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unit splitfns; interface uses Classes, Sysutils; function GetNextToken(Const S: string; Separator: TSysCharSet; var StartPos: integer): String; {Returns the next token (substring) from string S, starting at index StartPos and ending 1 character before the next occurrence of Separator (or at the end of S, whichever comes first).} {StartPos returns the starting position for the next token, 1 more than the position in S of the end of this token} procedure Split(const S: String; Separator: TSysCharSet; MyStringList: TStringList); {Splits a string containing designated separators into tokens and adds them to MyStringList NOTE: MyStringList must be Created before being passed to this procedure and Freed after use} function AddToken (const aToken, S: String; Separator: Char; StringLimit: integer): String; {Used to join 2 strings with a separator character between them and can be used in a Join function} {The StringLimit parameter prevents the length of the Result String from exceeding a preset maximum} implementation function GetNextToken(Const S: string; Separator: TSysCharSet; var StartPos: integer): String; var Index: integer; begin Result := ''; {Step over repeated separators} While (S[StartPos] in Separator) and (StartPos <= length(S)) do StartPos := StartPos + 1; if StartPos > length(S) then Exit; {Set Index to StartPos} Index := StartPos; {Find the next Separator} While not (S[Index] in Separator) and (Index <= length(S))do Index := Index + 1; {Copy the token to the Result} Result := Copy(S, StartPos, Index - StartPos); {SetStartPos to next Character after the Separator} StartPos := Index + 1; end; procedure Split(const S: String; Separator: TSysCharSet; MyStringList: TStringList); var Start: integer; begin Start := 1; While Start <= Length(S) do MyStringList.Add(GetNextToken(S, Separator, Start)); end; function AddToken (const aToken, S: String; Separator: Char; StringLimit: integer): String; begin if Length(aToken) + Length(S) < StringLimit then begin {Add a separator unless the Result string is empty} if S = '' then Result := '' else Result := S + Separator; {Add the token} Result := Result + aToken; end else {if the StringLimit would be exceeded, raise an exception} Raise Exception.Create('Cannot add token'); end; end.
пример использования:
... data:= TStringList.Create; splited:=TStringList.Create; data.LoadFromFile(s); Split(data.Text,[',',' ',#10,#13,';','\"','.','!','-','+','*','/','\', '(',')','[',']','{','}','<','>','''','"','?','"','#',#0],splited); for i:= 0 to splited.Count-1 do begin if not words.Find(splited.Strings,adr) then words.Add(splited.Strings[i]); application.processmessages;[i]//make program to respond to user //commands while processing in case of very long string. end; ...
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Некоторое время назад одна любезная душа прислала мне этот модуль. Я нашел его весьма полезным, но применять его вам надлежит с некоторой долей осторожности, ибо тэг %s иногда приводит к исключительным ситуациям.
unit Scanf; interface uses SysUtils; type EFormatError = class(ExCeption); function Sscanf(const s: string; const fmt: string; const Pointers: array of Pointer): Integer; implementation { Sscanf выполняет синтаксический разбор входной строки. Параметры... s - входная строка для разбора fmt - 'C' scanf-форматоподобная строка для управления разбором %d - преобразование в Long Integer %f - преобразование в Extended Float %s - преобразование в строку (ограничено пробелами) другой символ - приращение позиции s на "другой символ" пробел - ничего не делает Pointers - массив указателей на присваиваемые переменные результат - количество действительно присвоенных переменных Например, ... Sscanf('Name. Bill Time. 7:32.77 Age. 8', '. %s . %d:%f . %d', [@Name, @hrs, @min, @age]); возвратит ... Name = Bill hrs = 7 min = 32.77 age = 8 } function Sscanf(const s: string; const fmt: string; const Pointers: array of Pointer): Integer; var i, j, n, m: integer; s1: string; L: LongInt; X: Extended; function GetInt: Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); while (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-']) and (Length(s) >= n) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetFloat: Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); while (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-', '.', 'e', 'E']) and (Length(s) >= n) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetString: Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); while (s[n] <> ' ') and (Length(s) >= n) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function ScanStr(c: Char): Boolean; begin while (s[n] <> c) and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); inc(n); if (n <= Length(s)) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function GetFmt: Integer; begin Result := -1; while (TRUE) do begin while (fmt[m] = ' ') and (Length(fmt) > m) do inc(m); if (m >= Length(fmt)) then break; if (fmt[m] = '%') then begin inc(m); case fmt[m] of 'd': Result := vtInteger; 'f': Result := vtExtended; 's': Result := vtString; end; inc(m); break; end; if (ScanStr(fmt[m]) = False) then break; inc(m); end; end; begin n := 1; m := 1; Result := 0; for i := 0 to High(Pointers) do begin j := GetFmt; case j of vtInteger: begin if GetInt > 0 then begin L := StrToInt(s1); Move(L, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(LongInt)); inc(Result); end else break; end; vtExtended: begin if GetFloat > 0 then begin X := StrToFloat(s1); Move(X, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(Extended)); inc(Result); end else break; end; vtString: begin if GetString > 0 then begin Move(s1, Pointers[i]^, Length(s1) + 1); inc(Result); end else break; end; else break; end; end; end; end.https://delphiworld.narod.ru/
DelphiWorld 6.0
// Parse a string, for example: // How do I get the "B" from "A|B|C|D|E|F"? function Parse(Char, S: string; Count: Integer): string; var I: Integer; T: string; begin if S[Length(S)] <> Char then S := S + Char; for I := 1 to Count do begin T := Copy(S, 0, Pos(Char, S) - 1); S := Copy(S, Pos(Char, S) + 1, Length(S)); end; Result := T; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(Parse('|', 'A|B|C|D|E|F', 2)); end; { Parameters: Parse([Character, for example "|"], [The string], [The number, the "B" is the 2nd part of the string]); This function is handy to use when sending data over the internet, for example a chat program: Name|Text. Note: Be sure there's no "Char" in the string! Use a unused character like "|" or "?". }
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