Как создать цветовую паллитру?
Below are functions that help to create a palette (an identity palette, BTW) from an array of RGBQuads (such as you would find in the palette section of a .BMP file). I stole this from the WinG documentation, and converted it to Delphi. First call ClearSystemPalette, then you can get an identity palette by calling CreateIdentityPalette. If you plan to try palette animation, work in a 256-color mode, and change all the PC_NOCOLLAPSE entries below to PC_RESERVED. Besides creating the palette, the other pieces to the puzzle are:
1. Override the form's GetPalette method, so that it returns the new palette.
2. Select and realize the new palette just before you paint.
OldPal := SelectPalette(Canvas.Handle, NewPalette, False);
{ Do your painting here }
SelectPalette(Canvas.Handle, OldPal, False);
3. Remember to release the palette when you are done using DeleteObject
4. If you are used using the RGB function to get color values, use the PaletteRGB function in its place.
function CreateIdentityPalette(const aRGB; nColors: Integer): HPALETTE; type QA = array[0..255] of TRGBQUAD; var Palette: PLOGPALETTE; PalSize: Word; ScreenDC: HDC; I: Integer; nStaticColors: Integer; nUsableColors: Integer; begin PalSize := SizeOf(TLOGPALETTE) + SizeOf(TPALETTEENTRY) * 256; GetMem(Palette, PalSize); try with Palette^ do begin palVersion := $0300; palNumEntries := 256; ScreenDC := GetDC(0); try { For SYSPAL_NOSTATIC, just copy the color table into a PALETTEENTRY array and replace the first and last entries with black and white } if (GetSystemPaletteUse(ScreenDC) = SYSPAL_NOSTATIC) then begin { Fill in the palette with the given values, marking each with PalFlag } {$R-} for i := 0 to (nColors - 1) do with palPalEntry[i], QA(aRGB)[I] do begin peRed := rgbRed; peGreen := rgbGreen; peBlue := rgbBlue; peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; end; { Mark any unused entries with PalFlag } for i := nColors to 255 do palPalEntry[i].peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; { Make sure the last entry is white -- This may replace an entry in the array!} I := 255; with palPalEntry[i] do begin peRed := 255; peGreen := 255; peBlue := 255; peFlags := 0; end; { And the first is black -- This may replace an entry in the array!} with palPalEntry[0] do begin peRed := 0; peGreen := 0; peBlue := 0; peFlags := 0; end; {$R+} end else begin { For SYSPAL_STATIC, get the twenty static colors into the array, then fill in the empty spaces with the given color table } { Get the static colors from the system palette } nStaticColors := GetDeviceCaps(ScreenDC, NUMRESERVED); GetSystemPaletteEntries(ScreenDC, 0, 256, palPalEntry); {$R-} { Set the peFlags of the lower static colors to zero } nStaticColors := nStaticColors shr 1; for i := 0 to (nStaticColors - 1) do palPalEntry[i].peFlags := 0; { Fill in the entries from the given color table} nUsableColors := nColors - nStaticColors; for I := nStaticColors to (nUsableColors - 1) do with palPalEntry[i], QA(aRGB)[i] do begin peRed := rgbRed; peGreen := rgbGreen; peBlue := rgbBlue; peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; end; { Mark any empty entries as PC_NOCOLLAPSE } for i := nUsableColors to (255 - nStaticColors) do palPalEntry[i].peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; { Set the peFlags of the upper static colors to zero } for i := (256 - nStaticColors) to 255 do palPalEntry[i].peFlags := 0; end; finally ReleaseDC(0, ScreenDC); end; end; { Return the palette } Result := CreatePalette(Palette^); finally FreeMem(Palette, PalSize); end; end; procedure ClearSystemPalette; var Palette: PLOGPALETTE; PalSize: Word; ScreenDC: HDC; I: Word; const ScreenPal: HPALETTE = 0; begin PalSize := SizeOf(TLOGPALETTE) + SizeOf(TPALETTEENTRY) * 255; {256th = [0] } GetMem(Palette, PalSize); try FillChar(Palette^, PalSize, 0); Palette^.palVersion := $0300; Palette^.palNumEntries := 256; {$R-} for I := 0 to 255 do with Palette^.palPalEntry[I] do peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; {$R+} { Create, select, realize, deselect, and delete the palette } ScreenDC := GetDC(0); try ScreenPal := CreatePalette(Palette^); if ScreenPal <> 0 then begin ScreenPal := SelectPalette(ScreenDC, ScreenPal, FALSE); RealizePalette(ScreenDC); ScreenPal := SelectPalette(ScreenDC, ScreenPal, FALSE); DeleteObject(ScreenPal); end; finally ReleaseDC(0, ScreenDC); end; finally FreeMem(Palette, PalSize); end; end;
unit VideoFcns; interface uses Windows; procedure GrayColorTable(const clrtable: PRGBQUAD; const threshold: integer = -1); procedure BinaryColorTable(const clrtable: PRGBQUAD; const threshold: integer); implementation procedure GrayColorTable(const clrtable: PRGBQUAD; const threshold: integer); var j: integer; cp: PRGBQUAD; begin if threshold <> -1 then begin BinaryColorTable(clrtable, threshold); exit; end; cp := clrtable; for j := 0 to 255 do begin {here you can set rgb components the way you like} cp^.rgbBlue := j; cp^.rgbGreen := j; cp^.rgbRed := j; cp^.rgbReserved := 0; inc(cp); end; end; procedure BinaryColorTable(const clrtable: PRGBQUAD; const threshold: integer); var j: integer; g: integer; cp: PRGBQUAD; begin cp := clrtable; for j := 0 to 255 do begin if j < threshold then g := 0 else g := 255; cp^.rgbBlue := g; cp^.rgbGreen := g; cp^.rgbRed := g; cp^.rgbReserved := 0; inc(cp); end; end;
Here is an example how palette is used:
procedure TBmpByteImage.FillBMPInfo(BMPInfo: pointer; const Wi, He: integer); var p: ^TBitmapInfo; begin p := BMPInfo; p^.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(p.bmiHeader); if Wi <> 0 then p^.bmiHeader.biWidth := Wi else p^.bmiHeader.biWidth := w; if He <> 0 then p^.bmiHeader.biHeight := He else p^.bmiHeader.biHeight := h; p^.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; p^.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 8; p^.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; p^.bmiHeader.biClrUsed := 0; p^.bmiHeader.biClrImportant := 0; end; function TBmpByteImage.CreateDIB(const threshold: integer): HBITMAP; var dc: HDC; bmpInfo: ^TBitmapInfo; BMPData: pointer; hBmp: HBITMAP; x, y: integer; cp1, cp2: pbyte; begin GetMem(bmpInfo, sizeof(bmpInfo.bmiHeader) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 256); FillBMPInfo(BMPInfo); {I am using a grey palette} GrayColorTable(@bmpInfo^.bmiColors[0], threshold); dc := CreateDC('DISPLAY', nil, nil, nil); hBmp := CreateDIBSection(dc, bmpInfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, BMPData, 0, 0); DeleteDC(dc); FreeMem(bmpInfo, sizeof(bmpInfo.bmiHeader) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 256); cp2 := BMPData; for y := h - 1 downto 0 do begin cp1 := @g^[y]^[0]; for x := 0 to w - 1 do begin cp2^ := cp1^; inc(cp1); inc(cp2); end; end; CreateDIB := hBmp; end; {and finally draw bitmap } procedure TBmpByteImage.Draw(const where: TImage; const threshold: integer); var hBmp: HBITMAP; Bitmap1: TBitmap; begin hBmp := CreateDIB(threshold); if hBmp = 0 then exit; Bitmap1 := TBitmap.Create; with Bitmap1 do begin Handle := hBmp; Width := w; Height := h; end; where.picture.Bitmap := Bitmap1; Bitmap1.Free; GlobalFree(hBmp); end;
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var Form1: TForm1; blueVal: Byte; BluePalette: HPalette; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var LogicalPalette: PLogPalette; ColorIndex: LongInt; begin GetMem(LogicalPalette, (SizeOf(TLogPalette) + SizeOf(TPaletteEntry) * 256)); GetSystemPaletteEntries(Canvas.Handle, 0, 256, LogicalPalette^.palPalEntry[0]); with LogicalPalette^ do begin palVersion := $300; palNumEntries := 256; {$R-} for ColorIndex := 10 to 245 do with palPalEntry[ColorIndex] do begin peRed := 0; peGreen := 0; peBlue := 255 - (ColorIndex - 10); peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; end; end; {$R+} BluePalette := CreatePalette(LogicalPalette^); FreeMem(LogicalPalette, (SizeOf(TLogPalette) + SizeOf(TPaletteEntry) * 256)); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin DeleteObject(BluePalette); end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var OldPal: HPALETTE; begin OldPal := SelectPalette(Canvas.Handle, BluePalette, False); RealizePalette(Canvas.Handle); canvas.pen.color := $02000000 or (BlueVal * $00010000); canvas.pen.width := 10; canvas.moveto(0, 0); canvas.lineto(X, Y); SelectPalette(Canvas.Handle, OldPal, False); Inc(BlueVal); if BlueVal > 255 then BlueVal := 0; end;
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