Сортировка StringGrid
Procedure GridSort(StrGrid: TStringGrid; NoColumn: Integer); Var Line, PosActual: Integer; Row: TStrings; begin Renglon := TStringList.Create; For Line := 1 to StrGrid.RowCount-1 do Begin PosActual := Line; Row.Assign(TStringlist(StrGrid.Rows[PosActual])); While True do Begin If (PosActual = 0) Or (StrToInt(Row.Strings[NoColumn-1]) >= StrToInt(StrGrid.Cells[NoColumn-1,PosActual-1])) then Break; StrGrid.Rows[PosActual] := StrGrid.Rows[PosActual-1]; Dec(PosActual); End; If StrToInt(Row.Strings[NoColumn-1]) < StrToInt(StrGrid.Cells[NoColumn-1,PosActual]) then StrGrid.Rows[PosActual] := Row; End; Renglon.Free; end;
type TStringGridExSortType = (srtAlpha,srtInteger,srtDouble); procedure GridSort(SG : TStringGrid; ByColNumber,FromRow,ToRow : integer; SortType : TStringGridExSortType = srtAlpha); var Temp : TStringList; function SortStr(Line : string) : string; var RetVar : string; begin case SortType of srtAlpha : Retvar := Line; srtInteger : Retvar := FormatFloat('000000000',StrToIntDef(trim(Line),0)); srtDouble : try Retvar := FormatFloat('000000000.000000',StrToFloat(trim(Line))); except RetVar := '0.00'; end; end; Result := RetVar; end; // Рекурсивный QuickSort procedure QuickSort(Lo,Hi : integer; CC : TStrings); procedure Sort(l,r: integer); var i,j : integer; x : string; begin i := l; j := r; x := SortStr(CC[(l+r) DIV 2]); repeat while SortStr(CC[i]) < x do inc(i); while x < SortStr(CC[j]) do dec(j); if i <= j then begin Temp.Assign(SG.Rows[j]); // Меняем местами 2 строки SG.Rows[j].Assign(SG.Rows[i]); SG.Rows[i].Assign(Temp); inc(i); dec(j); end; until i > j; if l < j then sort(l,j); if i < r then sort(i,r); end; begin {quicksort}; Sort(Lo,Hi); end; begin Temp := TStringList.Create; QuickSort(FromRow,ToRow,SG.Cols[ByColNumber]); Temp.Free; end;
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Сортировка по клику на заголовке столбца
type TMoveSG = class(TCustomGrid); // reveals protected MoveRow procedure {...} procedure SortGridByCols(Grid: TStringGrid; ColOrder: array of Integer); var i, j: Integer; Sorted: Boolean; function Sort(Row1, Row2: Integer): Integer; var C: Integer; begin C := 0; Result := AnsiCompareStr(Grid.Cols[ColOrder[C]][Row1], Grid.Cols[ColOrder[C]][Row2]); if Result = 0 then begin Inc(C); while (C <= High(ColOrder)) and (Result = 0) do begin Result := AnsiCompareStr(Grid.Cols[ColOrder[C]][Row1], Grid.Cols[ColOrder[C]][Row2]); Inc(C); end; end; end; begin if SizeOf(ColOrder) div SizeOf(i) <> Grid.ColCount then Exit; for i := 0 to High(ColOrder) do if (ColOrder[i] < 0) or (ColOrder[i] >= Grid.ColCount) then Exit; j := 0; Sorted := False; repeat Inc(j); with Grid do for i := 0 to RowCount - 2 do if Sort(i, i + 1) > 0 then begin TMoveSG(Grid).MoveRow(i + 1, i); Sorted := False; end; until Sorted or (j = 1000); Grid.Repaint; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin { Sort rows based on the contents of two or more columns. Sorts first by column 1. If there are duplicate values in column 1, the next sort column is column 2 and so on...} SortGridByCols(StringGrid1, [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]); end;
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procedure SortStringGrid(var GenStrGrid: TStringGrid; ThatCol: Integer); const // Define the Separator TheSeparator = '@'; var CountItem, I, J, K, ThePosition: integer; MyList: TStringList; MyString, TempString: string; begin // Give the number of rows in the StringGrid CountItem := GenStrGrid.RowCount; //Create the List MyList := TStringList.Create; MyList.Sorted := False; try begin for I := 1 to (CountItem - 1) do MyList.Add(GenStrGrid.Rows[I].Strings[ThatCol] + TheSeparator + GenStrGrid.Rows[I].Text); //Sort the List Mylist.Sort; for K := 1 to Mylist.Count do begin //Take the String of the line (K – 1) MyString := MyList.Strings[(K - 1)]; //Find the position of the Separator in the String ThePosition := Pos(TheSeparator, MyString); TempString := ''; {Eliminate the Text of the column on which we have sorted the StringGrid} TempString := Copy(MyString, (ThePosition + 1), Length(MyString)); MyList.Strings[(K - 1)] := ''; MyList.Strings[(K - 1)] := TempString; end; // Refill the StringGrid for J := 1 to (CountItem - 1) do GenStrGrid.Rows[J].Text := MyList.Strings[(J - 1)]; end; finally //Free the List MyList.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Sort the StringGrid1 on the second Column // StringGrid1 nach der 1. Spalte sortieren SortStringGrid(StringGrid1, 1); end;
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unit olimp_; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Tabl: TStringGrid; Button1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin tabl.Cells[0, 0] := 'Страна'; tabl.Cells[1, 0] := 'Золотых'; tabl.Cells[2, 0] := 'Серебряных'; tabl.Cells[3, 0] := 'Бронзовых'; tabl.Cells[4, 0] := 'Всего'; tabl.Cells[5, 0] := 'Баллов'; tabl.Cells[0, 1] := 'Австралия'; tabl.Cells[0, 2] := 'Белоруссия'; tabl.Cells[0, 3] := 'Великобритания'; tabl.Cells[0, 4] := 'Германия'; tabl.Cells[0, 5] := 'Италия'; tabl.Cells[0, 6] := 'Китай'; tabl.Cells[0, 7] := 'Корея'; tabl.Cells[0, 8] := 'Куба'; tabl.Cells[0, 9] := 'Нидерланды'; tabl.Cells[0, 10] := 'Россия'; tabl.Cells[0, 11] := 'США'; tabl.Cells[0, 12] := 'Франция'; tabl.Cells[0, 13] := 'Япония'; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var c, r: integer; // номер колонки и строки таблицы s: integer; // всего медалей у команды p: integer; // очков у команды m: integer; // номер строки с максимальным количеством очков buf: array[0..5] of string; // буфер для обмена строк i: integer; // номер строки используется во время сортировки begin for r := 1 to tabl.rowcount do // обработать все строки begin s := 0; // вычисляем общее кол-во медалей for c := 1 to 3 do if tabl.cells[c, r] <> '' then s := s + StrToInt(tabl.cells[c, r]) else tabl.cells[c, r] := '0'; // вычисляем количество очков p := 7 * StrToInt(tabl.cells[1, r]) + 6 * StrToInt(tabl.cells[2, r]) + 5 * StrToInt(tabl.cells[3, r]); // вывод результата tabl.cells[4, r] := IntToStr(s); // всего медалей tabl.cells[5, r] := IntToStr(p); // очков end; // сортировка таблицы по убыванию в соответствие // с количеством баллов (по содержимому 5-ого столбца) // сортировка методом выбора for r := 1 to tabl.rowcount - 1 do begin m := r; // максимальный элемент - в r-ой строке for i := r to tabl.rowcount - 1 do if StrToInt(tabl.cells[5, i]) > StrToInt(tabl.cells[5, m]) then m := i; if r <> m then begin // обменяем r-ую и m-ую строки таблицы for c := 0 to 5 do begin buf[c] := tabl.Cells[c, r]; tabl.Cells[c, r] := tabl.Cells[c, m]; tabl.Cells[c, m] := buf[c]; end; end; end; end; end.https://delphiworld.narod.ru/
DelphiWorld 6.0
program H; uses WinCrt, SysUtils; const min = 10; max = 13; maxHeap = 1 shl max; type heap = array [1..maxHeap] of integer; heapBase = ^heap; var currentSize, heapSize: integer; A: heapBase; procedure SwapInts (var a, b: integer); var t: integer; begin t := a; a := b; b := t end; procedure InitHeap (size: integer); var i: integer; begin heapSize := size; currentSize := size; Randomize; for i := 1 to size do A^[i] := Random(size) + 1; end; procedure Heapify (i: integer); var left, right, largest: integer; begin largest := i; left := 2 * i; right := left + 1; if left <= heapSize then if A^[left] > A^[i] then largest := left; if right <= heapSize then if A^[right] > A^[largest] then largest := right; if largest <> i then begin SwapInts (A^[largest], A^[i]); Heapify (largest) end end; procedure BuildHeap; var i: integer; begin for i := heapSize div 2 downto 1 do Heapify (i) end; procedure HeapSort; var i: integer; begin BuildHeap; for i := currentSize downto 2 do begin SwapInts (A^[i], A^[1]); dec (heapSize); Heapify (1) end end; type TAvgTimes = array [min..max] of TDateTime; var sTime, eTime, tTime: TDateTime; i, idx, size: integer; avgTimes: TAvgTimes; begin tTime := 0; i := min; size := 1 shl min; new (A); while i <= max do begin for idx := 1 to 10 do begin InitHeap (size); sTime := Time; HeapSort; eTime := Time; tTime := tTime + (eTime - sTime) end; avgTimes[i] := tTime / 10.0; inc (i); size := size shl 1; end; end.https://delphiworld.narod.ru/
DelphiWorld 6.0