procedure TxtToGif(txt, FileName: string); var temp: TBitmap; GIF: TGIFImage; begin temp := TBitmap.Create; try temp.Height := 400; temp.Width := 60; temp.Transparent := True; temp.Canvas.Brush.Color := colFondo.ColorValue; temp.Canvas.Font.Name := Fuente.FontName; temp.Canvas.Font.Color := colFuente.ColorValue; temp.Canvas.TextOut(10, 10, txt); Imagen.Picture.Assign(nil); GIF := TGIFImage.Create; try // Convert the bitmap to a GIF GIF.Assign(Temp); // Save the GIF GIF.SaveToFile(FileName); // Display the GIF Imagen.Picture.Assign(GIF); finally GIF.Free; end; finally temp.Destroy; end; end;
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