Работа с TGA файлами
const FERRORMSG2 = 'Sorry, Unsupported Compressed(RLE) File Format'; FERRORMSG3 = 'Sorry, Unsupported More Than 256 Colours File Format'; type TArrBuff = array[1..512] of Byte; TPalette_Cell = record b2, g2, r2: byte; end; TPal = array[0..255] of TPalette_Cell; TPPal = ^TPal; TTGA_Header = record // Targa(TGA) HEADER // IDLength, ColorMap, ImageType: byte; ClrMapSpes: array[1..5] of byte; XAwal, YAwal, Width, Height: SmallInt; BpPixel, ImageDescription: byte; end; var pal: TPPal; pFile: file; buffer: TArrBuff; FTgaHeader: TTGA_Header; procedure THPTGA.ReadImageData2Bitmap; var i, j, idx: integer; begin Seek(pFile, sizeof(FtgaHeader) + FtgaHeader.IDLength + 768); for i := FtgaHeader.Height - 1 downto FtgaHeader.YAwal do begin BlockRead(pFile, buffer, FtgaHeader.Width); for j := FtgaHeader.XAwal to FtgaHeader.Width - 1 do begin idx := j - FtgaHeader.XAwal + 1; SetPixel(Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, j, i, rgb(pal^[buffer[idx]].r2, pal^[buffer[idx]].g2, pal^[buffer[idx]].b2)); end; end; end; procedure THPTGA.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); begin AssignFile(pFile, FileName); {$I-}Reset(pFile, 1); {$I+} if (IOResult = 0) then begin try BlockRead(pFile, FtgaHeader, SizeOf(FtgaHeader)); // checking unsupported features here if (FtgaHeader.ImageType > 3) then begin MessageBox(Application.Handle, FERRORMSG2, 'TGA Viewer Error', MB_ICONHAND); exit; end; if (FtgaHeader.BpPixel > 8) then begin MessageBox(Application.Handle, FERRORMSG3, 'TGA Viewer Error', MB_ICONHAND); exit; end; GetMem(pal, 768); try Bitmap.Width := FtgaHeader.Width; Bitmap.Height := FtgaHeader.Height; // if use Color-Map and Uncompressed then read it if (FtgaHeader.ImageType = 1) then BlockRead(pFile, pal^, 768); ReadImageData2Bitmap; finally FreeMem(pal); end; finally CloseFile(pFile); end; end else MessageBox(Application.Handle, 'Error Opening File', 'TGA Viewer Error', MB_ICONHAND); end;
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