Плавно превратить один рисунок в другой
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const count = 100; var i: integer; x, y: integer; bm, bm1, bm2: TBitMap; p1, p2, p: PByteArray; c: integer; k: integer; begin bm := TBitMap.Create; bm1 := TBitMap.Create; bm2 := TBitMap.Create; bm1.LoadFromFile('Bitmap1.bmp'); bm2.LoadFromFile('Bitmap2.bmp'); if bm1.Height < bm2.Height then begin bm.Height := bm1.Height; bm2.Height := bm1.Height; end else begin bm.Height := bm2.Height; bm1.Height := bm2.Height; end; if bm1.Width < bm2.Width then begin bm.Width := bm1.Width; bm2.Width := bm1.Width; end else begin bm.Width := bm2.Width; bm1.Width := bm2.Width; end; bm.PixelFormat := pf24bit; bm1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; bm2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; Form1.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, bm1); for i := 1 to count - 1 do begin for y := 0 to bm.Height - 1 do begin p := bm.ScanLine[y]; p1 := bm1.ScanLine[y]; p2 := bm2.ScanLine[y]; for x := 0 to bm.Width * 3 - 1 do p^[x] := round((p1^[x] * (count - i) + p2^[x] * i) / count); end; Form1.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, bm); Form1.Caption := IntToStr(round(i / count * 100)) + '%'; Application.ProcessMessages; if Application.Terminated then break; end; Form1.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, bm2); Form1.Caption := 'done'; bm1.Destroy; bm2.Destroy; bm.Destroy; end;
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