Как узнать IP клиента и IP сервера для активного RAS-подключения?
uses Ras, RasError; type TRASIP = record dwSize: DWORD; dwError: DWORD; szIpAddress: packed array[0..RAS_MaxIpAddress] of AnsiChar; szServerIpAddress: packed array[0..RAS_MaxIpAddress] of AnsiChar; end; procedure GetDialUpIpAddress(var server, client: string); var RASPppIp: TRASIP; lpcp: DWORD; ConnClientIP: array[0..RAS_MaxIpAddress] of Char; ConnServerIP: array[0..RAS_MaxIpAddress] of Char; Entries: PRasConn; BufSize, NumberOfEntries, Res: DWORD; RasConnHandle: THRasConn; begin New(Entries); BufSize := Sizeof(Entries^); ZeroMemory(Entries, BufSize); Entries^.dwSize := Sizeof(Entries^); Res := RasEnumConnections(Entries, BufSize, NumberOfEntries); if Res = ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL then begin ReallocMem(Entries, BufSize); ZeroMemory(Entries, BufSize); Entries^.dwSize := Sizeof(Entries^); Res := RasEnumConnections(Entries, BufSize, NumberOfEntries); end; try if (Res = 0) and (NumberOfEntries > 0) then RasConnHandle := Entries.hrasconn else exit finally FreeMem(Entries); end; FillChar(RASPppIp, SizeOf(RASPppIp), 0); RASPppIp.dwSize := SizeOf(RASPppIp); lpcp := RASPppIp.dwSize; if RasGetProjectionInfo(RasConnHandle, RASP_PppIp, @RasPppIp, lpcp) = 0 then begin Move(RASPppIp.szServerIpAddress, ConnServerIP, SizeOf(ConnServerIP)); Server := ConnServerIP; Move(RASPppIp.szIpAddress, ConnClientIP, SizeOf(ConnClientIP)); client := ConnClientIP; end; end;
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