Как определить, лежит ли точка внутри полигона?
The main procedure is called ExploreLine. In this procedure Fst and Lst may be two consecutively points in the polyline. Srch is the point searched.
{ ... } const {global} BigM = 1000000; function Pend(Pi, Pf: TPoint): Real; begin if (Pf.X = Pi.X) then Result := BigM {for a vertical line} else Result := (Pf.Y - Pi.Y) / (Pf.X - Pi.X); end; function Dist(Pi, Pf: TPoint): Real; begin Result := sqrt(sqr(Pi.Y - Pf.Y) + sqr(Pi.X - Pf.X)) end; function CalcPoint(Pi, Pf: TPoint; d: Word): TPoint; var k, m: Real; { k=d / (1 + m2)Ѕ } begin m := Pend(Pi, Pf); k := d / (Sqrt(1 + Sqr(m))); if ((Pf.X - Pi.X) < 0) then begin Result.X := Pi.X - Round(k); Result.Y := Pi.Y - Round(m * k); end else begin Result.X := Pi.X + Round(k); Result.Y := Pi.Y + Round(m * k); end; end; function ExploreLine(Srch, Fst, Lst: TPoint): Boolean; var p: Word; Any: TPoint; lim, dis: Real; begin lim := Dist(Lst, Fst); p := 1; Any := Fst; repeat Result := TestPoint(Srch, Any); dis := Dist(Any, Fst); Any := CalcPoint(Fst, Lst, Rad * p); Inc(p); until (Result)rr(dis >= lim); end;
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