Method pointers > Function pointers
{ Converting method pointers into function pointers Often you need a function pointer for a callback function. But what, if you want to specify a method as an callback? Converting a method pointer to a function pointer is not a trivial task; both types are incomatible with each other. Although you have the possibility to convert like this "@TClass.SomeMethod", this is more a hack than a solution, because it restricts the use of this method to some kind of a class function, where you cannot access instance variables. If you fail to do so, you'll get a wonderful gpf. But there is a better solution: run time code generation! Just allocate an executeable memory block, and write 4 machine code instructions into it: 2 instructions loads the two pointers of the method pointer (code & data) into the registers, one calls the method via the code pointer, and the last is just a return Now you can use this pointer to the allocated memory as a plain funtion pointer, but in fact you are calling a method for a specific instance of a Class. } type TMyMethod = procedure of object; function MakeProcInstance(M: TMethod): Pointer; begin // allocate memory GetMem(Result, 15); asm // MOV ECX, MOV BYTE PTR [EAX], $B9 MOV ECX, M.Data MOV DWORD PTR [EAX+$1], ECX // POP EDX MOV BYTE PTR [EAX+$5], $5A // PUSH ECX MOV BYTE PTR [EAX+$6], $51 // PUSH EDX MOV BYTE PTR [EAX+$7], $52 // MOV ECX, MOV BYTE PTR [EAX+$8], $B9 MOV ECX, M.Code MOV DWORD PTR [EAX+$9], ECX // JMP ECX MOV BYTE PTR [EAX+$D], $FF MOV BYTE PTR [EAX+$E], $E1 end; end; procedure FreeProcInstance(ProcInstance: Pointer); begin // free memory FreeMem(ProcInstance, 15); end; { After all, you should not forget to release the allocated memory. "TMyMethod" can be modified according your specific needs, e.g. add some parameters for a WindowProc. N.B.: Yes, I know, Delphi has those "MakeProcInstance" function in its forms unit. But this works a little bit different, has much more overhead, and most important, you have to use the forms unit, which increases the size of your exe drastically, if all other code doesn't use the VCL (e.g. in a fullscreen DirectX/OpenGl app). // Wer noch Fragen hat / if you have questions: }
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