Как сделать 24bit dithering?
{ ... } type PIntegerArray = ^TIntegerArray; TIntegerArray = array[0..maxInt div sizeof(integer) - 2] of integer; TColor3 = packed record b, g, r: byte; end; TColor3Array = array[0..maxInt div sizeof(TColor3) - 2] of TColor3; PColor3Array = ^TColor3Array; procedure Swap(var p1, p2: PIntegerArray); var t: PIntegerArray; begin t := p1; p1 := p2; p2 := t; end; function clamp(x, min, max: integer): integer; begin result := x; if result < min then result := min; else if result > max then result := max; end; procedure Dither(bmpS, bmpD: TBitmap); var bmpS, bmpD: TBitmap; scanlS, scanlD: PColor3Array; error1R, error1G, error1B, error2R, error2G, error2B: PIntegerArray; x, y: integer; dx: integer; c, cD: TColor3; sR, sG, sB: integer; dR, dG, dB: integer; eR, eG, eB: integer; begin bmpD.Width := bmpS.Width; bmpD.Height := bmpS.Height; bmpS.PixelFormat := pf24bit; bmpD.PixelFormat := pf24bit; error1R := AllocMem((bmpS.Width + 2) * sizeof(integer)); error1G := AllocMem((bmpS.Width + 2) * sizeof(integer)); error1B := AllocMem((bmpS.Width + 2) * sizeof(integer)); error2R := AllocMem((bmpS.Width + 2) * sizeof(integer)); error2G := AllocMem((bmpS.Width + 2) * sizeof(integer)); error2B := AllocMem((bmpS.Width + 2) * sizeof(integer)); {dx holds the delta for each iteration as we zigzag, it'll change between 1 and -1} dx := 1; for y := 0 to bmpS.Height - 1 do begin scanlS := bmpS.ScanLine[y]; scanlD := bmpD.ScanLine[y]; if dx > 0 then x := 0 else x := bmpS.Width - 1; while (x >= 0) and (x < bmpS.Width) do begin c := scanlS[x]; sR := c.r; sG := c.g; sB := c.b; eR := error1R[x + 1]; eG := error1G[x + 1]; eB := error1B[x + 1]; dR := (sR * 16 + eR) div 16; dG := (sR * 16 + eR) div 16; dB := (sR * 16 + eR) div 16; {actual downsampling} dR := clamp(dR, 0, 255) and (255 shl 4); dG := clamp(dR, 0, 255) and (255 shl 4); dB := clamp(dR, 0, 255) and (255 shl 4); cD.r := dR; cD.g := dG; cD.b := dB; scanlD[x] := cD; eR := sR - dR; eG := sG - dG; eB := sB - dB; inc(error1R[x + 1 + dx], (eR * 7)); {next} inc(error1G[x + 1 + dx], (eG * 7)); inc(error1B[x + 1 + dx], (eB * 7)); inc(error2R[x + 1], (eR * 5)); {top} inc(error2G[x + 1], (eG * 5)); inc(error2B[x + 1], (eB * 5)); inc(error2R[x + 1 + dx], (eR * 1)); {diag forward} inc(error2G[x + 1 + dx], (eG * 1)); inc(error2B[x + 1 + dx], (eB * 1)); inc(error2R[x + 1 - dx], (eR * 3)); {diag backward} inc(error2G[x + 1 - dx], (eG * 3)); inc(error2B[x + 1 - dx], (eB * 3)); inc(x, dx); end; dx := dx * -1; Swap(error1R, error2R); Swap(error1G, error2G); Swap(error1B, error2B); FillChar(error2R^, sizeof(integer) * (bmpS.Width + 2), 0); FillChar(error2G^, sizeof(integer) * (bmpS.Width + 2), 0); FillChar(error2B^, sizeof(integer) * (bmpS.Width + 2), 0); end; FreeMem(error1R); FreeMem(error1G); FreeMem(error1B); FreeMem(error2R); FreeMem(error2G); FreeMem(error2B); end;
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