Как использовать проверку грамматики?
{ If you are using Delphi 2+ and have the ActiveX component TVSSpell, it is very simple to add a spell checker to your TMemo applications. (Note: Do not use this component with a Rich Edit application because of text formatting problems.) } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Memo1.Text = '' then Exit; VSSpell1.CheckText := Memo1.Text; if VSSpell1.ResultCode = 0 then Memo1.Text := VSSpell1.Text; end; { To distribute a VisualSpeller application you have to include the following files: } { - VsSpell.HLP - VSPELL32.OCX - VSPELL32.DLL - AMERICAN.VTD - VSPELL.HLP }
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