TDBGrid – сохранение конфигурации
Нижеописанный код создает, сохраняет и загружает конфигурационный файл и изменяет размеры столбцов таблицы DBGRID
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, DBGrids, Db, DBTables, StdCtrls, IniFiles; ... procedure TMainForm.NewIni(const NomeIni: string); var F: System.Text; i: Byte; begin System.Assign(F, NomeIni); System.ReWrite(F); System.WriteLn(F, '[Campi_Ordine]'); for i:=1 to Table1.FieldCount do System.WriteLn(F, 'Campo',i,'=',Table1.Fields[i-1].FieldName); System.WriteLn(F, ''); System.WriteLn(F, '[Campi_Size]'); for i:=1 to Table1.FieldCount do System.WriteLn(F, 'Campo',i,'=',Table1.Fields[i-1].DisplayWidth); System.Close(F); end; procedure TMainForm.SaveIni(const FN: string); var Ini: TIniFile; i: Integer; S : string; begin NewIni(FN); Ini := TIniFile.Create(FN); with Ini do begin for i:=1 to Table1.FieldCount do begin S:= Table1.Fields[i-1].FieldName; WriteString('Campi_Ordine', 'Campo'+IntToStr(i), Table1.Fields[i-1].FieldName); WriteInteger('Campi_Size', 'Campo'+IntToStr(i), Table1.Fields[i-1].DisplayWidth); end; end; Ini.Free; end; procedure TMainForm.LoadIni(const FN: string); var Ini: TIniFile; i: Integer; j: Longint; S: string; function MyReadInteger(const Section, Ident: string): Longint; begin result := Ini.ReadInteger(Section, Ident, -1); if result=-1 then raise Exception.Create('Errore nel file di configurazione.'); end; function MyReadString(const Section, Ident: string): string; begin result := Ini.ReadString(Section, Ident, ''); if result='' then raise Exception.Create('Errore nel file di configurazione.'); end; begin Ini := TIniFile.Create(FN); try with Ini do begin for i:=1 to Table1.FieldCount do begin S:= MyReadString('Campi_Ordine', 'Campo'+IntToStr(i)); j:= MyReadInteger('Campi_Size', 'Campo'+IntToStr(i)); Table1.FieldByName(S).index := i-1; Table1.FieldByName(S).DisplayWidth := j; end; end; finally Ini.Free; end; end;
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