Сохранить вложения OutLook
autor: patrick cleys
homepage: http://www.dcmedical.org
{ won’t some backups of your outlook attachments are filtered some incoming log files? here's the function. } uses comobj; {...} function manageattachments(sendersname, attachmentpath: string; maildelete: boolean): boolean; var oapp: variant; ons: variant; ofolder: variant; omsg: variant; atc: variant; attfilename: variant; filename: string; checksender: string; counter: integer; mailcounter: integer; begin try oapp := createoleobject('outlook.application'); try ons := oapp.getnamespace('mapi'); ofolder := ons.getdefaultfolder(6); // foldertypeenum (olfolderinbox) mailcounter := 1; // if there is any email in the inbox if ofolder.items.count > 0 then begin repeat // get the first email omsg := ofolder.items(mailcounter); // check the name or email // use checksender := omsg.subject to search on subject; checksender := omsg.sendername; if checksender = sendersname then // remove this line to backup all your attachments. begin // check how many attachments atc := omsg.attachments.count; if atc > 0 then begin // get all the attachments and save them for counter := 1 to atc do begin attfilename := omsg.attachments.item(counter).filename; //filename := includetrailingbackslash(attachmentpath)+attfilename; {use this line for d5)} filename := attachmentpath + '' + attfilename; omsg.attachments.item(counter).saveasfile(filename); end; end; if maildelete then begin omsg.delete; // there's 1 email less, so mailcounter - 1 dec(mailcounter); end; end; // get the next email inc(mailcounter); // do until there is no more email to check until mailcounter > ofolder.items.count; end; finally oapp.quit; end; except result := false; exit; end; result := true; end; procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); begin // manageattachments(email or name, backup directory, maildelete yes or no) manageattachments('info@cleys.com', 'f:test', false); end; { warning! all your selected email will be deleted if maildelete = true achtung! alle e-mails werden geloscht, wenn maildelete = true ist. }