Microsoft Antivirus API
Microsoft Antivirus API позволяет создавать приложения для сканирования документов MS Office перед их открытием (а также сканирование закачек IE, содержащих код).
unit msoav; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, ActiveX, ComObj, Classes; const IID_IOfficeAntiVirus : TGUID = '{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}'; //DEFINE_GUID(IID_IOfficeAntiVirus, //0x56ffcc30, 0xd398, 0x11d0, 0xb2, 0xae, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x8, 0xfa, 0x49); CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus : TGUID = '{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}'; //DEFINE_GUID(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus, //0x56ffcc30, 0xd398, 0x11d0, 0xb2, 0xae, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x8, 0xfa, 0x49); type TInfoStruct = record fIsFile : boolean; fIsReadOnly : boolean; fIsInstalled : boolean; fIsHTTPDownload : boolean; end; //Contains information about the file to be scanned. { * cbSize - Integer value that specifies the size of an MSOAVINFO structure. * hWnd - Handle to the parent window of the Microsoft® Office 2000 application. * pwzFullPath - Address of a wide character string that contains the full path of the file about to be opened. * lpStg - Address of the OLE storage location of the file about to be opened. * pwzHostName - Address of a wide character string that contains the host application name for the antivirus scanner user interface. * pwzOrigURL - Address of a wide character string that contains the URL of the origin of a downloaded file. } TMsoavinfo = record cbSize : integer; info : ULONG; wnd : HWND; FullPath : Pointer; pwzHostName : PWChar; pwzOrigURL : PWChar; end; //This is the interface an antivirus scanner uses to interact with a host application. IOfficeAntiVirus = interface(IUnknown) ['{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}'] function Scan(pmsoavinfo : PChar) : HResult; stdcall; end; function TestBit(const Value: Cardinal; const Bit: byte): Boolean; procedure GetRegisteredAntiviruses(ProgIDs: TStrings); implementation function TestBit(const Value: Cardinal; const Bit: byte): Boolean; begin Result := (Value and (1 shl (Bit mod 32))) <> 0; end; procedure GetRegisteredAntiviruses(ProgIDs: TStrings); var CatInformation: ICatInformation; Enum: IEnumGUID; CLSID: TGUID; nFetched: Cardinal; CatId: TGUID; begin CatInformation := CreateComObject(CLSID_StdComponentCategoryMgr) as ICatInformation; CatId := CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus; OleCheck(CatInformation.EnumClassesOfCategories(1, @CatId, 0, nil, Enum)); ProgIDs.BeginUpdate; try ProgIDs.Clear; while (Enum.Next(1, CLSID, nFetched) = S_OK) do begin ProgIDs.Add(GuidToString(clsid)); end; finally ProgIDs.EndUpdate; end; end; end. Now I will show a small example how to use IOfficeAntiVirus interface to implement own antivirus program for Microsoft Office. library msoavtest; uses ComServ, msoav, umsoavtest; exports DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer; begin end. unit umsoavtest; interface uses Windows, ActiveX, ComObj, ShlObj, Dialogs, msoav; type TMSOTest = class(TComObject, IOfficeAntiVirus) protected function Scan(pmsoavinfo : PChar) : HResult; stdcall; end; const Class_MsoTest: TGUID = '{F56BE781-C8BE-11D7-8601-00E0184D1E9D}'; implementation uses ComServ, SysUtils, ShellApi, Registry; procedure UpdateCat(Register: Boolean; const ClassID: string); const SCatImplBaseKey = 'CLSID\%s\Implemented Categories'; SCatImplKey = SCatImplBaseKey + '\%s'; var CatReg: ICatRegister; Rslt: HResult; CatInfo: TCATEGORYINFO; Description: string; begin Rslt := CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoryMgr, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ICatRegister, CatReg); if Succeeded(Rslt) then begin if Register then begin CatInfo.catid := CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus; CatInfo.lcid := $0409; StringToWideChar('', CatInfo.szDescription, Length('') + 1); OleCheck(CatReg.RegisterCategories(1, @CatInfo)); OleCheck(CatReg.RegisterClassImplCategories(StringToGUID(ClassID), 1, @CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus)); end else begin OleCheck(CatReg.UnRegisterClassImplCategories(StringToGUID(ClassID), 1, @CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus)); DeleteRegKey(Format(SCatImplBaseKey, [ClassID])); end; end else begin if Register then begin CreateRegKey('Component Categories\' + GUIDToString(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus), '409', ''); CreateRegKey(Format(SCatImplKey, [ClassID, GUIDToString(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus)]), '', ''); end else begin DeleteRegKey(Format(SCatImplKey, [ClassID, GUIDToString(CATID_MSOfficeAntiVirus)])); DeleteRegKey(Format(SCatImplBaseKey, [ClassID])); end; end; if Register then begin Description := GetRegStringValue('CLSID\' + ClassID, ''); CreateRegKey('AppID\' + ClassID, '', Description); CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + ClassID, 'AppID', ClassID); end else DeleteRegKey('AppID\' + ClassID); end; { TMSOTest } function TMSOTest.Scan(pmsoavinfo: PChar): HResult; var Info : TMsoavinfo; Struct : TInfoStruct; p : pointer; begin p := pointer(pmsoavinfo); if not Assigned(p) then begin //no information available Result := S_OK; Exit; end; Move(P^, Info, SizeOf(Tmsoavinfo)); if Info.cbSize <> SizeOf(Tmsoavinfo) then begin //wrong size of the structure Result := S_OK; Exit; end; Struct.fIsFile := TestBit(Info.Info, 0); Struct.fIsReadOnly := TestBit(Info.Info, 1); Struct.fIsInstalled := TestBit(Info.Info, 2); Struct.fIsHTTPDownload := TestBit(Info.Info, 3); if struct.fIsFile then begin MessageDlg(PWChar(Info.FullPath), mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); end; Result := S_OK; end; type TMSOAvFactory = class(TComObjectFactory) public procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); override; end; procedure TMSOAVFactory.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); var ClassID: string; begin ClassID := GUIDToString(Class_MsoTest); if Register then begin inherited UpdateRegistry(Register); UpdateCat(true, ClassID); end else begin UpdateCat(false, ClassID); inherited UpdateRegistry(Register); end; end; initialization TComObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TMsoTest, Class_MsoTest, 'MsoTest', '', ciMultiInstance, tmApartment); end.
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