Создание уменьшенной копии картинки
unit ProjetoX_Screen; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, DBCtrls; type TFormScreen = class(TForm) ImgFundo: TImage; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); public { Public declarations } MyRegion : HRGN; function BitmapToRegion(hBmp: TBitmap; TransColor: TColor): HRGN; end; var FormScreen: TFormScreen; implementation {$R *.DFM} {===========================molda o formato do formulЯrio no bitmap} function TFormScreen.BitmapToRegion(hBmp: TBitmap; TransColor: TColor): HRGN; const ALLOC_UNIT = 100; var MemDC, DC: HDC; BitmapInfo: TBitmapInfo; hbm32, holdBmp, holdMemBmp: HBitmap; pbits32 : Pointer; bm32 : BITMAP; maxRects: DWORD; hData: HGLOBAL; pData: PRgnData; b, CR, CG, CB : Byte; p32: pByte; x, x0, y: integer; p: pLongInt; pr: PRect; h: HRGN; begin Result := 0; if hBmp <> nil then begin { Cria um Device Context onde serЯ armazenado o Bitmap } MemDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0); if MemDC <> 0 then begin { Cria um Bitmap de 32 bits sem compressТo } with BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do begin biSize := sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader); biWidth := hBmp.Width; biHeight := hBmp.Height; biPlanes := 1; biBitCount := 32; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := 0; biXPelsPerMeter := 0; biYPelsPerMeter := 0; biClrUsed := 0; biClrImportant := 0; end; hbm32 := CreateDIBSection(MemDC, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pbits32,0, 0); if hbm32 <> 0 then begin holdMemBmp := SelectObject(MemDC, hbm32); { Calcula quantos bytes por linha o bitmap de 32 bits ocupa. } GetObject(hbm32, SizeOf(bm32), @bm32); while (bm32.bmWidthBytes mod 4) > 0 do inc(bm32.bmWidthBytes); DC := CreateCompatibleDC(MemDC); { Copia o bitmap para o Device Context } holdBmp := SelectObject(DC, hBmp.Handle); BitBlt(MemDC, 0, 0, hBmp.Width, hBmp.Height, DC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); { Para melhor performance, serЯ utilizada a funюТo ExtCreasteRegion para criar o HRGN. Esta funюТo recebe uma estrutura RGNDATA. Cada estrutura terЯ 100 retФngulos por padrТo (ALLOC_UNIT) } maxRects := ALLOC_UNIT; hData := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(TRgnDataHeader) + SizeOf(TRect) * maxRects); pData := GlobalLock(hData); pData^.rdh.dwSize := SizeOf(TRgnDataHeader); pData^.rdh.iType := RDH_RECTANGLES; pData^.rdh.nCount := 0; pData^.rdh.nRgnSize := 0; SetRect(pData^.rdh.rcBound, MaxInt, MaxInt, 0, 0); { Separa o pixel em suas cores fundamentais } CR := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(TransColor)); CG := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(TransColor)); CB := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(TransColor)); { Processa os pixels bitmap de baixo para cima, jЯ que bitmaps sТo verticalmente invertidos. } p32 := bm32.bmBits; inc(PChar(p32), (bm32.bmHeight - 1) * bm32.bmWidthBytes); for y := 0 to hBmp.Height-1 do begin { Processa os pixels do bitmap da esquerda para a direita } x := -1; while x+1 < hBmp.Width do begin inc(x); { Procura por uma faixa contЭnua de pixels nТo transparentes } x0 := x; p := PLongInt(p32); inc(PChar(p), x * SizeOf(LongInt)); while x < hBmp.Width do begin b := GetBValue(p^); if (b = CR) then begin b := GetGValue(p^); if (b = CG) then begin b := GetRValue(p^); if (b = CB) then break; end; end; inc(PChar(p), SizeOf(LongInt)); inc(x); end; if x > x0 then begin { Adiciona o intervalo de pixels [(x0, y),(x, y+1)] como um novo retФngulo na regiТo. } if pData^.rdh.nCount >= maxRects then begin GlobalUnlock(hData); inc(maxRects, ALLOC_UNIT); hData := GlobalReAlloc(hData, SizeOf(TRgnDataHeader) + SizeOf(TRect) * maxRects, GMEM_MOVEABLE); pData := GlobalLock(hData); Assert(pData <> NIL); end; pr := @pData^.Buffer[pData^.rdh.nCount * SizeOf(TRect)]; SetRect(pr^, x0, y, x, y+1); if x0 < pData^.rdh.rcBound.Left then pData^.rdh.rcBound.Left := x0; if y < pData^.rdh.rcBound.Top then pData^.rdh.rcBound.Top := y; if x > pData^.rdh.rcBound.Right then pData^.rdh.rcBound.Left := x; if y+1 > pData^.rdh.rcBound.Bottom then pData^.rdh.rcBound.Bottom := y+1; inc(pData^.rdh.nCount); { No Windows98, a funюТo ExtCreateRegion() pode falhar se o n·mero de retФngulos for maior que 4000. Por este motivo, a regiТo deve ser criada por partes com menos de 4000 retФngulos. Neste caso, foram padronizadas regi§es com 2000 retФngulos. } if pData^.rdh.nCount = 2000 then begin h := ExtCreateRegion(NIL, SizeOf(TRgnDataHeader) + (SizeOf(TRect) * maxRects), pData^); Assert(h <> 0); { Combina a regiТo parcial, recЪm criada, com as anteriores } if Result <> 0 then begin CombineRgn(Result, Result, h, RGN_OR); DeleteObject(h); end else Result := h; pData^.rdh.nCount := 0; SetRect(pData^.rdh.rcBound, MaxInt, MaxInt, 0, 0); end; end; end; Dec(PChar(p32), bm32.bmWidthBytes); end; { Cria a regiТo geral } h := ExtCreateRegion(NIL, SizeOf(TRgnDataHeader) + (SizeOf(TRect) * maxRects), pData^); Assert(h <> 0); if Result <> 0 then begin CombineRgn(Result, Result, h, RGN_OR); DeleteObject(h); end else Result := h; { Com a regiТo final completa, o bitmap de 32 bits pode ser removido da mem?ria, com todos os outros ponteiros que foram criados.} GlobalFree(hData); SelectObject(DC, holdBmp); DeleteDC(DC); DeleteObject(SelectObject(MemDC, holdMemBmp)); end; end; DeleteDC(MemDC); end; end; procedure TFormScreen.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin {carregue uma imagem na TImage ImgFundo} {redesenha o formulario no formato do ImgFundo} MyRegion := BitmapToRegion(imgFundo.Picture.Bitmap,imgFundo.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]); SetWindowRgn(Handle,MyRegion,True); end; Para os outros formulЯrios basta declarar as seguintes linhas na procedure FormCreate procedure TFormXXXXXX.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin {carregue uma imagem na TImage ImgFundo} {redesenha o formulario no formato do ImgFundo} FormScreen.MyRegion := FormScreen.BitmapToRegion(imgFundo.Picture.Bitmap, imgFundo.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]); SetWindowRgn(Handle,FormScreen.MyRegion,True); end;
DelphiWorld 6.0