Как сделать greyscale dithering?
procedure Greyscale(dib8, dib24: TFastDIB; Colors: Byte); type TDiv3 = array[0..767] of Byte; TScale = array[0..255] of Byte; TLineErrors = array[-1.. - 1] of DWord; PDiv3 = ^TDiv3; PScale = ^TScale; PLineErrors = ^TLineErrors; var x, y, i, Ln, Nxt: Integer; pc: PFColor; pb: PByte; Lines: array[0..1] of PLineErrors; Div3: PDiv3; Scale: PScale; pti: PDWord; dir: ShortInt; begin dib8.FillColors(0, Colors, tfBlack, tfWhite); New(Div3); pb := Pointer(Div3); for i := 0 to 255 do begin pb^ := i; Inc(pb); pb^ := i; Inc(pb); pb^ := i; Inc(pb); end; New(Scale); pb := Pointer(Scale); x := (Colors shl 16) shr 8; y := x; for i := 0 to 255 do begin pb^ := y shr 16; Inc(y, x); Inc(pb); end; GetMem(Lines[0], 24 * (dib24.Width + 2)); GetMem(Lines[1], 24 * (dib24.Width + 2)); pc := PFColor(dib24.Bits); for x := 0 to dib24.Width - 1 do begin Lines[0, x] := Div3[pc.r + pc.g + pc.b] * 16; Inc(pc); end; pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + dib24.Gap); dir := 1; for y := 1 to dib24.Height do begin Nxt := y mod 2; Ln := 1 - Nxt; if y < dib24.Height then begin for x := 0 to dib24.Width - 1 do begin Lines[Nxt, x] := Div3[pc.r + pc.g + pc.b] * 16; Inc(pc); end; pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + dib24.Gap); end; x := 0; if dir = -1 then x := dib24.Width - 1; pti := @Lines[Ln, x]; pb := @dib8.Pixels8[y - 1, x]; while ((x > -1) and (x < dib24.Width)) do begin pti^ := pti^ div 16; if pti^ > 255 then pti^ := 255 else if pti^ < 0 then pti^ := 0; pb^ := Scale[pti^]; i := pti^ - dib8.Colors[pb^].r; if i <> 0 then begin Inc(Lines[Ln, x + dir], i * 7); Inc(Lines[Nxt, x - dir], i * 3); Inc(Lines[Nxt, x], i * 5); Inc(Lines[Nxt, x + dir], i); end; Inc(pb, dir); Inc(pti, dir); Inc(x, dir); end; Inc(pb, dib8.Gap); dir := -dir; end; Dispose(Lines[0]); Dispose(Lines[1]); Dispose(Scale); Dispose(Div3); end;
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