Таблица NetBIOS-имен удаленных компьютер
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // **************************************************************************** // * Unit Name : Unit1 // * Purpose : Демо получение информации NETBIOS именах компьютера // (аналог nbtstat -a) // * Author : Александр (Rouse_) Багель // * Version : 1.00 // **************************************************************************** // unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Nb30, StdCtrls; type TNetbiosInfo = record AdapterStatus: TAdapterStatus; NameBuffer: Array [0..30] of TNameBuffer; end; TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private procedure GetNetBiosNames(const Addr: String); end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.GetNetBiosNames(const Addr: String); var NCB: TNCB; Enum: TLanaEnum; NetbiosInfo: TNetbiosInfo; I, A: Integer; Ends: Byte; begin FillChar(NCB, SizeOf(TNCB), #0); NCB.ncb_command := Char(NCBENUM); NCB.ncb_buffer := @Enum; NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf(TLanaEnum); if Netbios(@NCB) = Char(NRC_GOODRET) then for I := 0 to Integer(Enum.length) - 1 do begin FillChar(NCB, SizeOf(TNCB), #0); NCB.ncb_lana_num := Enum.lana[I]; NCB.ncb_command := Char(NCBRESET); if Netbios(@NCB) = Char(NRC_GOODRET) then begin FillChar(NetbiosInfo, SizeOf(TNetbiosInfo), #0); NCB.ncb_command := Char(NCBASTAT); Move(Addr[1], NCB.ncb_callname[0], Length(Addr)); NCB.ncb_buffer := @NetbiosInfo; NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf(TNetbiosInfo); if Netbios(@NCB) = Char(NRC_GOODRET) then for A := 0 to NetbiosInfo.AdapterStatus.name_count - 1 do begin Ends := Byte(NetbiosInfo.NameBuffer[A].name[NCBNAMSZ - 1]); NetbiosInfo.NameBuffer[A].name[NCBNAMSZ - 1] := #32; Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%s <%s>', [String(NetbiosInfo.NameBuffer[A].name), IntToHex(Ends, 2)])); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin GetNetBiosNames(Edit1.Text); end; end.
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