Send e-mails via WinSock API?
unit SMTP_Connections; // ********************************************************************* // Unit Name : SMTP_Connections * // Author : Melih SARICA (Non ZERO) * // Date : 01/17/2004 * //********************************************************************** interface uses Classes, StdCtrls; const WinSock = 'wsock32.dll'; Internet = 2; Stream = 1; fIoNbRead = $4004667F; WinSMTP = $0001; LinuxSMTP = $0002; type TWSAData = packed record wVersion: Word; wHighVersion: Word; szDescription: array[0..256] of Char; szSystemStatus: array[0..128] of Char; iMaxSockets: Word; iMaxUdpDg: Word; lpVendorInfo: PChar; end; PHost = ^THost; THost = packed record Name: PChar; aliases: ^PChar; addrtype: Smallint; Length: Smallint; addr: ^Pointer; end; TSockAddr = packed record Family: Word; Port: Word; Addr: Longint; Zeros: array[0..7] of Byte; end; function WSAStartup(Version:word; Var Data:TwsaData):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function socket(Family,Kind,Protocol:integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function shutdown(Socket,How:Integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function closesocket(socket:Integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function WSACleanup:integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function bind(Socket:Integer; Var SockAddr:TSockAddr; AddrLen:integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function listen(socket,flags:Integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function connect(socket:Integer; Var SockAddr:TSockAddr; AddrLen:integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function accept(socket:Integer; Var SockAddr:TSockAddr; Var AddrLen:Integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function WSAGetLastError:integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function recv(socket:integer; data:pchar; datalen, flags:integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function send(socket:integer; var data; datalen, flags:integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function gethostbyname(HostName:PChar):PHost; stdcall; far; external winsock; function WSAIsBlocking:boolean; stdcall; far; external winsock; function WSACancelBlockingCall:integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function ioctlsocket(socket:integer; cmd: Longint; var arg: longint): Integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; function gethostname(name:pchar; size:integer):integer; stdcall; far; external winsock; procedure _authSendMail(MailServer,uname,upass,mFrom,mFromName,mToName, Subject:string;mto,mbody:TStringList); function ConnectServer(mhost:string;mport:integer):integer; function ConnectServerwin(mhost:string;mport:integer):integer; function DisConnectServer:integer; function Stat: string; function SendCommand(Command: String): string; function SendData(Command: String): string; function SendCommandWin(Command: String): string; function ReadCommand: string; function encryptB64(s:string):string; var mconnHandle: Integer; mFin, mFOut: Textfile; EofSock: Boolean; mactive: Boolean; mSMTPErrCode: Integer; mSMTPErrText: string; mMemo: TMemo; implementation uses SysUtils, Sockets, IdBaseComponent, IdCoder, IdCoder3to4, IdCoderMIME, IniFiles,Unit1; var mClient: TTcpClient; procedure _authSendMail(MailServer, uname, upass, mFrom, mFromName, mToName, Subject: string; mto, mbody: TStringList); var tmpstr: string; cnt: Integer; mstrlist: TStrings; RecipientCount: Integer; begin if ConnectServerWin(Mailserver, 25) = 250 then begin Sendcommandwin('AUTH LOGIN '); SendcommandWin(encryptB64(uname)); SendcommandWin(encryptB64(upass)); SendcommandWin('MAIL FROM: ' + mfrom); for cnt := 0 to mto.Count - 1 do SendcommandWin('RCPT TO: ' + mto[cnt]); Sendcommandwin('DATA'); SendData('Subject: ' + Subject); SendData('From: "' + mFromName + '" <' + mfrom + '>'); SendData('To: ' + mToName); SendData('Mime-Version: 1.0'); SendData('Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="Esales-Order";'); SendData(' type="text/html"'); SendData(''); SendData('--Esales-Order'); SendData('Content-Type: text/html;'); SendData(' charset="iso-8859-9"'); SendData('Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE'); SendData(''); for cnt := 0 to mbody.Count - 1 do SendData(mbody[cnt]); Senddata(''); SendData('--Esales-Order--'); Senddata(' '); mSMTPErrText := SendCommand(crlf + '.' + crlf); try mSMTPErrCode := StrToInt(Copy(mSMTPErrText, 1, 3)); except end; SendData('QUIT'); DisConnectServer; end; end; function Stat: string; var s: string; begin s := ReadCommand; Result := s; end; function EchoCommand(Command: string): string; begin SendCommand(Command); Result := ReadCommand; end; function ReadCommand: string; var tmp: string; begin repeat ReadLn(mfin, tmp); if Assigned(mmemo) then mmemo.Lines.Add(tmp); until (Length(tmp) < 4) or (tmp[4] <> '-'); Result := tmp end; function SendData(Command: string): string; begin Writeln(mfout, Command); end; function SendCommand(Command: string): string; begin Writeln(mfout, Command); Result := stat; end; function SendCommandWin(Command: string): string; begin Writeln(mfout, Command + #13); Result := stat; end; function FillBlank(Source: string; number: Integer): string; var a: Integer; begin Result := ''; for a := Length(trim(Source)) to number do Result := Result + ' '; end; function IpToLong(ip: string): Longint; var x, i: Byte; ipx: array[0..3] of Byte; v: Integer; begin Result := 0; Longint(ipx) := 0; i := 0; for x := 1 to Length(ip) do if ip[x] = '.' then begin Inc(i); if i = 4 then Exit; end else begin if not (ip[x] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; v := ipx[i] * 10 + Ord(ip[x]) - Ord('0'); if v > 255 then Exit; ipx[i] := v; end; Result := Longint(ipx); end; function HostToLong(AHost: string): Longint; var Host: PHost; begin Result := IpToLong(AHost); if Result = 0 then begin Host := GetHostByName(PChar(AHost)); if Host <> nil then Result := Longint(Host^.Addr^^); end; end; function LongToIp(Long: Longint): string; var ipx: array[0..3] of Byte; i: Byte; begin Longint(ipx) := long; Result := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do Result := Result + IntToStr(ipx[i]) + '.'; SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - 1); end; procedure Disconnect(Socket: Integer); begin ShutDown(Socket, 1); CloseSocket(Socket); end; function CallServer(Server: string; Port: Word): Integer; var SockAddr: TSockAddr; begin Result := socket(Internet, Stream, 0); if Result = -1 then Exit; FillChar(SockAddr, SizeOf(SockAddr), 0); SockAddr.Family := Internet; SockAddr.Port := swap(Port); SockAddr.Addr := HostToLong(Server); if Connect(Result, SockAddr, SizeOf(SockAddr)) <> 0 then begin Disconnect(Result); Result := -1; end; end; function OutputSock(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; begin if F.BufPos <> 0 then begin Send(F.Handle, F.BufPtr^, F.BufPos, 0); F.BufPos := 0; end; Result := 0; end; function InputSock(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; var Size: Longint; begin F.BufEnd := 0; F.BufPos := 0; Result := 0; repeat if (IoctlSocket(F.Handle, fIoNbRead, Size) < 0) then begin EofSock := True; Exit; end; until (Size >= 0); F.BufEnd := Recv(F.Handle, F.BufPtr, F.BufSize, 0); EofSock := (F.Bufend = 0); end; function CloseSock(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; begin Disconnect(F.Handle); F.Handle := -1; Result := 0; end; function OpenSock(var F: TTextRec): Integer; far; begin if F.Mode = fmInput then begin EofSock := False; F.BufPos := 0; F.BufEnd := 0; F.InOutFunc := @InputSock; F.FlushFunc := nil; end else begin F.Mode := fmOutput; F.InOutFunc := @OutputSock; F.FlushFunc := @OutputSock; end; F.CloseFunc := @CloseSock; Result := 0; end; procedure AssignCrtSock(Socket:integer; Var Input,Output:TextFile); begin with TTextRec(Input) do begin Handle := Socket; Mode := fmClosed; BufSize := SizeOf(Buffer); BufPtr := @Buffer; OpenFunc := @OpenSock; end; with TTextRec(Output) do begin Handle := Socket; Mode := fmClosed; BufSize := SizeOf(Buffer); BufPtr := @Buffer; OpenFunc := @OpenSock; end; Reset(Input); Rewrite(Output); end; function ConnectServer(mhost: string; mport: Integer): Integer; var tmp: string; begin mClient := TTcpClient.Create(nil); mClient.RemoteHost := mhost; mClient.RemotePort := IntToStr(mport); mClient.Connect; mconnhandle := callserver(mhost, mport); if (mconnHandle<>-1) then begin AssignCrtSock(mconnHandle, mFin, MFout); tmp := stat; tmp := SendCommand('HELO'); if Copy(tmp, 1, 3) = '250' then begin Result := StrToInt(Copy(tmp, 1, 3)); end; end; end; function ConnectServerWin(mhost: string; mport: Integer): Integer; var tmp: string; begin mClient := TTcpClient.Create(nil); mClient.RemoteHost := mhost; mClient.RemotePort := IntToStr(mport); mClient.Connect; mconnhandle := callserver(mhost, mport); if (mconnHandle<>-1) then begin AssignCrtSock(mconnHandle, mFin, MFout); tmp := stat; tmp := SendCommandWin('HELO'); if Copy(tmp, 1, 3) = '250' then begin Result := StrToInt(Copy(tmp, 1, 3)); end; end; end; function DisConnectServer: Integer; begin closesocket(mconnhandle); mClient.Disconnect; mclient.Free; end; function encryptB64(s: string): string; var hash1: TIdEncoderMIME; p: string; begin if s <> '' then begin hash1 := TIdEncoderMIME.Create(nil); p := hash1.Encode(s); hash1.Free; end; Result := p; end; end. {***************************************************} { How to use it} {***************************************************} unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses SMTP_Connections; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var mto, mbody: TStringList; MailServer, uname, upass, mFrom, mFromName, mToName, Subject: string; begin mMemo := Memo1; // to output server feedback //.......................... MailServer := ''; uname := 'username'; upass := 'password'; mFrom := ''; mFromName := 'forename surname'; mToName := ''; Subject := 'Your Subject'; //.......................... mto := TStringList.Create; mbody := TStringList.Create; try mto.Add(''); mbody.Add('Test Mail'); //Send Mail................. _authSendMail(MailServer, uname, upass, mFrom, mFromName, mToName, Subject, mto, mbody); //.......................... finally mto.Free; mbody.Free; end; end; end.
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function _RegReadString(_hkey:longint;const ValueName:string; var Value:string;const SubKey:string):Boolean; var Key:HKey; BufLen,Typed:DWord; begin Result:=False; Value:=EmptyStr; if RegOpenKeyEx(_hkey,pchar(subkey),0,KEY_READ,Key)=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin Typed:=REG_SZ; BufLen:=$FFFF; SetLength(Value,BufLen); if RegQueryValueEx(Key,PChar(ValueName), nil,@Typed,@Value[1],@BufLen)=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin if BufLen>0 then SetLength(Value,BufLen-1) else Value:=EmptyStr; Result:=True; end; RegCloseKey(Key); end; end; function _HostToIP(Name: string):string; var wsdata : TWSAData; hostName : array [0..255] of char; hostEnt : PHostEnt; addr : PChar; begin WSAStartup ($0101, wsdata); gethostname (hostName, sizeof (hostName)); StrPCopy(hostName, Name); hostEnt := gethostbyname (hostName); if Assigned (hostEnt) then if Assigned (hostEnt^.h_addr_list) then begin addr := hostEnt^.h_addr_list^; if Assigned (addr) then begin Result := Format ('%d.%d.%d.%d', [byte (addr [0]), byte (addr [1]), byte (addr [2]), byte (addr [3])]); end; end; WSACleanup; end; function GetSMTPServer:string; var s,j:string; begin result := ''; _regreadstring(hkey_current_user,'Default Mail Account',s, 'Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager'); if s = '' then exit; _regreadstring(hkey_current_user,'SMTP Server',j, 'Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts\' + s); result := j; end; procedure SendStr(Sock:cardinal;str: String); var I: Integer; begin for I:=1 to Length(str) do if send(sock,str[I],1,0)=SOCKET_ERROR then exit; end; procedure ConnectAndSend(from,_to,st:string); var wsadata: TWSADATA; sin: TSockAddrIn; sock: TSocket; MySmtp : String; iaddr: Integer; buf: array[0..255] of char; begin MySmtp := _HostToIP(getsmtpserver); WSAStartUp(257, wsadata); sock:=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_IP); sin.sin_family := AF_INET; htons(25); sin.sin_port := htons(25); iaddr:=inet_addr(PChar(MySmtp)); sin.sin_addr.S_addr:=iaddr; connect(sock,sin,sizeof(sin)); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); sendstr(sock,'HELO'+#13#10); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); sendstr(sock,'MAIL FROM: '+from+#13#10); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); sendstr(sock,'RCPT TO: '+_to+#13#10); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); sendstr(sock,'DATA'+#13#10); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); sendstr(sock,st); sendstr(sock,#13#10'.'#13#10); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); sendstr(sock,'QUIT'#13#10); recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); closesocket(sock); end;
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