Компонент на основе TImageList позволяет использовать в приложении анимированные иконки
unit AnimIcon; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ShellApi, TypInfo; const WM_FROMTRAYICON = WM_USER + 59; type TIconPlace = (ipAppIcon, ipAppMainFormIcon, ipFormIcon, ipImageCtrl, ipSysTray); TOnTimerEventOrder = (First, Second); TIconPlaceSet = set of TIconPlace; TTimerEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object; TAnimIcon = class(TImageList) private { Private declarations } FIconPlaceSet: TIconPlaceSet; FEnabled: Boolean; FInterval: Cardinal; FNumIco: Integer; FOnTimer: TTimerEvent; FImage: TImage; FAuthor: string; FTip: string; FActionForIconOnSysTray: Byte; FOnTimerEventOrder: TOnTimerEventOrder; FhWnd: hWnd; procedure PlaceIcon; protected { Protected declarations } procedure Loaded; override; procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); function GetEnabled: Boolean; procedure SetInterval(Value: Cardinal); function GetInterval: Cardinal; procedure OnAnimIconTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure SetImage(Value: TImage); function GetImage: TImage; procedure SetAuthor(Value: string); public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: Tcomponent); override; //Конструктор destructor Destroy; override; property IconPlace: TIconPlaceSet read FIconPlaceSet write FIconPlaceSet; property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled; property Interval: Cardinal read GetInterval write SetInterval; property OnTimer: TTimerEvent read FOnTimer write FOnTimer; property ImageCtrl: TImage read GetImage write SetImage; property Author: string read FAuthor write SetAuthor; property SysTrayTip: string read FTip write FTip; property OnTimerEventOrder: TOnTimerEventOrder read FOnTimerEventOrder write FOnTimerEventOrder; end; var Timer: TTimer; procedure Register; function SysTrayIcon(hWindow: THandle; ID: Cardinal; ICON: hicon; CallbackMessage: Cardinal; Tip: string; Action: Byte): Boolean; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MyComponents', [TAnimIcon]); end; function SysTrayIcon(hWindow: THandle; ID: Cardinal; Icon: hicon; CallbackMessage: Cardinal; Tip: string; Action: Byte): Boolean; var NID: TNotifyIconData; begin FillChar(NID, SizeOf(TNotifyIconData), 0); with NID do begin cbSize := SizeOf(TNotifyIconData); Wnd := hWindow; uID := ID; uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_ICON or NIF_TIP; uCallbackMessage := CallbackMessage; hIcon := Icon; if Length(Tip) > 63 then SetLength(Tip, 63); StrPCopy(szTip, Tip); end; case Action of 1: Result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, @NID); 2: Result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, @NID); 3: Result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, @NID); else Result := False; end; end; procedure TAnimIcon.PlaceIcon; var Icon: TIcon; CallbackMessage: Cardinal; begin Inc(FNumIco); if FNumIco > Count then FNumIco := 1; if ipAppIcon in FIconPlaceSet then begin GetIcon(FNumIco - 1, Application.Icon); Application.ProcessMessages; end; if ipFormIcon in FIconPlaceSet then begin GetIcon(FNumIco - 1, TForm(Owner).Icon); Application.ProcessMessages; end; if ipAppMainFormIcon in FIconPlaceSet then begin if Assigned(Application.MainForm) then GetIcon(FNumIco - 1, Application.MainForm.Icon); Application.ProcessMessages; end; if ipImageCtrl in FIconPlaceSet then begin if FImage <> nil then GetIcon(FNumIco - 1, FImage.Picture.Icon); Application.ProcessMessages; end; if ipSysTray in FIconPlaceSet then begin Icon := TIcon.Create; GetIcon(FNumIco - 1, Icon); CallbackMessage := WM_FROMTRAYICON; SysTrayIcon(FhWnd, 0, Icon.Handle, CallbackMessage, FTip, FActionForIconOnSysTray); Application.ProcessMessages; if FActionForIconOnSysTray = 1 then FActionForIconOnSysTray := 2; end; end; constructor TAnimIcon.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited create(AOwner); FAuthor := 'V-Isa aka Inter'; FNumIco := 0; Timer := TTimer.Create(Self); Application.ProcessMessages; SetEnabled(False); SetInterval(1000); Timer.OnTimer := OnAnimIconTimer; FActionForIconOnSysTray := 0; FOnTimerEventOrder := First; if csDesigning in ComponentState then FTip := (Owner as TForm).Caption; end; destructor TAnimIcon.Destroy; var Icon: TIcon; CallbackMessage: Cardinal; begin if ipSysTray in FIconPlaceSet then begin Icon := TIcon.Create; CallbackMessage := WM_FROMTRAYICON; SysTrayIcon(FhWnd, 0, Icon.Handle, CallbackMessage, FTip, 3); Application.ProcessMessages; end; FNumIco := 0; FEnabled := False; Timer.Enabled := FEnabled; Application.ProcessMessages; inherited destroy; end; procedure TAnimIcon.OnAnimIconTimer(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FOnTimer) and (FOnTimerEventOrder = First) then FOnTimer(Self); Application.ProcessMessages; if Count > 0 then begin PlaceIcon; end; Application.ProcessMessages; if Assigned(FOnTimer) and (FOnTimerEventOrder = Second) then FOnTimer(Self); Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TAnimIcon.SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); begin if (Value = True) and (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin Value := False; FNumIco := 0; FEnabled := Value; Timer.Enabled := FEnabled; Application.ProcessMessages; ShowMessage('Изменение данного свойства возможно только' + #13'во время выполнения программы!!!'); Exit; end; if (Value = True) and (Count > 0) then begin FActionForIconOnSysTray := 1; PlaceIcon; end; if Value = False then begin FActionForIconOnSysTray := 3; PlaceIcon; end; Application.ProcessMessages; if Value = False then FNumIco := 0; FEnabled := Value; Timer.Enabled := FEnabled; Application.ProcessMessages; end; function TAnimIcon.GetEnabled: Boolean; begin GetEnabled := FEnabled; end; procedure TAnimIcon.SetInterval(Value: Cardinal); begin FInterval := Value; Timer.Interval := FInterval; Application.ProcessMessages; end; function TAnimIcon.GetInterval: Cardinal; begin GetInterval := FInterval; end; procedure TAnimIcon.SetImage(Value: TImage); begin FImage := Value; end; function TAnimIcon.GetImage: TImage; begin GetImage := FImage; end; procedure TAnimIcon.SetAuthor(Value: string); begin FAuthor := 'V-Isa aka Inter'; end; procedure TAnimIcon.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; FhWnd := (Owner as TForm).Handle; end; end.
DelphiWorld 6.0