Как сделать поиск/замену в документе?
You should use a variant because the Find.Execute method is a bit buggy. Something like this, for example:
{ ... } var Rnge: OleVariant; { ... } Rnge := Doc.Content; Rnge.Find.Execute('old', Wrap := wdFindContinue, ReplaceWith := 'new', Replace := wdReplaceAll); { ... }
{ ... } { Create the OLE Object } WordApp := CreateOLEObject('Word.Application'); WordApp.Documents.Open(yourDocFile); WordApp.Selection.Find.ClearFormatting; WordApp.Selection.Find.Text := yourOldStr; WordApp.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text := yourNewStr; WordApp.Selection.Find.Forward := True; WordApp.Selection.Find.Wrap := 1; {wdFindContinue} WordApp.Selection.Find.Format := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchCase := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchWholeWord := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchWildcards := True; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchSoundsLike := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchAllWordForms := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.Execute(Replace := 2); {wdReplaceAll} {Or as alternative: WordApp.Selection.Find.Execute(Replace := 1); for one replace} WordApp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(yourNewDocFile); WordApp.Quit; WordApp := Unassigned; { ... }
Взято с Delphi Knowledge Base: https://www.baltsoft.com/
{ **** UBPFD *********** by kladovka.net.ru **** >> Заменить строки в файле Word Функция заменяет файлы в документе word с опциями поиска и замены Зависимости: ComObj Автор: [NIKEL], nikel@pisem.net, Norilsk Copyright: Some help Дата: 15 сентября 2002 г. ********************************************** } uses ComObj; // Флаги замены type TWordReplaceFlags = set of (wrfReplaceAll, wrfMatchCase, wrfMatchWildcards); function WordStringReplace(ADocument: TFileName; SearchString, ReplaceString: string; Flags: TWordReplaceFlags): Boolean; const wdFindContinue = 1; wdReplaceOne = 1; wdReplaceAll = 2; wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0; var WordApp: OLEVariant; begin Result := False; { Существует ли файл } if not FileExists(ADocument) then begin ShowMessage('Файл не найден!'); Exit; end; { Создаем OLE объект } try WordApp := CreateOLEObject('Word.Application'); except on E: Exception do begin E.Message := 'Word недоступен'; raise; end; end; try { Прячем Word } WordApp.Visible := False; { Открываем документ } WordApp.Documents.Open(ADocument); { Инициализируем параметры} WordApp.Selection.Find.ClearFormatting; WordApp.Selection.Find.Text := SearchString; WordApp.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text := ReplaceString; WordApp.Selection.Find.Forward := True; WordApp.Selection.Find.Wrap := wdFindContinue; WordApp.Selection.Find.Format := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchCase := wrfMatchCase in Flags; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchWholeWord := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchWildcards := wrfMatchWildcards in Flags; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchSoundsLike := False; WordApp.Selection.Find.MatchAllWordForms := False; { Ищем} if wrfReplaceAll in Flags then WordApp.Selection.Find.Execute(Replace := wdReplaceAll) else WordApp.Selection.Find.Execute(Replace := wdReplaceOne); { Сохраняем word } WordApp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(ADocument); { Всё нормально } Result := True; { Закрываем document } WordApp.ActiveDocument.Close(wdDoNotSaveChanges); finally { Закрываем Word } WordApp.Quit; WordApp := Unassigned; end; end;
Пример использования:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin WordStringReplace('C:\SomeStrangeDoc.doc','Маша ела кашу','Маша съела кашу :)', [wrfReplaceAll]); end;