Как получить размер физической установленной памяти?
uses Windows, SysUtils; function DisplayRam: string; var Info: TMemoryStatus; begin Info.dwLength := SizeOf(TMemoryStatus); GlobalMemoryStatus(Info); Result := Format('%d MB RAM', [(Info.dwTotalPhys shr 20) + 1]); end;
function Physmem: string; var MemStat: TMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := sizeof(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); result := inttoStr(memstat.dwTotalPhys div 1024); end; function PhysmemFree: string; var MemStat: TMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := sizeof(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); result := inttoStr(memstat.dwAvailPhys div 1024); end; function MemLoad: string; var MemStat: TMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := sizeof(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); result := inttoStr(memstat.dwMemoryLoad); end; function TotalPageFile: string; var MemStat: TMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := sizeof(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); result := inttoStr(memstat.dwTotalPageFile div 1024); end; function AvailPageFile: string; var MemStat: TMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := sizeof(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); result := inttoStr(memstat.dwAvailPageFile div 1024); end; function VirTotPageFile: string; var MemStat: TMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := sizeof(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); result := inttoStr(memstat.dwTotalVirtual div 1024); end; function AvailVir: string; var MemStat: TMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := sizeof(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); result := inttoStr(memstat.dwAvailVirtual div 1024); end;
uses Windows; function TMyApp.GlobalMemoryStatus(Index: Integer): Integer; var MemoryStatus: TMemoryStatus begin with MemoryStatus do begin dwLength := SizeOf(TMemoryStatus); Windows.GlobalMemoryStatus(MemoryStatus); case Index of 1: Result := dwMemoryLoad; 2: Result := dwTotalPhys div 1024; 3: Result := dwAvailPhys div 1024; 4: Result := dwTotalPageFile div 1024; 5: Result := dwAvailPageFile div 1024; 6: Result := dwTotalVirtual div 1024; 7: Result := dwAvailVirtual div 1024; else Result := 0; end; end; end;
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