Как найти все комьютеры в сети?
unit FindComp; interface uses Windows, Classes; function FindComputers: DWORD; var Computers: TStringList; implementation uses SysUtils; const MaxEntries = 250; function FindComputers: DWORD; var EnumWorkGroupHandle, EnumComputerHandle: THandle; EnumError: DWORD; Network: TNetResource; WorkGroupEntries, ComputerEntries: DWORD; EnumWorkGroupBuffer, EnumComputerBuffer: array[1..MaxEntries] of TNetResource; EnumBufferLength: DWORD; I, J: DWORD; begin Computers.Clear; FillChar(Network, SizeOf(Network), 0); with Network do begin dwScope := RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; dwType := RESOURCETYPE_ANY; dwUsage := RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; end; EnumError := WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, @Network, EnumWorkGroupHandle); if EnumError = NO_ERROR then begin WorkGroupEntries := MaxEntries; EnumBufferLength := SizeOf(EnumWorkGroupBuffer); EnumError := WNetEnumResource(EnumWorkGroupHandle, WorkGroupEntries, @EnumWorkGroupBuffer, EnumBufferLength); if EnumError = NO_ERROR then begin for I := 1 to WorkGroupEntries do begin EnumError := WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, @EnumWorkGroupBuffer[I], EnumComputerHandle); if EnumError = NO_ERROR then begin ComputerEntries := MaxEntries; EnumBufferLength := SizeOf(EnumComputerBuffer); EnumError := WNetEnumResource(EnumComputerHandle, ComputerEntries, @EnumComputerBuffer, EnumBufferLength); if EnumError = NO_ERROR then for J := 1 to ComputerEntries do Computers.Add(Copy(EnumComputerBuffer[J].lpRemoteName, 3, Length(EnumComputerBuffer[J].lpRemoteName) - 2)); WNetCloseEnum(EnumComputerHandle); end; end; end; WNetCloseEnum(EnumWorkGroupHandle); end; if EnumError = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then EnumError := NO_ERROR; Result := EnumError; end; initialization Computers := TStringList.Create; finalization Computers.Free; end.©Drkb::03286
function TNetForm.FillNetLevel(xxx: PNetResource; List:TListItems): Word; Type PNRArr = ^TNRArr; TNRArr = array[0..59] of TNetResource; Var x: PNRArr; tnr: TNetResource; I : integer; EntrReq, SizeReq, twx: THandle; WSName: string; LI:TListItem; begin Result :=WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_ANY,RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, xxx, twx); If Result = ERROR_NO_NETWORK Then Exit; if Result = NO_ERROR then begin New(x); EntrReq := 1; SizeReq := SizeOf(TNetResource)*59; while (twx <> 0) and (WNetEnumResource(twx, EntrReq, x, SizeReq) <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) do begin For i := 0 To EntrReq - 1 do begin Move(x^[i], tnr, SizeOf(tnr)); case tnr.dwDisplayType of RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER: begin if tnr.lpRemoteName <> '' then WSName:= tnr.lpRemoteName else WSName:= tnr.lpComment; LI:=list.Add; LI.Caption:=copy(WSName,3,length(WSName)-2); //list.Add(WSName); end; else FillNetLevel(@tnr, list); end; end; end; Dispose(x); WNetCloseEnum(twx); end; end; Пример вызова: FillNetLevel(nil,ListView1.Items);©Drkb::03287
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function EnumerateFunc( hwnd: HWND; hdc: HDC; lpnr: PNetResource ): Boolean; const cbBuffer : DWORD = 16384; // 16K is a good size var hEnum, dwResult, dwResultEnum : DWORD; lpnrLocal : array [0..16384 div SizeOf(TNetResource)] of TNetResource; // pointer to enumerated structures i : integer; cEntries : Longint; begin centries := -1; // enumerate all possible entries // Call the WNetOpenEnum function to begin the enumeration. dwResult := WNetOpenEnum( RESOURCE_CONTEXT, // Enumerate currently connected resources. RESOURCETYPE_DISK, // all resources 0, // enumerate all resources lpnr, // NULL first time the function is called hEnum // handle to the resource ); if (dwResult <> NO_ERROR) then begin // Process errors with an application-defined error handler Result := False; Exit; end; // Initialize the buffer. FillChar( lpnrLocal, cbBuffer, 0 ); // Call the WNetEnumResource function to continue // the enumeration. dwResultEnum := WNetEnumResource(hEnum, // resource handle DWORD(cEntries), // defined locally as -1 @lpnrLocal, // LPNETRESOURCE cbBuffer); // buffer size // This is just printing for i := 0 to cEntries - 1 do begin // loop through each structure and // get remote name of resource... lpnrLocal[i].lpRemoteName) end; // Call WNetCloseEnum to end the enumeration. dwResult := WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); if(dwResult <> NO_ERROR) then begin // Process errors... some user defined function here Result := False; end else Result := True; end;
Код вроде бы из борландовского FAQ. На форуме приведен SmaLL
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Вот решение приведенное на https://delphi.mastak.ru для нахождения всех компютеров:
var Computer: array[1..500] of string[25]; ComputerCount: Integer; procedure FindAllComputers(Workgroup: string); var EnumHandle: THandle; WorkgroupRS: TNetResource; Buf: array[1..500] of TNetResource; BufSize: Integer; Entries: Integer; Result: Integer; begin ComputerCount := 0; Workgroup := Workgroup + #0; FillChar(WorkgroupRS, SizeOf(WorkgroupRS), 0); with WorkgroupRS do begin dwScope := 2; dwType := 3; dwDisplayType := 1; dwUsage := 2; lpRemoteName := @Workgroup[1]; end; WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, @WorkgroupRS, EnumHandle); repeat Entries := 1; BufSize := SizeOf(Buf); Result := WNetEnumResource(EnumHandle, Entries, @Buf, BufSize); if (Result = NO_ERROR) and (Entries = 1) then begin Inc(ComputerCount); Computer[ComputerCount] := StrPas(Buf[1].lpRemoteName); end; until (Entries <> 1) or (Result <> NO_ERROR); WNetCloseEnum(EnumHandle); end; { Find All Computers }
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