Конвертировать INI-файл в XML
uses XMLIntf, XMLDoc, INIFiles; procedure INI2XML(const pINIFileName: string; const pXML: IXMLNode; const AsAttributes: Boolean = true); var lINIFile: TIniFile; lSections, lItems: TStringList; iSections, iItems: integer; lNode: IXMLNode; begin lINIFile := TIniFile.Create(pINIFileName); try lSections := TStringList.Create; try lItems := TStringList.Create; try lINIFile.ReadSections(lSections); for iSections := 0 to pred(lSections.Count) do begin lItems.Clear; lINIFile.ReadSection(lSections[iSections], lItems); lNode := pXML.AddChild(StringReplace(lSections[iSections], ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll])); for iItems := 0 to pred(lItems.Count) do begin if AsAttributes then lNode.Attributes[lItems[iItems]] := lINIFile.ReadString(lSections[iSections], lItems[iItems], '') else lNode.AddChild(lItems[iItems]).Text := lINIFile.ReadString(lSections[iSections], lItems[iItems], ''); end; lNode := nil; end; finally lItems.Free; end; finally lSections.Free; end; finally lINIFile.Free; end; end;
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