Unit с полезными функциями для работы с процессами
{ **** UBPFD *********** by kladovka.net.ru **** >> Unit с полезными функциями для работы с процессами Этот Unit содержит полезные функции для работы с процессами. Взять информацию о данном процессе, обо всех процессах, убить процесс, и т.д. Полезна при создании системных приложений под Win32. Надо хорошо оттестировать этот Unit. Зависимости: windows, PSAPI, TlHelp32, SysUtils; Автор: Alex Kantchev, stoma@bitex.bg Copyright: Моя разработка, некоторые функции базируются на примере в MSDN jan 2000 Collection Дата: 5 июня 2002 г. ********************************************** } unit ProcUtilz; interface uses windows, PSAPI, TlHelp32, SysUtils; type TLpModuleInfo = packed record ModuleInfo:LPMODULEINFO; ModulePID: Cardinal; ModuleName: String; end; type TLpModuleInfoArray = Array of TLpModuleInfo; function RegisterServiceProcess(dwProcessID, dwType: Integer): Integer; stdcall; external 'KERNEL32.DLL'; function DisplayProcessInThreeFingerSalute(PID:Integer; Disp:Boolean):Boolean; function TakeProcessID (WindowTitle:String):Integer; function GetCurrAppPID:Integer; function GetAllProcessesInfo(ExtractFullPath: Boolean = false):TLpModuleInfoArray; function ExtractExeFromModName(ModuleName: String):String; function TerminateTask(PID:integer):integer; implementation //Wziat PID na danoi process ot nego window title function TakeProcessID(WindowTitle:String):Integer; var WH:THandle; begin result := 0; WH := FindWindow (nil , pchar(WindowTitle)); IF WH <> 0 then GetWindowThreadProcessID(WH, @Result); end; //Wziat PID na tekuchii process function GetCurrAppPID:Integer; begin GetCurrAppPID := GetCurrentProcessID; end; //Pokzat process s PID v task menagera Windows 9X //WNIMANIE: Rabotaet tolko pod Win9x !!!! function DisplayProcessInThreeFingerSalute(PID:Integer; Disp:Boolean):Boolean; begin result := false; if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS then begin try IF Disp=True then RegisterServiceProcess(PID, 0) else RegisterServiceProcess(PID, 1); except result := false; end; end; DisplayProcessInThreeFingerSalute := result; end; //Ostanavlivaet rabotu procesa. Ne rabotaet so WinNT //serviznae processi. function TerminateTask(PID:integer):integer; var process_handle:integer; lpExitCode:Cardinal; begin process_handle:=openprocess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,true,pid); GetExitCodeProcess(process_handle,lpExitCode); if (process_handle = 0) then TerminateTask := GetLastError else if terminateprocess(process_handle,lpExitCode) then begin TerminateTask:=0; CloseHandle(process_handle); end else begin TerminateTask := GetLastError; CloseHandle(process_handle); end; end; //Wziat informacia ob processse po ego PID //Testirano pod WinNT. function GetProcessInfo(PID: WORD):LPMODULEINFO; var RetVal: LPMODULEINFO; hProc: DWORD; hMod: HMODULE; cm:cardinal; begin hProc := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ,false, PID); GetMem(RetVal,sizeOf(LPMODULEINFO)); if not(hProc = 0) then begin EnumProcessModules(hProc, @hMod, 4, cm); GetModuleInformation(hProc,hMod,RetVal,SizeOf(RetVal)); end; GetProcessInfo := RetVal; end; //Wziat executable processa ot ego polnai put function ExtractExeFromModName(ModuleName: String):String; begin ExtractExeFromModName := Copy(ModuleName,LastDelimiter('\',ModuleName)+1,Length(ModuleName));; end; //Wziat informacia ob wse processi rabotaushtie w tekuchii //moment. Testirano pod WinNT function GetAllProcessesInfo(ExtractFullPath: Boolean = false):TLpModuleInfoArray; var ProcList: Array [0..$FFF] of DWORD; RetVal: TLpModuleInfoArray; ProcCnt: Cardinal; I,MaxCnt: WORD; ModName:array[0..max_path] of char; ph,mh: THandle; cm: Cardinal; SnapShot:THandle; ProcEntry:TProcessEntry32; RetValLength,CVal: WORD; ModInfo:LPMODULEINFO; begin //case the platform is Win9X if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS then begin GetMem(ModInfo,SizeOf(LPMODULEINFO)); SnapShot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(th32cs_snapprocess, 0); RetValLength := 0; CVal := 0; if not integer(SnapShot)=-1 then begin ProcEntry.dwSize:=sizeof(TProcessEntry32); if Process32First(SnapShot, ProcEntry) then repeat //get the size of out array Inc(RetValLength); until not Process32Next(SnapShot, ProcEntry); //set the size of the output array SetLength(RetVal,RetValLength); //iterate through processes and get their info if Process32First(SnapShot, ProcEntry) then repeat begin Inc(CVal); ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll := nil; ModInfo.SizeOfImage := ProcEntry.dwSize; ModInfo.EntryPoint := nil; RetVal[CVal].ModuleInfo := ModInfo; RetVal[CVal].ModulePID := ProcEntry.th32ProcessID; if (ExtractFullPath) then RetVal[CVal].ModuleName := string(ProcEntry.szExeFile) else RetVal[CVal].ModuleName := ExtractExeFromModName(string(ProcEntry.szExeFile)); ModInfo := nil; end; until not Process32Next(SnapShot, ProcEntry); end; end //case the platform is WinNT/2K/XP else begin EnumProcesses(@ProcList,sizeof(ProcList),ProcCnt); MaxCnt := ProcCnt div 4; SetLength(RetVal,MaxCnt); //iterate through processes and get their info for i := Low(RetVal) to High(RetVal) do begin //Check for reserved PIDs if ProcList[i] = 0 then begin RetVal[i].ModuleName := 'System Idle Process'; RetVal[i].ModulePID := 0; RetVal[i].ModuleInfo := ProcUtilz.GetProcessInfo(i); end else if ProcList[i] = 8 then begin RetVal[i].ModuleName := 'System'; RetVal[i].ModulePID := 8; RetVal[i].ModuleInfo := ProcUtilz.GetProcessInfo(i); end //Gather info about all processes else begin RetVal[i].ModulePID := ProcList[i]; RetVal[i].ModuleInfo := GetProcessInfo(ProcList[i]); //get module name ph:=OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ,false, ProcList[i]); if ph>0 then begin EnumProcessModules(ph, @mh, 4, cm); GetModuleFileNameEx(ph, mh, ModName, sizeof(ModName)); if (ExtractFullPath) then RetVal[i].ModuleName := string(ModName) else RetVal[i].ModuleName := ExtractExeFromModName(string(ModName)); end else RetVal[i].ModuleName := 'UNKNOWN'; CloseHandle(ph); end; end; end; //return the array of LPMODULEINFO structz GetAllProcessesInfo := RetVal; end; end.
Пример использования:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; PC: WORD; begin ListBox1.Clear; ProcArr := TLpModuleInfoArray(ProcUtilz.GetAllProcessesInfo); PC := 0; for i := Low(ProcArr) to High(ProcArr) do begin ListBox1.Items.Add('Process Name: '+ProcArr[i].ModuleName+' : Proccess ID '+IntToStr(ProcArr[i].ModulePID)+' : Image Size: '+IntToStr( ProcArr[i].ModuleInfo.SizeOfImage)); Inc(PC); end; ListBox1.Items.Add('Total process count: '+IntToStr(PC)); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var EC: Integer; begin EC := ProcUtilz.TerminateTask(ProcArr[ListBox1.ItemIndex].ModulePID); if EC=0 then MessageDlg('Task terminated successfully!',mtInformation,[mbOK],0) else MessageDlg('Unable to terminate task! GetLastError() returned: '+IntToStr(EC),mtWarning,[mbOK],0); Button1Click(Sender); end;