Как показать оставшееся время до конца?
Procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); Var TheLength,Posi,SummaMin,SummaSec: Integer; begin //Progress Bar to check if the track is playing if Progress.Max<>0 then Begin Progress.Position := Mediaplayer1.Position; //Gets the length of the selected track TheLength := Mediaplayer1.TrackLength[ListBox1.ItemIndex]; //gets the current position of the track Posi := Mediaplayer1.Position; //Caculates Minutes SummaMin := ((TheLength - Posi) div 1000) Div 60; //Calculates Seconds SummaSec := ((TheLength - Posi) Div 1000) Mod 60; //Adds zero if Seconds are less then ten If SummaSec < 10 Then Label2.Caption := '0' + IntToStr(SummaSec) Else Label2.Caption := IntToStr(SummaSec); //Minutes Label1.Caption := IntToStr(SummaMin); End;
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