Сохранение изображения экрана в файле
На форме у меня стоит TImage (его можно сделать невидимым)
var Dwh : HWND; DRect: TRect; DescDC: HDC; Canv: TCanvas; i: TJPEGImage; begin try i := TJPEGImage.create; try Canv := TCanvas.Create(); i.CompressionQuality := 100; image.Width := screen.width; image.height := screen.height; DWH := GetDesktopWindow; GetWindowRect(DWH, DRect); DescDC := GetDeviceContext(DWH); Canv.Handle := DescDC; DRect.Left := 0; DRect.Top := 0; DRect.Right := screen.Width; DRect.Bottom := screen.Height; Image.Canvas.CopyRect(DRect, Canv, DRect); i.assign(Image.Picture.Bitmap); I.SaveToFile('M:\MyFile.jpg'); Canv.free; finally i.free; end; except end;
program ScrShop; uses Windows; procedure ApiScrCapture(FileName: String); type TScr = array [0..1] of Byte; PScr = ^TScr; var hBmp : hBitmap; DeskDC : hDC; DC : hDC; BFH : BITMAPFILEHEADER; BIH : tagBITMAPINFO; ScrX, ScrY : Integer; F : File; ScrSize : Cardinal; Bits : PScr; begin SCRX := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); SCRY := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); ScrSize := ScrX * ScrY * 3; GetMem(Bits, ScrSize); DeskDC := GetDC(0); hBmp := CreateCompatibleBitmap(DeskDC, ScrX, ScrY); DC := CreateCompatibleDC(DeskDC); SelectObject(DC, hbmp); BitBlt(DC, 0, 0, SCRX, SCRY, DeskDC, 0, 0, SrcCopy); with BFH do begin bfType := $4D42; bfSize := SCRX * SCRY * 3 + SizeOf(BFH) + SizeOf(BIH); bfReserved1 := 0; bfReserved2 := 0; bfOffBits := SizeOf(BFH) + SizeOf(BIH); end; with BIH.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeof(BIH); biWidth := SCRX; biHeight := SCRY; biPlanes := 1; biBitCount := 24; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := ScrSize; biClrImportant := 0; end; GetDiBits(DC, hbmp, 0, SCRY, Bits, BIH, DIB_RGB_COLORS); DeleteObject(hbmp); AssignFile(F, FileName); Rewrite(F, 1); Blockwrite(F, BFH, SizeOf(BFH)); Blockwrite(F, BIH, SizeOf(BIH)); Blockwrite(F, bits^, ScrSize); CloseFile(F); FreeMem(Bits); end; begin ApiScrCapture('1.bmp'); end.
Автор: Arazel
Взято из https://forum.sources.ru
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var DC: HDC; Canva: TCanvas; B: TBitmap; begin Canva := TCanvas.Create; B := TBitmap.Create; DC := GetDC(0); try Canva.Handle := DC; with Screen do begin B.Width := Width; B.Height := Height; B.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), Canva, Rect(0, 0, Width, Height)); B.SaveToFile('c:\Мои документы\screentofile.bmp'); end finally ReleaseDC(0, DC); B.Free; Canva.Free end end;
DelphiWorld 6.0