Как найти пароль к базе данных?
I know there that there are many utilities out there costing $$ for removing the password of an access database. Here's how to implement it in Delphi.Please note that this method is not meant for a database with user-level security and work group information file. The idea is based on the file format of an access db.
The password is stored from location $42 and encrypted using simple xoring. The following function does decryption.
function GetPassword(filename: string): string; var Stream: TFilestream; buffer: array[0..12] of char; str: string; begin try stream := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead); except ShowMessage('Could not open the file.Make sure that the file is not in use.'); exit; end; stream.Seek($42, soFromBeginning); stream.Read(buffer, 13); stream.Destroy; str := chr(Ord(buffer[0]) xor $86); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[1]) xor $FB); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[2]) xor $EC); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[3]) xor $37); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[4]) xor $5D); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[5]) xor $44); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[6]) xor $9C); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[7]) xor $FA); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[8]) xor $C6); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[9]) xor $5E); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[10]) xor $28); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[11]) xor $E6); str := str + chr(Ord(buffer[12]) xor $13); Result := str; end;
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