Как сохранить текст MS Word в другом формате?
Open a new Application and place:
a button named Button3,
a RitchText object named WordEditor
and an OpenDialog component.
From now on, you can browse for any *.doc file and load it into the RitchText object.
NOTE: Format:=6 instructs Word to save the file as RTF. Extension is not enough.
Other File Formats:
Argument Format File Format 0 Normal (Word format) 1 Document Template 2 Text Only (extended characters saved in ANSI character set) 3 Text+Breaks (plain text with line breaks; extended characters saved in ANSI character set) 4 Text Only (PC-8) (extended characters saved in IBM PC character set) 5 Text+Breaks (PC-8) (text with line breaks; extended characters saved in IBM PC character set) 6 Rich-text format (RTF)procedure TImport_Form.ToolButton3Click(Sender: TObject); var WordApp: Variant; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin Edit1.Text := ExtractFileName(OpenDialog1.FileName); StatusBar1.SimpleText := OpenDialog1.FileName; WordApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Basic'); if not VarIsEmpty(WordApp) then begin WordApp.FileOpen(OpenDialog1.FileName); WordApp.FileSaveAs(Name := 'c:\temp_bb.rtf', Format := 6); WordApp.AppClose; WordApp := Unassigned; WordEditor.Lines.LoadFromFile('c:\temp_bb.rtf'); end else ShowMessage('Could not start MS Word'); end; end;
How to prevent word from opening password-protected files or resume wizard files and sometimes causing application to hang ?
The sollution is to add the folowing query before openning the document:
if WordApp.ActiveDocument.HasPassword = True then
MsgBox("Password Protected");
You can even preset the password propery as:
WordApp.Password := 'mypassword";
NOTE: If the above code generates an "Undefined property: ActiveDocument" change the:
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