Как определить продолжительность в секундах wav файла?
uses MPlayer, MMsystem; type EMyMCIException = class(Exception); TWavHeader = record Marker1: array[0..3] of Char; BytesFollowing: Longint; Marker2: array[0..3] of Char; Marker3: array[0..3] of Char; Fixed1: Longint; FormatTag: Word; Channels: Word; SampleRate: Longint; BytesPerSecond: Longint; BytesPerSample: Word; BitsPerSample: Word; Marker4: array[0..3] of Char; DataBytes: Longint; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Header: TWavHeader; begin with TFileStream.Create('C:\SomeFile.wav', fmOpenRead) do try ReadBuffer(Header, SizeOf(Header)); finally Free; end; ShowMessage(FloatToStr((Int64(1000) * header.DataBytes div header.BytesPerSecond) / 1000)); end;
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function GetWaveLength(WaveFile: string): Double; var groupID: array[0..3] of char; riffType: array[0..3] of char; BytesPerSec: Integer; Stream: TFileStream; dataSize: Integer; // chunk seeking function, // -1 means: chunk not found function GotoChunk(ID: string): Integer; var chunkID: array[0..3] of char; chunkSize: Integer; begin Result := -1; with Stream do begin // index of first chunk Position := 12; repeat // read next chunk Read(chunkID, 4); Read(chunkSize, 4); if chunkID <> ID then // skip chunk Position := Position + chunkSize; until(chunkID = ID) or (Position >= Size); if chunkID = ID then // chunk found, // return chunk size Result := chunkSize; end; end; begin Result := -1; Stream := TFileStream.Create(WaveFile, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); with Stream do try Read(groupID, 4); Position := Position + 4; // skip four bytes (file size) Read(riffType, 4); if(groupID = 'RIFF') and (riffType = 'WAVE') then begin // search for format chunk if GotoChunk('fmt') <> -1 then begin // found it Position := Position + 8; Read(BytesPerSec, 4); //search for data chunk dataSize := GotoChunk('data'); if dataSize <> -1 then // found it Result := dataSize / BytesPerSec end end finally Free; end; end;
This returns the number of seconds as a floating point number, which is not necessarily the most helpful format. Far better to return it as a string representing the time in hours, minutes and seconds. The following function achieves this based on the number of seconds as an integer:
function SecondsToTimeStr(RemainingSeconds: Integer): string; var Hours, Minutes, Seconds: Integer; HourString, MinuteString, SecondString: string; begin // Calculate Minutes Seconds := RemainingSeconds mod 60; Minutes := RemainingSeconds div 60; Hours := Minutes div 60; Minutes := Minutes - (Hours * 60); if Hours < 10 then HourString := '0' + IntToStr(Hours) + ':' else HourString := IntToStr(Hours) + ':'; if Minutes < 10 then MinuteString := '0' + IntToStr(Minutes) + ':' else MinuteString := IntToStr(Minutes) + ':'; if Seconds < 10 then SecondString := '0' + IntToStr(Seconds) else SecondString := IntToStr(Seconds); Result := HourString + MinuteString + SecondString; end;
Having created these functions you can call them from any relevant event - for example a button click:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Seconds: Integer; begin Seconds := Trunc(GetWaveLength(Edit1.Text)); //gets only the Integer part of the length Label1.Caption := SecondsToTimeStr(Seconds); end;
You can even reduce this to a single line of code if you prefer:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Caption := SecondsToTimeStr(Trunc(GetWaveLength(Edit1.Text))); end;
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