Создание hardlink и symbolic link
{ **** UBPFD *********** by kladovka.net.ru **** >> Создание hardlink и symbolic link. Исходный код утилиты, которая создает hard и symbolic links почти как в unix. Hardlink можно создать только для файлов и только на NTFS. Symbolic link можно создать только для директориев и только на NTFS5 (Win2K/XP) и он не может указывать на сетевой ресурс. Зависимости: Windows, SysUtils Автор: Alex Konshin, akonshin@earthlink.net, Boston, USA Copyright: http://home.earthlink.net/~akonshin/files/xlink.zip Дата: 30 декабря 2002 г. ********************************************** } program xlink; uses Windows, SysUtils; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R xlink.res} type TOptions = set of (optSymbolicLink,optOverwrite,optRecursive,optDirectory); int64rec = packed record lo: LongWord; hi: LongInt; end; const FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = DWORD(-1); //============================================================= function isFileExists( const AFileName: String ): Boolean; var h: THandle; rFindData: TWin32FindData; begin h := Windows.FindFirstFile( PChar(AFileName), rFindData ); Result := h<>INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if not Result then Exit; Windows.FindClose(h); Result := ( rFindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) = 0; end; //------------------------------------------------------------- // warning: function assumes that it is correct directory name function isDirectoryEmpty( const ADirectoryName: String ): Boolean; var h: THandle; len : Integer; rFindData: TWin32FindData; sSeachMask : String; begin len := Length(ADirectoryName); if (PChar(ADirectoryName)+len-1)^='\' then sSeachMask := ADirectoryName+'*' else sSeachMask := ADirectoryName+'\*'; h := Windows.FindFirstFile( PChar(sSeachMask), rFindData ); Result := (h=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); Windows.FindClose(h); end; //------------------------------------------------------------- function SysErrorMessage( ErrorCode: Integer ): string; var Len: Integer; Buffer: Array[0..255] of Char; begin Len := FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM or FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, nil, ErrorCode, 0, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), nil ); while (Len>0) and (Buffer[Len-1] in [#0..#32, '.']) do Dec(Len); SetString( Result, Buffer, Len ); end; //------------------------------------------------------------- procedure _CreateHardlink( AFileName : String; AFileWCName : PWideChar; ALinkName: String; overwrite: Boolean ); var aLinkWCFileName, aLinkFullName: Array[0..MAX_PATH] of WChar; pwFilePart: LPWSTR; hFileSource: THandle; rStreamId: WIN32_STREAM_ID; cbPathLen, dwStreamHeaderSize, dwBytesWritten: DWORD; lpContext: Pointer; begin StringToWidechar( ALinkName, aLinkWCFileName, MAX_PATH ); hFileSource := Windows.CreateFile( PChar(AFileName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE or FILE_SHARE_DELETE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); if hFileSource=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then raise Exception.Create('Cannot open file "'+AFileName+'"'); try cbPathLen := Windows.GetFullPathNameW( aLinkWCFileName, MAX_PATH, aLinkFullName, pwFilePart ); if cbPathLen<=0 then raise Exception.Create('Invalid link name "'+ALinkName+'"'); cbPathLen := (cbPathLen+1)*SizeOf(WChar); lpContext := nil; rStreamId.dwStreamId := BACKUP_LINK; rStreamId.dwStreamAttributes := 0; rStreamId.dwStreamNameSize := 0; int64rec(rStreamId.Size).hi := 0; int64rec(rStreamId.Size).lo := cbPathLen; dwStreamHeaderSize := PChar(@rStreamId.cStreamName)-PChar(@rStreamId) +LongInt(rStreamId.dwStreamNameSize); if not BackupWrite( hFileSource, Pointer(@rStreamId), // buffer to write dwStreamHeaderSize, // number of bytes to write dwBytesWritten, False, // don't abort yet False, // don't process security lpContext ) then RaiseLastOSError; if not BackupWrite( hFileSource, Pointer(@aLinkFullName), // buffer to write cbPathLen, // number of bytes to write dwBytesWritten, False, // don't abort yet False, // don't process security lpContext ) then RaiseLastOSError; // free context if not BackupWrite( hFileSource, nil, // buffer to write 0, // number of bytes to write dwBytesWritten, True, // abort False, // don't process security lpContext ) then RaiseLastOSError; finally CloseHandle(hFileSource); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------- // ADirName and ADirForLinks must not end with backslach procedure _CreateHardlinksForSubDirectory( const ADirName, ADirForLinks: String; options: TOptions ); var h: THandle; sExistedFile, sLinkName : String; dwAttributes : DWORD; rFindData: TWin32FindData; awcFileName : Array[0..MAX_PATH] of WChar; begin dwAttributes := GetFileAttributes( PChar(ADirForLinks) ); if dwAttributes=FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then begin // WriteLn('Create Directory ',ADirForLinks); if not CreateDir(ADirForLinks) then raise Exception.Create('Cannot create directory "'+ADirForLinks+'".'); end else if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)=0 then raise Exception.Create('File "'+ADirName +'" already exists and it is not a directory.'); h := Windows.FindFirstFile( PChar(ADirName+'\*'), rFindData ); if h=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; try repeat if (rFindData.cFileName[0]='.') and ( (rFindData.cFileName[1]=#0) or ((rFindData.cFileName[1]='.') and (rFindData.cFileName[2]=#0))) then Continue; sExistedFile := ADirName+'\'+rFindData.cFileName; sLinkName := ADirForLinks+'\'+rFindData.cFileName; if (rFindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)=0 then begin awcFileName[ Windows.MultiByteToWideChar( 0, 0, PChar(sExistedFile), MAX_PATH,awcFileName,MAX_PATH) ] := #0; _CreateHardlink( sExistedFile, awcFileName, sLinkName, optOverwrite in options ); end else if optRecursive in options then begin _CreateHardlinksForSubDirectory(sExistedFile,sLinkName,options); end; until not Windows.FindNextFile(h,rFindData); finally Windows.FindClose(h); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------- procedure CreateHardlink( AFileName, ALinkName: String; options: TOptions ); var dwAttributes: DWORD; aFileSource : Array[0..MAX_PATH] of WChar; begin dwAttributes := Windows.GetFileAttributes(PChar(AFileName)); if dwAttributes=FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then raise Exception.Create('File "'+AFileName+'" does not exist.'); if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)<>0 then raise Exception.Create('Cannot create hardlink for directory (file "' +AFileName+'").'); dwAttributes := Windows.GetFileAttributes(PChar(ALinkName)); if dwAttributes<>FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then begin if not(optOverwrite in options) then raise Exception.Create('File "'+ALinkName+'" already exists.'); if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)<>0 then raise Exception.Create('Cannot overwrite directory "'+AFileName+'".'); end; StringToWidechar( AFileName, aFileSource, MAX_PATH ); _CreateHardlink( AFileName, aFileSource, ALinkName, optOverwrite in options ); end; //------------------------------------------------------------- procedure CreateHardlinksForDirectory( const ADirName, ADirForLinks: String; options: TOptions ); var dwAttributes: DWORD; len : Integer; sDirName, sDirForLinks : String; begin dwAttributes := Windows.GetFileAttributes(PChar(ADirName)); if dwAttributes=FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then raise Exception.Create('Directory "'+ADirName+'" does not exist.'); if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)=0 then raise Exception.Create('File "'+ADirName+'" is not a directory.'); len := Length(ADirName); if (PChar(ADirName)+len-1)^='\' then sDirName := Copy(ADirName,1,len-1) else sDirName := ADirName; if (PChar(ADirForLinks)+Length(ADirForLinks)-1)^<>'\' then sDirForLinks := ADirForLinks else sDirForLinks := Copy(ADirForLinks,1,Length(ADirForLinks)-1); _CreateHardlinksForSubDirectory(sDirName,sDirForLinks,options); end; //------------------------------------------------------------- procedure CreateHardlinksInDirectory( const AFileName, ADirForLinks: String; options: TOptions ); var dwAttributes: DWORD; len : Integer; sFileName, sDirForLinks, sLinkName : String; aFileSource : Array[0..MAX_PATH] of WChar; begin dwAttributes := Windows.GetFileAttributes(PChar(AFileName)); if dwAttributes=FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then raise Exception.Create('File or directory "'+AFileName+'" does not exist.'); if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)=0 then begin sLinkName := ADirForLinks+'\'+SysUtils.ExpandFileName(AFileName); dwAttributes := Windows.GetFileAttributes(PChar(sLinkName)); if dwAttributes<>FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then begin if not(optOverwrite in options) then raise Exception.Create('File "'+sLinkName+'" already exists.'); if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)<>0 then raise Exception.Create('Cannot overwrite directory "'+AFileName+'".'); end; StringToWidechar( AFileName, aFileSource, MAX_PATH ); _CreateHardlink( AFileName, aFileSource, sLinkName, optOverwrite in options ); end else begin len := Length(AFileName); if (PChar(AFileName)+len-1)^='\' then sFileName := Copy(AFileName,1,len-1) else sFileName := AFileName; if (PChar(ADirForLinks)+Length(ADirForLinks)-1)^<>'\' then sDirForLinks := ADirForLinks else sDirForLinks := Copy(ADirForLinks,1,Length(ADirForLinks)-1); _CreateHardlinksForSubDirectory(sFileName,sDirForLinks,options); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------- procedure DeleteDirectoryContent( const ADirName: String ); type PDirRef = ^TDirRef; PPDirRef = ^PDirRef; TDirRef = record Next : PDirRef; DirName : String; end; var h: THandle; sFileName : String; pSubDirs : PDirRef; ppLast : PPDirRef; pDir : PDirRef; rFindData: TWin32FindData; begin pSubDirs := nil; ppLast := @pSubDirs; h := Windows.FindFirstFile( PChar(ADirName+'\*'), rFindData ); if h=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; try try repeat if (rFindData.cFileName[0]='.') and ( (rFindData.cFileName[1]=#0) or ((rFindData.cFileName[1]='.') and (rFindData.cFileName[2]=#0))) then Continue; sFileName := ADirName+'\'+rFindData.cFileName; if (rFindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)<>0 then begin New(pDir); with pDir^ do begin Next := nil; DirName := sFileName; end; ppLast^ := pDir; ppLast := @pDir^.Next; end else if not DeleteFile(sFileName) then raise Exception.Create('Cannot delete file "'+sFileName+'".'); until not Windows.FindNextFile(h,rFindData); finally Windows.FindClose(h); end; if pSubDirs<>nil then begin repeat pDir := pSubDirs; pSubDirs := pDir^.Next; sFileName := pDir^.DirName; Dispose(pDir); DeleteDirectoryContent(sFileName); if not RemoveDir(sFileName) then raise Exception.Create('Cannot delete directory "'+sFileName+'".'); until pSubDirs=nil; end; except while pSubDirs<>nil do begin pDir := pSubDirs; pSubDirs := pDir^.Next; Dispose(pDir); end; raise; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------- const FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM = $0009; // Define the method codes for how buffers are passed for I/O and FS controls METHOD_BUFFERED = 0; METHOD_IN_DIRECT = 1; METHOD_OUT_DIRECT = 2; METHOD_NEITHER = 3; // Define the access check value for any access FILE_ANY_ACCESS = 0; FILE_READ_DATA = 1; FILE_WRITE_DATA = 2; FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT = (FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM shl 16) or (FILE_ANY_ACCESS shl 14) or (41 shl 2) or (METHOD_BUFFERED); FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT = (FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM shl 16) or (FILE_ANY_ACCESS shl 14) or (42 shl 2) or (METHOD_BUFFERED); FSCTL_DELETE_REPARSE_POINT = (FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM shl 16) or (FILE_ANY_ACCESS shl 14) or (43 shl 2) or (METHOD_BUFFERED); FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT = $00200000; FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = $00000400; IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT = $A0000003; REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_HEADER_SIZE = 8; type REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_DATA_BUFFER = packed record ReparseTag : DWORD; ReparseDataLength : DWORD; Reserved : Word; ReparseTargetLength : Word; ReparseTargetMaximumLength : Word; Reserved1 : Word; ReparseTarget : Array [0..0] of WChar; end; TReparseMountpointDataBuffer = REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_DATA_BUFFER; PReparseMountpointDataBuffer = ^TReparseMountpointDataBuffer; //------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateSymlink( ATargetName, ALinkName: String; const options: TOptions ): Boolean; const pwcNativeFileNamePrefix : PWideChar = '\??\'; nNativeFileNamePrefixWCharLength = 4; nNativeFileNamePrefixByteLength = nNativeFileNamePrefixWCharLength*2; var hLink : THandle; pReparseInfo : PReparseMountpointDataBuffer; len, size : Integer; pwcLinkFileName : PWideChar; pwcTargetNativeFileName : PWideChar; pwcTargetFileName : PWideChar; pwc : PWideChar; pc : PChar; dwBytesReturned : DWORD; dwAttributes : DWORD; bDirectoryCreated : Boolean; aTargetFullName : Array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin Result := False; pReparseInfo := nil; hLink := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; bDirectoryCreated := False; len := Length(ALinkName); if ((PChar(ALinkName)+len-1)^='\') and ((PChar(ALinkName)+len-2)^<>':') then begin Dec(len); SetLength(ALinkName,len); end; System.GetMem( pwcLinkFileName, len+len+2 ); try pwcLinkFileName[ Windows.MultiByteToWideChar(0,0,PChar(ALinkName),len,wcLinkFileName,len) ] := #0; dwAttributes := Windows.getFileAttributesW( pwcLinkFileName ); if dwAttributes<>FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then begin if not(optOverwrite in options) then begin if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)=0 then raise Exception.Create('The file "'+ALinkName+'" already exists'); if not isDirectoryEmpty(ALinkName) then raise Exception.Create( 'The directory "'+ALinkName+'" already exists and is not empty'); dwAttributes := FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; end else if ((dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)=0) then begin if not DeleteFile(ALinkName) then raise Exception.Create('Cannot overwrite file "'+ALinkName+'"'); dwAttributes := FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; end else if (dwAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) <>FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT then if not isDirectoryEmpty(ALinkName) then begin if not(optDirectory in options) then raise Exception.Create('Cannot overwrite non-empty directory "' +ALinkName+'"'); DeleteDirectoryContent(ALinkName); end; end; if dwAttributes=FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then begin Windows.CreateDirectoryW( pwcLinkFileName, nil ); bDirectoryCreated := True; end; try hLink := Windows.CreateFileW( pwcLinkFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT or FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0 ); if hLink=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then RaiseLastOSError; len := Length(ATargetName); if ((PChar(ATargetName)+len-1)^='\') and ((PChar(ATargetName)+len-2)^<>':') then begin Dec(len); SetLength(ATargetName,len); end; len := Windows.GetFullPathName( PChar(ATargetName), MAX_PATH, aTargetFullName, pc ); size := len+len+2 +nNativeFileNamePrefixByteLength+REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_HEADER_SIZE+12; System.GetMem( pReparseInfo, size ); FillChar( pReparseInfo^, size, #0 ); pwcTargetNativeFileName := @pReparseInfo^.ReparseTarget; System.Move( pwcNativeFileNamePrefix^, pwcTargetNativeFileName^, nNativeFileNamePrefixByteLength+2 ); pwcTargetFileName := pwcTargetNativeFileName + nNativeFileNamePrefixWCharLength; pwc := pwcTargetFileName + Windows.MultiByteToWideChar(0,0, aTargetFullName, len, pwcTargetFileName,len); pwc^ := #0; with pReparseInfo^ do begin ReparseTag := IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT; ReparseTargetLength := PChar(pwc)-PChar(pwcTargetNativeFileName); ReparseTargetMaximumLength := ReparseTargetLength+2; ReparseDataLength := ReparseTargetLength + 12; end; dwBytesReturned := 0; if not DeviceIoControl( hLink, FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT, pReparseInfo, pReparseInfo^.ReparseDataLength + REPARSE_MOUNTPOINT_HEADER_SIZE, nil, 0, dwBytesReturned, nil ) then RaiseLastOSError; except if bDirectoryCreated then RemoveDirectoryW( pwcLinkFileName ); raise; end; Result := true; finally if hLink<>INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Windows.CloseHandle(hLink); if pwcLinkFileName<>nil then System.FreeMem(pwcLinkFileName); if pReparseInfo<>nil then System.FreeMem(pReparseInfo); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Help; begin WriteLn; WriteLn('Create link(s) on NTFS.'); WriteLn; WriteLn('Usage:'); WriteLn; WriteLn('To create hardlink(s) (works only for files):'); WriteLn('xlink [-fr] <existed_file> <link_name>'); WriteLn; WriteLn('To create symbolic link (works on Windows 2k/XP for directories only):'); WriteLn('xlink -s[f|F] <existed_directory> <link_name>'); WriteLn; WriteLn('Options:'); WriteLn('-f Overwrite file with name <link_name> if it exists.'); WriteLn('-F Overwrite file/directory with name <link_name> if it exists.'); WriteLn('-r Recursive.'); WriteLn; WriteLn('(c) 2002 Alex Konshin'); Halt; end; //------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Execute; var iArg : Integer; sArg : String; ptr : PChar; options : TOptions; sExistedFileName : String; sLink : String; dwAttrs : DWORD; begin iArg := 1; repeat sArg := ParamStr(iArg); if sArg='' then Help; if PChar(sArg)^<>'-' then Break; ptr := PChar(sArg)+1; while ptr^<>#0 do begin case ptr^ of 's','S': Include( options, optSymbolicLink ); 'h','H': Help; 'F': options := options + [optOverwrite,optDirectory]; 'f': Include( options, optOverwrite ); 'r','R': Include( options, optRecursive ); 'd','D': Include( options, optDirectory ); else WriteLn('Error: Invalid option ''-',ptr^,''''); Exit; end; Inc(ptr); end; Inc(iArg); until iArg<=ParamCount; if ParamCount<=iArg then Help; if ParamCount-iArg>1 then Include( options, optDirectory ); if optSymbolicLink in options then begin sLink := ParamStr(ParamCount); repeat sExistedFileName := ParamStr(iArg); if not CreateSymlink( sExistedFileName, sLink, options ) then WriteLn( 'The symbolic link creation failed.' ); Inc(iArg); until iArg>=ParamCount; end else if (options*[optRecursive,optDirectory])<>[] then begin sLink := ParamStr(ParamCount); repeat sExistedFileName := ParamStr(iArg); CreateHardlinksInDirectory( sExistedFileName, sLink, options ); Inc(iArg); until iArg>=ParamCount; end else begin sExistedFileName := ParamStr(iArg); sLink := ParamStr(ParamCount); dwAttrs := GetFileAttributes( PChar(sExistedFileName) ); if dwAttrs=FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then begin writeln('Error: The source file does not exist'); Exit; end; if (dwAttrs and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)<>0 then begin writeln('Error: Cannot create hardlink for directory'); Exit; end; CreateHardlink( sExistedFileName, sLink, options ); end; end; //============================================================= begin if ParamCount<2 then Help; try Execute; except on E:Exception do begin WriteLn(E.ClassName+': '+E.Message); end; end; end.