Число английской строкой
unit uNum2Str; // Possible enhancements // Move strings out to resource files // Put in a general num2str utility interface function Num2Dollars(dNum: double): string; implementation uses SysUtils; function LessThan99(dNum: double): string; forward; // floating point modulus function FloatMod(i, j: double): double; begin result := i - (Int(i / j) * j); end; function Hundreds(dNum: double): string; var workVar: double; begin if (dNum < 100) or (dNum > 999) then raise Exception.Create('hundreds range exceeded'); result := ''; workVar := Int(dNum / 100); if workVar > 0 then result := LessThan99(workVar) + ' Hundred'; end; function OneToNine(dNum: Double): string; begin if (dNum < 1) or (dNum > 9) then raise exception.create('onetonine: value out of range'); result := 'woops'; if dNum = 1 then result := 'One' else if dNum = 2 then result := 'Two' else if dNum = 3 then result := 'Three' else if dNum = 4 then result := 'Four' else if dNum = 5 then result := 'Five' else if dNum = 6 then result := 'Six' else if dNum = 7 then result := 'Seven' else if dNum = 8 then result := 'Eight' else if dNum = 9 then result := 'Nine'; end; function ZeroTo19(dNum: double): string; begin if (dNum < 0) or (dNum > 19) then raise Exception.Create('Bad value in dNum'); result := ''; if dNum = 0 then result := 'Zero' else if (dNum <= 1) and (dNum >= 9) then result := OneToNine(dNum) else if dNum = 10 then result := 'Ten' else if dNum = 11 then result := 'Eleven' else if dNum = 12 then result := 'Twelve' else if dNum = 13 then result := 'Thirteen' else if dNum = 14 then result := 'Fourteen' else if dNum = 15 then result := 'Fifteen' else if dNum = 16 then result := 'Sixteen' else if dNum = 17 then result := 'Seventeen' else if dNum = 18 then result := 'Eighteen' else if dNum = 19 then result := 'Nineteen' else result := 'woops!'; end; function TwentyTo99(dNum: double): string; var BigNum: string; begin if (dNum < 20) or (dNum > 99) then raise exception.Create('TwentyTo99: dNum out of range!'); BigNum := 'woops'; if dNum >= 90 then BigNum := 'Ninety' else if dNum >= 80 then BigNum := 'Eighty' else if dNum >= 70 then BigNum := 'Seventy' else if dNum >= 60 then BigNum := 'Sixty' else if dNum >= 50 then BigNum := 'Fifty' else if dNum >= 40 then BigNum := 'Forty' else if dNum >= 30 then BigNum := 'Thirty' else if dNum >= 20 then BigNum := 'Twenty'; // lose the big num dNum := FloatMod(dNum, 10); if dNum > 0.00 then result := BigNum + ' ' + OneToNine(dNum) else result := BigNum; end; function LessThan99(dNum: double): string; begin if dNum <= 19 then result := ZeroTo19(dNum) else result := TwentyTo99(dNum); end; function Num2Dollars(dNum: double): string; var centsString: string; cents: double; workVar: double; begin result := ''; if dNum < 0 then raise Exception.Create('Negative numbers not supported'); if dNum > 999999999.99 then raise Exception.Create('Num2Dollars only supports up to the millions at this point!'); cents := (dNum - Int(dNum)) * 100.0; if cents = 0.0 then centsString := 'and 00/100 Dollars' else if cents < 10 then centsString := Format('and 0%1.0f/100 Dollars', [cents]) else centsString := Format('and %2.0f/100 Dollars', [cents]); dNum := Int(dNum - (cents / 100.0)); // lose the cents // deal with million's if (dNum >= 1000000) and (dNum <= 999999999) then begin workVar := dNum / 1000000; workVar := Int(workVar); if (workVar <= 9) then result := ZeroTo19(workVar) else if (workVar <= 99) then result := LessThan99(workVar) else if (workVar <= 999) then result := Hundreds(workVar) else result := 'mill fubar'; result := result + ' Million'; dNum := dNum - (workVar * 1000000); end; // deal with 1000's if (dNum >= 1000) and (dNum <= 999999.99) then begin // doing the two below statements in one line of code yields some really // freaky floating point errors workVar := dNum / 1000; workVar := Int(workVar); if (workVar <= 9) then result := ZeroTo19(workVar) else if (workVar <= 99) then result := LessThan99(workVar) else if (workVar <= 999) then result := Hundreds(workVar) else result := 'thou fubar'; result := result + ' Thousand'; dNum := dNum - (workVar * 1000); end; // deal with 100's if (dNum >= 100.00) and (dNum <= 999.99) then begin result := result + ' ' + Hundreds(dNum); dNum := FloatMod(dNum, 100); end; // format in anything less than 100 if (dNum > 0) or ((dNum = 0) and (Length(result) = 0)) then begin result := result + ' ' + LessThan99(dNum); end; result := result + ' ' + centsString; end; end.
function HundredAtATime(TheAmount: Integer): string; var TheResult: string; begin TheResult := ''; TheAmount := Abs(TheAmount); while TheAmount > 0 do begin if TheAmount >= 900 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Nine hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 900; end; if TheAmount >= 800 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Eight hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 800; end; if TheAmount >= 700 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Seven hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 700; end; if TheAmount >= 600 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Six hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 600; end; if TheAmount >= 500 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Five hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 500; end; if TheAmount >= 400 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Four hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 400; end; if TheAmount >= 300 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Three hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 300; end; if TheAmount >= 200 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Two hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 200; end; if TheAmount >= 100 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'One hundred '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 100; end; if TheAmount >= 90 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Ninety '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 90; end; if TheAmount >= 80 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Eighty '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 80; end; if TheAmount >= 70 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Seventy '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 70; end; if TheAmount >= 60 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Sixty '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 60; end; if TheAmount >= 50 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Fifty '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 50; end; if TheAmount >= 40 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Fourty '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 40; end; if TheAmount >= 30 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Thirty '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 30; end; if TheAmount >= 20 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Twenty '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 20; end; if TheAmount >= 19 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Nineteen '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 19; end; if TheAmount >= 18 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Eighteen '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 18; end; if TheAmount >= 17 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Seventeen '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 17; end; if TheAmount >= 16 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Sixteen '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 16; end; if TheAmount >= 15 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Fifteen '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 15; end; if TheAmount >= 14 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Fourteen '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 14; end; if TheAmount >= 13 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Thirteen '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 13; end; if TheAmount >= 12 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Twelve '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 12; end; if TheAmount >= 11 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Eleven '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 11; end; if TheAmount >= 10 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Ten '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 10; end; if TheAmount >= 9 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Nine '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 9; end; if TheAmount >= 8 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Eight '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 8; end; if TheAmount >= 7 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Seven '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 7; end; if TheAmount >= 6 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Six '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 6; end; if TheAmount >= 5 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Five '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 5; end; if TheAmount >= 4 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Four '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 4; end; if TheAmount >= 3 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Three '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 3; end; if TheAmount >= 2 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'Two '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 2; end; if TheAmount >= 1 then begin TheResult := TheResult + 'One '; TheAmount := TheAmount - 1; end; end; HundredAtATime := TheResult; end; function Real2CheckAmount(TheAmount: Real): string; var IntVal: LongInt; TmpVal: Integer; TmpStr, RetVal: string; begin TheAmount := Abs(TheAmount); { центы } TmpVal := Round(Frac(TheAmount) * 100); IntVal := Trunc(TheAmount); TmpStr := HundredAtATime(TmpVal); if TmpStr = '' then TmpStr := 'Zero '; RetVal := TmpStr + 'cents'; if IntVal > 0 then RetVal := 'dollars and ' + RetVal; { сотни } TmpVal := Round(Frac((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0) * 1000); IntVal := Trunc((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0); TmpStr := HundredAtATime(TmpVal); RetVal := TmpStr + RetVal; { тысячи } TmpVal := Round(Frac((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0) * 1000); IntVal := Trunc((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0); TmpStr := HundredAtATime(TmpVal); if TmpStr <> '' then RetVal := TmpStr + 'Thousand ' + RetVal; { миллионы } TmpVal := Round(Frac((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0) * 1000); IntVal := Trunc((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0); TmpStr := HundredAtATime(TmpVal); if TmpStr <> '' then RetVal := TmpStr + 'Million ' + RetVal; { миллиарды } TmpVal := Round(Frac((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0) * 1000); IntVal := Trunc((IntVal * 1.0) / 1000.0); TmpStr := HundredAtATime(TmpVal); if TmpStr <> '' then RetVal := TmpStr + 'Billion ' + RetVal; Real2CheckAmount := RetVal; end;
Хммммм...вроде бы работает, но как все громоздко и неуклюже....добавьте в код немного рекурсии и вы получите более элегантную программу..: )))
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) num: TEdit; spell: TEdit; Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } function trans9(num: integer): string; function trans19(num: integer): string; function trans99(num: integer): string; function IntToSpell(num: integer): string; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} function TForm1.IntToSpell(num: integer): string; var spell: string; hspell: string; hundred: string; thousand: string; tthousand: string; hthousand: string; million: string; begin if num ≶ 10 then spell := trans9(num); {endif} if (num < 20) and (num > 10) then spell := trans19(num); {endif} if (((num < 100) and (num > 19)) or (num = 10)) then begin hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 1, 1) + '0'; spell := trans99(StrToInt(hspell)); hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 2, 1); spell := spell + ' ' + IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); end; if (num < 1000) and (num > 100) then begin hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 1, 1); hundred := IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 2, 2); hundred := hundred + ' hundred and ' + IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); spell := hundred; end; if (num < 10000) and (num > 1000) then begin hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 1, 1); thousand := IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 2, 3); thousand := thousand + ' thousand ' + IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); spell := thousand; end; if (num < 100000) and (num > 10000) then begin hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 1, 2); tthousand := IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 3, 3); tthousand := tthousand + ' thousand ' + IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); spell := tthousand; end; if (num < 1000000) and (num > 100000) then begin hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 1, 3); hthousand := IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 4, 3); hthousand := hthousand + ' thousand and ' + IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); spell := hthousand; end; if (num < 10000000) and (num > 1000000) then begin hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 1, 1); million := IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); hspell := copy(IntToStr(num), 2, 6); million := million + ' million and ' + IntToSpell(StrToInt(hspell)); spell := million; end; IntToSpell := spell; end; function TForm1.trans99(num: integer): string; var spell: string; begin case num of 10: spell := 'ten'; 20: spell := 'twenty'; 30: spell := 'thirty'; 40: spell := 'fourty'; 50: spell := 'fifty'; 60: spell := 'sixty'; 70: spell := 'seventy'; 80: spell := 'eighty'; 90: spell := 'ninty'; end; trans99 := spell; end; function TForm1.trans19(num: integer): string; var spell: string; begin case num of 11: spell := 'eleven'; 12: spell := 'twelve'; 13: spell := 'thirteen'; 14: spell := 'fourteen'; 15: spell := 'fifteen'; 16: spell := 'sixteen'; 17: spell := 'seventeen'; 18: spell := 'eighteen'; 19: spell := 'nineteen'; end; trans19 := spell; end; function TForm1.trans9(num: integer): string; var spell: string; begin case num of 1: spell := 'one'; 2: spell := 'two'; 3: spell := 'three'; 4: spell := 'four'; 5: spell := 'five'; 6: spell := 'six'; 7: spell := 'seven'; 8: spell := 'eight'; 9: spell := 'nine'; end; trans9 := spell; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var numb: integer; begin spell.text := IntToSpell(StrToInt(num.text)); end;
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