Сase для строки
const vlist = 'первый, второй, третий'; var Values: TStringList; procedure SetValues(VL : TStringList; S: String); var I : Integer; begin VL.CommaText := S; for I := 0 to CL.Count-1 do VL.Objects[I] := Pointer(I); VL.Sorted := True; end; function GetValueIndex(VL : TStringList; Match: String): Integer; begin Result := VL.IndexOf(Match); if Result >= 0 then Result := Integer(VL.Objects[Result]); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin case GetValueIndex(Values, Edit1.Text) of -1: {не найден} ; 0: Caption := '0'; 1: Caption := '1'; 2: Caption := '2'; end; end; initialization VL := TStringList.Create; SetValues(VL, vlist); finalization VL.Free;
DelphiWorld 6.0