MinValue to MaxValue do AList.Add(Copy(GetEnumName(pti, I), X + 1, 255)); end;
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