Как зарегистрировать свой пункт в меню для моего типа файлов?
uses Registry; procedure AddFileMenue(FilePrefix, Menue, Command: string); var reg: TRegistry; typ: string; begin reg := TRegistry.Create; with reg do begin RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; OpenKey('.' + FilePrefix, True); typ := ReadString(''); if typ = '' then begin typ := Fileprefix + 'file'; WriteString('', typ); end; CloseKey; OpenKey(typ + '\shell\' + Menue + '\command', True); WriteString('', command + ' "%1"'); CloseKey; Free; end; end; procedure DeleteFileMenue(Fileprefix, Menue: string); var reg: TRegistry; typ: string; begin reg := TRegistry.Create; with reg do begin RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; OpenKey('.' + Fileprefix, True); typ := ReadString(''); CloseKey; OpenKey(typ + '\shell', True); DeleteKey(Menue); CloseKey; Free; end; end; { Example} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin AddFileMenue('rtf', 'Edit with Notepad', 'C:\Windows\system\notepad.exe'); { If you now click with the right mousebutton on a *.rtf-file then you can see a Menuepoint: "Edit with Notepad". When Click on that point Notepad opens the file. } end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin { Undo your changes in the Registry: } DeleteFileMenue('rtf', 'Edit with Notepad'); end;
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