Как получить информацию о процессоре?
О процессоре можно на любом уровне (приложении или драйвере) получить информацию с помощью команды(машинной) CPUID(386+):
Например(Вставка на асм в языке Паскаль):
{Получить тип процессора} asm mov eax,0 cpuid {Или db 0Fh, 0A2h} {Теперь регистры EBX:ECX:EDX содержат строку "Genu-inel-ntel" (например)} end;
Передать в Паскаль содержимое регистров можно, например, так:
var EBXstr,ECXstr,EDXstr: string[5]; begin asm mov eax,0 cpuid mov dword ptr EBXstr+1,EBX mov byte ptr EBXstr,4 mov dword ptr ECXstr+1,ECX mov byte ptr ECXstr,4 mov dword ptr EDXstr+1,EDX mov byte ptr EDXstr,4 end; writeln(EBSstr,ECXstr,EDXstr);
unit CpuId; interface uses Windows, Mmsystem, Sysutils, Math, Dialogs; type TCpuRec=record Name:string[128]; Vendor:string[12]; Frequency:word; Family:integer; Model:integer; Stepping:integer; L1DCache:word; L1ICache:word; L2Cache:word; end; TCpuType = (cpu8086, cpu286, cpu386, cpu486, cpuPentium); TCpuData=object function GetCPUIDSupport:Boolean; function GetVendorString:string; function GetCPUFrequency:word; procedure GetFMS(var Family,Model,Stepping:byte); function GetMaxCpuId:dword; function CheckFPU:Boolean; function CheckTSC:Boolean; function CheckMSR:Boolean; function CheckMPS:Boolean; function GetNoCpus:cardinal; function CheckPN:Boolean; function CheckCMPXCHG8B:Boolean; function CheckCMOVe:Boolean; function CheckSelfSnoop:Boolean; function CheckDebugTraceStore:Boolean; function CheckFXSAVEFXRSTOR:Boolean; function CheckMMX:Boolean; function CheckMMXplus:Boolean; function CheckSSE:Boolean; function CheckSSE2:Boolean; function CheckAMD3DNow:Boolean; function CheckAMD3DNowPlus:Boolean; function GetMaxExtendedFunctions:dword; procedure GetExtendedFMS(var Family,Model,Stepping:byte); function GetExtendedCpuName:string; function GetExtendedL1DCache:word; function GetExtendedL1ICache:word; function GetExtendedL2Cache:word; function CheckCeleron:Boolean; function CheckPentiumIII:Boolean; function CheckXeon:Boolean; function CheckPentium4:Boolean; function CheckIthanium:Boolean; //****Aici am conrectat**** function IntelP5N:string; function IntelP6N:string; //****Pana aici**** function AMDK5N:string; function Cyrix686N:string; function GenericCpuN:string; function P5CacheL1DI:word; function P6CacheL1DI:word; function P6CacheL2:word; function AuthenticAMD:TCpuRec; function GenuineIntel:TCpuRec; function CyrixInstead:TCpuRec; function GenericCPU:TCpuRec; end; const Intel486:array[0..8] of string= (''Intel 486 DX'', ''Intel 486 DX'', ''Intel 486 SX'', ''Intel 486 DX2'', ''Intel 486 SL'', ''Intel 486 SX2'', ''Intel 486 DX2'', ''Intel 486 DX4'', ''Intel 486 DX4''); UMC486:array[0..1] of string= (''UMC U5D'', ''UMC U5S''); AMD486:array[0..5] of string= (''AMD 486 DX2'', ''AMD 486 DX2'', ''AMD 486 DX4'', ''AMD 486 DX4'', ''AMD 5x86'', ''AMD 5x86''); IntelP5:array[0..6] of string= (''Intel Pentium P5 A-Step'', ''Intel Pentium P5'', ''Intel Pentium P54C'', ''Intel Pentium P24T Overdrive'', ''Intel Pentium MMX P55C'', ''Intel Pentium P54C'', ''Intel Pentium MMX P55C''); NexGenNx586=''NexGen Nx586''; Cyrix4x86=''VIA Cyrix 4x86''; Cyrix5x86=''VIA Cyrix 5x86''; CyrixMediaGX=''VIA Cyrix Media GX''; CyrixM1=''VIA Cyrix 6x86''; CyrixM2=''VIA Cyrix 6x86MX''; CyrixIII=''VIA Cyrix III''; AMDK5:array[0..3] of string= (''AMD SSA5 (PR75/PR90/PR100)'', ''AMD 5k86 (PR120/PR133)'', ''AMD 5k86 (PR166)'', ''AMD 5k86 (PR200)''); AMDK6:array[0..4] of string= (''AMD K6 (166~233)'', ''AMD K6 (266~300)'', ''AMD K6-2'', ''AMD K6-III'', ''AMD K6-2+ or K6-III+''); Centaur:array[0..2] of string= (''Centaur C6'', ''Centaur C2'', ''Centaur C3''); Rise:array[0..1] of string= (''Rise mP6'', ''Rise mP6''); IntelP6:array[0..7] of string= (''Intel Pentium Pro A-Step'', ''Intel Pentium Pro'', ''Intel Pentium II'', ''Intel Pentium II'', ''Intel Pentium II'', ''Intel Pentium III'', ''Intel Pentium III'', ''Intel Pentium III''); AMDK7:array[0..3] of string= (''AMD Athlon(tm) Processor'', ''AMD Athlon(tm) Processor'', ''AMD Duron(tm) Processor'', ''AMD Thunderbird Processor''); IntelP4=''Intel Pentium 4''; var CpuData:TCpuData; implementation function TCpuData.GetCPUIDSupport:Boolean; var TempDetect:dword; begin asm pushf pushfd push eax push ebx push ecx push edx pushfd pop eax mov ebx,eax xor eax,$00200000 push eax popfd pushfd pop eax push ebx popfd xor eax,ebx mov TempDetect,eax pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax popfd popf end; GetCPUIDSupport:=(TempDetect=$00200000); end; function TCpuData.GetVendorString:string; var s1,s2,s3:array[0..3] of char; TempVendor:string; i:integer; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov s1,ebx mov s2,edx mov s3,ecx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; TempVendor:=''''; for i:=0 to 3 do TempVendor:=TempVendor+s1[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempVendor:=TempVendor+s2[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempVendor:=TempVendor+s3[i]; GetVendorString:=TempVendor; end; function TCpuData.GetCPUFrequency:word; var TimeStart:integer; TimeStop:integer; StartTicks:dword; EndTicks:dword; TotalTicks:dword; cpuSpeed:dword; NeverExit:Boolean; begin TimeStart:=0; TimeStop:=0; StartTicks:=0; EndTicks:=0; TotalTicks:=0; cpuSpeed:=0; NeverExit:=True; TimeStart:=timeGetTime; while NeverExit do begin TimeStop:=timeGetTime; if ((TimeStop-TimeStart)>1) then begin asm xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx xor ecx,ecx xor edx,edx db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid db $0F,$31 /// rdtsc mov StartTicks,eax end; Break; end; end; TimeStart:=TimeStop; while NeverExit do begin TimeStop:=timeGetTime; if ((TimeStop-TimeStart)>1000) then begin asm xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx xor ecx,ecx xor edx,edx db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid db $0F,$31 /// rdtsc mov EndTicks,eax end; Break; end; end; TotalTicks:=EndTicks-StartTicks; cpuSpeed:=TotalTicks div 1000000; GetCPUFrequency:=cpuSpeed; end; procedure TCpuData.GetFMS(var Family,Model,Stepping:byte); var TempFlags:dword; BinFlags:array[0..31] of byte; i,pos:integer; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov TempFlags,eax pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; for i:=0 to 31 do begin BinFlags[i]:=TempFlags mod 2; TempFlags:=TempFlags div 2; end; family:=0; model:=0; stepping:=0; pos:=0; for i:=0 to 3 do begin stepping:=stepping+(BinFlags[pos]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,i)))); inc(pos); end; pos:=4; for i:=0 to 3 do begin model:=model+(BinFlags[pos]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,i)))); inc(pos); end; pos:=8; for i:=0 to 3 do begin family:=family+(BinFlags[pos]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,i)))); inc(pos); end; end; function TCpuData.GetMaxCpuId:dword; var TempMax:dword; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov TempMax,eax pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; GetMaxCpuId:=TempMax; end; function TCpuData.CheckFPU:Boolean; label NoFpu; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$1 jz NoFpu mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoFpu: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckFpu:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckTSC:Boolean; label NoTSC; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$10 jz NoTSC mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoTSC: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckTSC:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckMSR:Boolean; label NoMSR; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$20 jz NoMSR mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoMSR: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckMSR:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckMPS:Boolean; var SysInfo:TSystemInfo; begin GetSysTemInfo(SysInfo); CheckMPS:=(SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors>1); end; function TCpuData.GetNoCpus:cardinal; var SysInfo:TSystemInfo; begin GetSystemInfo(SysInfo); GetNoCpus:=SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; end; function TCpuData.CheckPN:Boolean; label NoPN; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$40000 jz NoPN mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoPN: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckPN:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckCMPXCHG8B:Boolean; label NoCMPXCHG8B; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$100 jz NoCMPXCHG8B mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoCMPXCHG8B: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckCMPXCHG8B:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckCMOVe:Boolean; label NoCMOVe; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$8000 jz NoCMOVe mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoCMOVe: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckCMOVe:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckSelfSnoop:Boolean; label NoSelfSnoop; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$8000000 jz NoSelfSnoop mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoSelfSnoop: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckSelfSnoop:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckDebugTraceStore:Boolean; label NoDebugTraceStore; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$200000 jz NoDebugTraceStore mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoDebugTraceStore: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckDebugTraceStore:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckFXSAVEFXRSTOR:Boolean; label NoFXSAVEFXRSTOR; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$1000000 jz NoFXSAVEFXRSTOR mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoFXSAVEFXRSTOR: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckFXSAVEFXRSTOR:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckMMX:Boolean; label NoMMX; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$800000 jz NoMMX mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoMMX: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckMMX:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckMMXplus:Boolean; label NoMMXplus; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000001 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$400000 jz NoMMXplus mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoMMXplus: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckMMXplus:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckSSE:Boolean; label NoSSE; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$2000000 jz NoSSE mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoSSE: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckSSE:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckSSE2:Boolean; label NoSSE2; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$4000000 jz NoSSE2 mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoSSE2: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckSSE2:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckAMD3DNow:Boolean; label NoAMD3DNow; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000001 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$80000000 jz NoAMD3DNow mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoAMD3DNow: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckAMD3DNow:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.CheckAMD3DNowPlus:Boolean; label NoAMD3DNowPlus; var TempCheck:dword; begin TempCheck:=1; asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000001 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid test edx,$40000000 jz NoAMD3DNowPlus mov edx,0 mov TempCheck,edx NoAMD3DNowPlus: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckAMD3DNowPlus:=(TempCheck=0); end; function TCpuData.GetMaxExtendedFunctions:dword; var TempExt:dword; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000000 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid shl eax,1 shr eax,1 mov TempExt,eax pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; GetMaxExtendedFunctions:=TempExt; end; procedure TCpuData.GetExtendedFMS(var family,model,stepping:byte); var TempFlags:dword; BinFlags:array[0..31] of byte; i,pos:integer; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000001 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov TempFlags,eax pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; for i:=0 to 31 do begin BinFlags[i]:=TempFlags mod 2; TempFlags:=TempFlags div 2; end; family:=0; model:=0; stepping:=0; pos:=0; for i:=0 to 3 do begin stepping:=stepping+(BinFlags[pos]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,i)))); inc(pos); end; pos:=4; for i:=0 to 3 do begin model:=model+(BinFlags[pos]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,i)))); inc(pos); end; pos:=8; for i:=0 to 3 do begin family:=family+(BinFlags[pos]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,i)))); inc(pos); end; end; function TCpuData.GetExtendedCpuName:string; var s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12:array[0..3] of char; TempCpuName:string; i:integer; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000002 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov s1,eax mov s2,ebx mov s3,ecx mov s4,edx mov eax,$80000003 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov s5,eax mov s6,ebx mov s7,ecx mov s8,edx mov eax,$80000004 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov s9,eax mov s10,ebx mov s11,ecx mov s12,edx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; TempCpuName:=''''; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s1[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s2[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s3[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s4[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s5[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s6[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s7[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s8[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s9[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s10[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s11[i]; for i:=0 to 3 do TempCpuName:=TempCpuName+s12[i]; GetExtendedCpuName:=TempCpuName; end; function TCpuData.GetExtendedL1DCache:word; var L1D,TempL1D:dword; BinArray:array[0..31] of byte; i,p:integer; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000005 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov L1D,ecx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; for i:=0 to 31 do begin BinArray[i]:=L1D mod 2; L1D:=L1D div 2; end; TempL1D:=0; p:=0; for i:=24 to 31 do begin TempL1D:=TempL1D+(BinArray[i]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,p)))); inc(p); end; GetExtendedL1DCache:=TempL1D; end; function TCpuData.GetExtendedL1ICache:word; var L1I,TempL1I:dword; BinArray:array[0..31] of byte; i,p:integer; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000005 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov L1I,edx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; for i:=0 to 31 do begin BinArray[i]:=L1I mod 2; L1I:=L1I div 2; end; TempL1I:=0; p:=0; for i:=24 to 31 do begin TempL1I:=TempL1I+(BinArray[i]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,p)))); inc(p); end; GetExtendedL1ICache:=TempL1I; end; function TCpuData.GetExtendedL2Cache:word; var L2,TempL2:dword; BinArray:array[0..31] of byte; i,p:integer; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,$80000006 mov ebx,0 mov ecx,0 mov edx,0 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov L2,ecx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; for i:=0 to 31 do begin BinArray[i]:=L2 mod 2; L2:=L2 div 2; end; TempL2:=0; p:=0; for i:=16 to 31 do begin TempL2:=TempL2+(BinArray[i]*StrToInt(FloatToStr(Power(2,p)))); inc(p); end; GetExtendedL2Cache:=TempL2; end; function TCpuData.CheckCeleron:Boolean; var BId:byte; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov BId,bl pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckCeleron:=(BId=$1); end; function TCpuData.CheckPentiumIII:Boolean; var BId:byte; begin CheckPentiumIII:=(CheckMMX and CheckSSE); end; function TCpuData.CheckXeon:Boolean; var BId:byte; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov BId,bl pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckXeon:=(BId=$3); end; function TCpuData.CheckPentium4:Boolean; var BId:byte; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov BId,bl pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; CheckPentium4:=(BId=$8); end; function TCpuData.CheckIthanium:Boolean; var res:dword; BinArray:array[0..31] of byte; i:byte; begin asm push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 /// cpuid mov res,edx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax end; for i:=0 to 31 do begin BinArray[i]:=res mod 2; res:=res div 2; end; CheckIthanium:=(CheckPentium4 and (BinArray[30]=1)); end; function TCpuData.IntelP5N:string; begin If CheckMMX then IntelP5N:=''Intel Pentium(r) MMX(tm)'' else IntelP5N:=''Intel Pentium(r)''; end; function TCpuData.IntelP6N:string; begin if CheckCeleron then IntelP6N:=''Intel Celeron(r)'' else if CheckPentiumIII then IntelP6N:=''Intel Pentium(r) III'' else if CheckXeon then IntelP6N:=''Intel Pentium(r) III Xeon(tm)'' else if not CheckMMX then IntelP6N:=''Intel Pentium(r) PRO'' else IntelP6N:=''Intel Pentium(r) II''; end; function TCpuData.AMDK5N:string; var Family,Model,Stepping:byte; begin GetFMS(Family,Model,Stepping); if Model=0 then AMDK5N:=''AMD K5'' else AMDK5N:=GetExtendedCpuName; end; function TCpuData.Cyrix686N:string; begin if CpuData.GetMaxExtendedFunctions>0 then Cyrix686N:=GetExtendedCpuName else if CheckMMX then Cyrix686N:=''VIA Cyrix 6x86MII'' else Cyrix686N:=''VIA Cyrix 6x86''; end; function TCpuData.GenericCpuN:string; var SysInfo:TSystemInfo; begin GetSystemInfo(SysInfo); if SysInfo.dwProcessorType=386 then GenericCpuN:=''Generic 386 CPU'' else if SysInfo.dwProcessorType=486 then GenericCpuN:=''Generic 486 CPU'' else if SysInfo.dwProcessorType=586 then GenericCpuN:=''Pentium Class CPU'' else GenericCpuN:=''Unknown CPU''; end; function TCpuData.P5CacheL1DI:word; begin if CheckMMX then P5CacheL1DI:=16 else P5CacheL1DI:=8; end; function TCpuData.P6CacheL1DI:word; begin if not CheckMMX then P6CacheL1DI:=8 else P6CacheL1DI:=16; end; function TCpuData.P6CacheL2:word; var Family,Model,Stepping:byte; begin if CheckCeleron then P6CacheL2:=128 else if CheckPentiumIII then begin GetFMS(Family,Model,Stepping); if Model=7 then P6CacheL2:=512 else if Model=8 then P6cacheL2:=256 else P6CacheL2:=512; end else if not CheckMMX then P6CacheL2:=512 else P6CacheL2:=512; end; function TCpuData.AuthenticAMD:TCpuRec; var Family,Model,Stepping:byte; EFamily,EModel,EStepping:byte; begin GetFMS(Family,Model,Stepping); If Family=4 then begin AuthenticAMD.Name:=''AMD 486''; AuthenticAMD.Vendor:=GetVendorString; AuthenticAMD.Frequency:=0; AuthenticAMD.Family:=Family; AuthenticAMD.Model:=Model; AuthenticAMD.Stepping:=Stepping; AuthenticAMD.L1DCache:=8; AuthenticAMD.L1ICache:=8; AuthenticAMD.L2Cache:=0; end else if Family=5 then begin if GetMaxExtendedFunctions>4 then begin AuthenticAMD.Name:=GetExtendedCpuName; AuthenticAMD.Vendor:=GetVendorString; AuthenticAMD.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GetExtendedFMS(EFamily,EModel,EStepping); AuthenticAMD.Family:=EFamily; AuthenticAMD.Model:=EModel; AuthenticAMD.Stepping:=EStepping; AuthenticAMD.L1DCache:=GetExtendedL1DCache; AuthenticAMD.L1ICache:=GetExtendedL1ICache; AuthenticAMD.L2Cache:=0; end else begin AuthenticAMD.Name:=AMDK5N; AuthenticAMD.Vendor:=GetVendorString; AuthenticAMD.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; AuthenticAMD.Family:=Family; AuthenticAMD.Model:=Model; AuthenticAMD.Stepping:=Stepping; AuthenticAMD.L1DCache:=16; AuthenticAMD.L1ICache:=16; AuthenticAMD.L2Cache:=0; end; end else if family>5 then begin AuthenticAMD.Name:=GetExtendedCpuName; AuthenticAMD.Name:=GetExtendedCpuName; AuthenticAMD.Vendor:=GetVendorString; AuthenticAMD.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GetExtendedFMS(EFamily,EModel,EStepping); AuthenticAMD.Family:=EFamily; AuthenticAMD.Model:=EModel; AuthenticAMD.Stepping:=EStepping; AuthenticAMD.L1DCache:=GetExtendedL1DCache; AuthenticAMD.L1ICache:=GetExtendedL1ICache; AuthenticAMD.L2Cache:=GetExtendedL2Cache; end; end; function TCpuData.GenuineIntel:TCpuRec; var Family,Model,Stepping:byte; begin GetFMS(Family,Model,Stepping); if Family=4 then begin GenuineIntel.Name:=''Intel 486''; GenuineIntel.Vendor:=GetVendorString; GenuineIntel.Frequency:=0; GenuineIntel.Family:=Family; GenuineIntel.Model:=Model; GenuineIntel.Stepping:=Stepping; GenuineIntel.L1DCache:=8; GenuineIntel.L1ICache:=8; GenuineIntel.L2Cache:=0; end else if Family=5 then begin GenuineIntel.Name:=IntelP5N; GenuineIntel.Vendor:=GetVendorString; GenuineIntel.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GenuineIntel.Family:=Family; GenuineIntel.Model:=Model; GenuineIntel.Stepping:=Stepping; GenuineIntel.L1DCache:=P5CacheL1DI; GenuineIntel.L1ICache:=P5CacheL1DI; GenuineIntel.L2Cache:=0; end else if Family=6 then begin GenuineIntel.Name:=IntelP6N; GenuineIntel.Vendor:=GetVendorString; GenuineIntel.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GenuineIntel.Family:=Family; GenuineIntel.Model:=Model; GenuineIntel.Stepping:=Stepping; GenuineIntel.L1DCache:=P6CacheL1DI; GenuineIntel.L1ICache:=P6CacheL1DI; GenuineIntel.L2Cache:=P6CacheL2; end else if Family=$F then begin if CheckPentium4 then begin GenuineIntel.Name:=''Intel Pentium(r) 4''; GenuineIntel.Vendor:=GetVendorString; GenuineIntel.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GenuineIntel.Family:=32; GenuineIntel.Model:=Model; GenuineIntel.Stepping:=Stepping; GenuineIntel.L1DCache:=8; GenuineIntel.L1ICache:=12; GenuineIntel.L2Cache:=256; end else if CheckIthanium then begin GenuineIntel.Name:=''Intel Ithanium''; GenuineIntel.Vendor:=GetVendorString; GenuineIntel.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GenuineIntel.Family:=64; GenuineIntel.Model:=Model; GenuineIntel.Stepping:=Stepping; GenuineIntel.L1DCache:=0; GenuineIntel.L1ICache:=0; GenuineIntel.L2Cache:=0; end; end; end; function TCpuData.CyrixInstead:TCpuRec; var Family,Model,Stepping:byte; EFamily,EModel,EStepping:byte; begin GetFMS(Family,Model,Stepping); if Family=4 then begin CyrixInstead.Name:=''VIA Cyrix 4x86''; CyrixInstead.Vendor:=GetVendorString; CyrixInstead.Frequency:=0; CyrixInstead.Family:=Family; CyrixInstead.Model:=Model; CyrixInstead.Stepping:=Stepping; CyrixInstead.L1DCache:=8; CyrixInstead.L1ICache:=8; CyrixInstead.L2Cache:=0; end else if Family=5 then begin CyrixInstead.Name:=''VIA Cyrix 5x86''; CyrixInstead.Vendor:=GetVendorString; CyrixInstead.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; CyrixInstead.Family:=Family; CyrixInstead.Model:=Model; CyrixInstead.Stepping:=Stepping; CyrixInstead.L1DCache:=8; CyrixInstead.L1ICache:=8; CyrixInstead.L2Cache:=0; end else begin if GetMaxExtendedFunctions>0 then Begin CyrixInstead.Name:=GetExtendedCpuName; CyrixInstead.Vendor:=GetVendorString; CyrixInstead.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GetExtendedFMS(EFamily,EModel,EStepping); CyrixInstead.Family:=EFamily; CyrixInstead.Model:=EModel; CyrixInstead.Stepping:=EStepping; CyrixInstead.L1DCache:=GetExtendedL1DCache; CyrixInstead.L1ICache:=GetExtendedL1ICache; CyrixInstead.L2Cache:=GetExtendedL2Cache; end else begin CyrixInstead.Name:=Cyrix686N; CyrixInstead.Vendor:=GetVendorString; CyrixInstead.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; CyrixInstead.Family:=Family; CyrixInstead.Model:=Model; CyrixInstead.Stepping:=Stepping; CyrixInstead.L1DCache:=32; CyrixInstead.L1ICache:=32; CyrixInstead.L2Cache:=0; end; end; end; function TCpuData.GenericCPU:TCpuRec; var Family,Model,Stepping:byte; EFamily,EModel,EStepping:byte; begin if not GetCPUIDSupport then begin MessageDlg(''This CPU does not support the CPUID instruction!!!'',mtWarning, [mbOk],0); GenericCPU.Name:=''Unidentified CPU''; GenericCPU.Vendor:=''Unidentified''; GenericCPU.Frequency:=0; GenericCPU.Family:=-1; GenericCPU.Model:=-1; GenericCPU.Stepping:=-1; GenericCPU.L1DCache:=0; GenericCPU.L1ICache:=0; GenericCPU.L2Cache:=0; end else begin GetFMS(Family,Model,Stepping); if GetMaxExtendedFunctions>0 then begin GenericCPU.Name:=GetExtendedCPUName; GenericCPU.Vendor:=GetVendorString; GenericCPU.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; CpuData.GetExtendedFMS(EFamily,EModel,EStepping); GenericCPU.Family:=EFamily; GenericCPU.Model:=EFamily; GenericCPU.Stepping:=EStepping; GenericCPU.L1DCache:=GetExtendedL1DCache; GenericCPU.L1ICache:=GetExtendedL1ICache; GenericCPU.L2Cache:=GetExtendedL2Cache; end else begin GenericCPU.Name:=GenericCpuN; GenericCPU.Vendor:=GetVendorString; if Family<=4 then GenericCPU.Frequency:=0 else GenericCPU.Frequency:=GetCPUFrequency; GenericCPU.Family:=Family; GenericCPU.Model:=Model; GenericCPU.Stepping:=Stepping; GenericCPU.L1DCache:=0; GenericCPU.L1ICache:=0; GenericCPU.L2Cache:=0; end; end; end; end.
Взято из https://forum.sources.ru
Как узнать тип процессора (через реестр)?
function CPUType: string; var Reg: TRegistry; begin CPUType := ''; Reg := TRegistry.Create; try Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if Reg.OpenKey('\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0', False) then CPUType := Reg.ReadString('Identifier'); finally Reg.Free; end; end;
Источник: https://community.borland.com
Прислал p0sol
unit ExpandCPUInfo; interface type TCPUInfo = packed record IDString : array [0..11] of Char; Stepping : Integer; Model : Integer; Family : Integer; FPU, VirtualModeExtensions, DebuggingExtensions, PageSizeExtensions, TimeStampCounter, K86ModelSpecificRegisters, MachineCheckException, CMPXCHG8B, APIC, MemoryTypeRangeRegisters, GlobalPagingExtension, ConditionalMoveInstruction, MMX : Boolean; SYSCALLandSYSRET, FPConditionalMoveInstruction, AMD3DNow : Boolean; CPUName : String; end; {информация об идентификации процессора} function ExistCPUID:Boolean; function CPUIDInfo(out info: TCPUInfo):Boolean; {инф-я о технологии процессора} function ExistMMX:Boolean; function Exist3DNow:Boolean; function ExistKNI:Boolean; {------------------------} procedure EMMS; procedure FEMMS; procedure PREFETCH(p: Pointer); register; implementation function ExistCPUID : Boolean; asm pushfd pop eax mov ebx, eax xor eax, 00200000h push eax popfd pushfd pop ecx mov eax,0 cmp ecx, ebx jz @NO_CPUID inc eax @NO_CPUID: end; function CPUIDInfo(out info: TCPUIDInfo):Boolean; function ExistExtendedCPUIDFunctions:Boolean; asm mov eax,080000000h db $0F,$A2 end; var name : array [0..47] of Char; p : Pointer; begin if ExistCPUID then asm jmp @Start @BitLoop: mov al,dl and al,1 mov [edi],al shr edx,1 inc edi loop @BitLoop ret @Start: mov edi,info mov eax,0 db $0F,$A2 mov [edi],ebx mov [edi+4],edx mov [edi+8],ecx mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 mov ebx,eax and eax,0fh; mov [edi+12],eax; shr ebx,4 mov eax,ebx and eax,0fh mov [edi+12+4],eax shr ebx,4 mov eax,ebx and eax,0fh mov [edi+12+8],eax add edi,24 mov ecx,6 call @BitLoop shr edx,1 mov ecx,3 call @BitLoop shr edx,2 mov ecx,2 call @BitLoop shr edx,1 mov ecx,1 call @BitLoop shr edx,7 mov ecx,1 call @BitLoop mov p,edi end; if (info.IDString = 'AuthenticAMD') and ExistExtendedCPUIDFunctions then begin asm mov edi,p mov eax,080000001h db $0F,$A2 mov eax,edx shr eax,11 and al,1 mov [edi],al mov eax,edx shr eax,16 and al,1 mov [edi+1],al mov eax,edx shr eax,31 and al,1 mov [edi+2],al lea edi,name mov eax,0 mov [edi],eax mov eax,080000000h db $0F,$A2 cmp eax,080000004h jl @NoString mov eax,080000002h db $0F,$A2 mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],ebx mov [edi+8],ecx mov [edi+12],edx add edi,16 mov eax,080000003h db $0F,$A2 mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],ebx mov [edi+8],ecx mov [edi+12],edx add edi,16 mov eax,080000004h db $0F,$A2 mov [edi],eax mov [edi+4],ebx mov [edi+8],ecx mov [edi+12],edx @NoString: end; info.CPUName:=name; end else with info do begin SYSCALLandSYSRET:=False; FPConditionalMoveInstruction:=False; AMD3DNow:=False; CPUName:=''; end; Result:=ExistCPUID; end; function ExistMMX:Boolean; var info : TCPUIDInfo; begin if CPUIDInfo(info) then Result:=info.MMX else Result:=False; end; function Exist3DNow:Boolean; var info : TCPUIDInfo; begin if CPUIDInfo(info) then Result:=info.AMD3DNow else Result:=False; end; function ExistKNI:Boolean; begin Result:=False; end; procedure EMMS; asm db $0F,$77 end; procedure FEMMS; asm db $0F,$03 end; procedure PREFETCH(p: Pointer); register; asm // PREFETCH byte ptr [eax] end; end.
Взято с https://delphiworld.narod.ru
//Sometimes u need to know some information about the CPU //like: brand id, factory speed, wich instruction set supported etc. //If so, than u can use this code. //2002 by -=LTi=- unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type Tfrm_main = class(TForm) img_info: TImage; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure info(s1, s2: string); end; var frm_main: Tfrm_main; gn_speed_y: Integer; gn_text_y: Integer; const gn_speed_x: Integer = 8; gn_text_x: Integer = 15; gl_start: Boolean = True; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure Tfrm_main.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var _eax, _ebx, _ecx, _edx: Longword; i: Integer; b: Byte; b1: Word; s, s1, s2, s3, s_all: string; begin //Set the startup colour of the image img_info.Canvas.Brush.Color := clblue; img_info.Canvas.FillRect(rect(0, 0, img_info.Width, img_info.Height)); gn_text_y := 5; //position of the 1st text asm //asm call to the CPUID inst. mov eax,0 //sub. func call db $0F,$A2 //db $0F,$A2 = CPUID instruction mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; for i := 0 to 3 do //extract vendor id begin b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1:= s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2:= s2 + chr(b); _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; info('CPU', ''); info(' - ' + 'Vendor ID: ', s + s2 + s1); asm mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; //06B1 //|0000| |0000 0000| |0000| |00| |00| |0110| |1011| |0001| b := lo(_eax) and 15; info(' - ' + 'Stepping ID: ', IntToStr(b)); b := lo(_eax) shr 4; info(' - ' + 'Model Number: ', IntToHex(b, 1)); b := hi(_eax) and 15; info(' - ' + 'Family Code: ', IntToStr(b)); b := hi(_eax) shr 4; info(' - ' + 'Processor Type: ', IntToStr(b)); //31. 28. 27. 24. 23. 20. 19. 16. // 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b := lo((_eax shr 16)) and 15; info(' - ' + 'Extended Model: ', IntToStr(b)); b := lo((_eax shr 20)); info(' - ' + 'Extended Family: ', IntToStr(b)); b := lo(_ebx); info(' - ' + 'Brand ID: ', IntToStr(b)); b := hi(_ebx); info(' - ' + 'Chunks: ', IntToStr(b)); b := lo(_ebx shr 16); info(' - ' + 'Count: ', IntToStr(b)); b := hi(_ebx shr 16); info(' - ' + 'APIC ID: ', IntToStr(b)); //Bit 18 =? 1 //is serial number enabled? if (_edx and $40000) = $40000 then info(' - ' + 'Serial Number ', 'Enabled') else info(' - ' + 'Serial Number ', 'Disabled'); s := IntToHex(_eax, 8); asm //determine the serial number mov eax,3 db $0F,$A2 mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s1 := IntToHex(_edx, 8); s2 := IntToHex(_ecx, 8); Insert('-', s, 5); Insert('-', s1, 5); Insert('-', s2, 5); info(' - ' + 'Serial Number: ', s + '-' + s1 + '-' + s2); asm mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 mov _edx,edx end; info('', ''); //Bit 23 =? 1 if (_edx and $800000) = $800000 then info('MMX ', 'Supported') else info('MMX ', 'Not Supported'); //Bit 24 =? 1 if (_edx and $01000000) = $01000000 then info('FXSAVE & FXRSTOR Instructions ', 'Supported') else info('FXSAVE & FXRSTOR Instructions Not ', 'Supported'); //Bit 25 =? 1 if (_edx and $02000000) = $02000000 then info('SSE ', 'Supported') else info('SSE ', 'Not Supported'); //Bit 26 =? 1 if (_edx and $04000000) = $04000000 then info('SSE2 ', 'Supported') else info('SSE2 ', 'Not Supported'); info('', ''); asm //execute the extended CPUID inst. mov eax,$80000000 //sub. func call db $0F,$A2 mov _eax,eax end; if _eax > $80000000 then //any other sub. funct avail. ? begin info('Extended CPUID: ', 'Supported'); info(' - Largest Function Supported: ', IntToStr(_eax - $80000000)); asm //get brand ID mov eax,$80000002 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3:= s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; s_all := s3 + s + s1 + s2; asm mov eax,$80000003 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3 := s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; s_all := s_all + s3 + s + s1 + s2; asm mov eax,$80000004 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3 := s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; info('Brand String: ', ''); if s2[Length(s2)] = #0 then setlength(s2, Length(s2) - 1); info('', ' - ' + s_all + s3 + s + s1 + s2); end else info(' - Extended CPUID ', 'Not Supported.'); end; procedure Tfrm_main.info(s1, s2: string); begin if s1 <> '' then begin img_info.Canvas.Brush.Color := clblue; img_info.Canvas.Font.Color := clyellow; img_info.Canvas.TextOut(gn_text_x, gn_text_y, s1); end; if s2 <> '' then begin img_info.Canvas.Brush.Color := clblue; img_info.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite; img_info.Canvas.TextOut(gn_text_x + img_info.Canvas.TextWidth(s1), gn_text_y, s2); end; Inc(gn_text_y, 13); end; end.
Взято с сайта: https://www.swissdelphicenter.ch
function GetProcessorType: integer; {Определение типа процессора. Функция возвращает следующие значения, определенные в модуле Windows: PROCESSOR_INTEL_386 PROCESSOR_INTEL_486 PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM PROCESSOR_MIPS_R4000 - Windows NT only PROCESSOR_ALPHA_21064 - Windows NT only} var sysInfo: TSystemInfo; begin GetSystemInfo(sysInfo); Result := sysInfo.dwProcessorType; end;
DelphiWorld 6.0