Delphi Russian Knowledge Base
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Как изменить кодовую страницу шрифта принтера?

uses Sysutils, Printers;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Dosya: TextFile
  with Printer do
    Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Courier New';
    Printer.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
    Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := 18;
    //****for Turkish special characters
    Writeln(Dosya, '?ьi??ц?');
    //****set Font CharSet to Turkish(162)
    Printer.Canvas.Font.Charset := 162;
    Writeln(Dosya, '?ьi??ц?');
The following table lists the predefined constants provided for standard character sets: 
  TFontCharset = 0..255;

Constant Value Description

ANSI_CHARSET 0 ANSI characters.

DEFAULT_CHARSET 1 Font is chosen based solely on Name and Size. If the described font is not available on the system, Windows will substitute another font.

SYMBOL_CHARSET 2 Standard symbol set.

MAC_CHARSET 77 Macintosh characters. Not available on NT 3.51.

SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 128 Japanese shift-jis characters.

HANGEUL_CHARSET 129 Korean characters (Wansung).

JOHAB_CHARSET 130 Korean characters (Johab). Not available on NT 3.51

GB2312_CHARSET 134 Simplified Chinese characters (mainland china).

CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 136 Traditional Chinese characters (taiwanese).

GREEK_CHARSET 161 Greek characters. Not available on NT 3.51.

TURKISH_CHARSET 162 Turkish characters. Not available on NT 3.51

VIETNAMESE_CHARSET 163 Vietnamese characters. Not available on NT 3.51.

HEBREW_CHARSET 177 Hebrew characters. Not available on NT 3.51

ARABIC_CHARSET 178 Arabic characters. Not available on NT 3.51

BALTIC_CHARSET 186 Baltic characters. Not available on NT 3.51.

RUSSIAN_CHARSET 204 Cyrillic characters. Not available on NT 3.51.

THAI_CHARSET 222 Thai characters. Not available on NT 3.51

EASTEUROPE_CHARSET 238 Includes diacritical marks for eastern european countries. Not available on NT 3.51.

OEM_CHARSET 255 Depends on the codepage of the operating system.

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