Как установить BDE?
program InstallPrfSt; { Программа иллюстрирует, как установить BDE с поддержкой PARADOX 7.0 на "чистой машине" и создать алиас. Пример использования в качестве простейшего инсталлятора для программы C:\MyDir\MyProg.exe 1.Создайте каталог C:\MyDir\BDE и скопируйте в него след. файлы: CHARSET.BLL OTHER.BLL IDAPI32.CFG BLW32.DLL IDAPI32.DLL IDBAT32.DLL IDPDX32.DLL IDR20009.DLL IDSQL32.DLL BDEADMIN.EXE - по вкусу, т.к. необходимым не является. 2.Измените значение константы AliasName на имя необходимого вам алиаса. 3.Откомпиллируйте и запустите эту программу из каталога C:\MyDir. ВHИМАHИЕ!!! Если на машине уже установлено BDE, то перед экспериментами сохраните (на всякий случай) след. ключи из реестра: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine] и [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Borland\BLW32]. } {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows, BDE, Registry; const AliasName: string = 'PrefStat'; var R: DBIResult; Path: string; procedure WriteString(S1:string); begin S1 := S1 + #0; AnsiToOem(@S1[1], @S1[1]); writeln(S1); end; function GetExePath(S1:string):string; var I, K :Integer; S: string; begin K := 1; S := ''; for I := Length(S1) downto 1 do begin if S1[I] = '\' then begin K := I; Break; end; end; for I := 1 to K - 1 do S := S + S1[I]; Result:=S; end; procedure InstallBde; const Bor: string = 'SOFTWARE\Borland'; var a: TRegistry; BPath: string; begin BPath:=PATH + '\BDE'; a := TRegistry.Create; with a do begin RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OpenKey(Bor + '\Database Engine', True); WriteString('CONFIGFILE01', BPath+'\IDAPI32.CFG'); WriteString('DLLPATH', BPath); WriteString('RESOURCE', '0009'); WriteString('SaveConfig', 'WIN32'); WriteString('UseCount', '2'); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\BLW32',True); WriteString('BLAPIPATH', BPath); WriteString('LOCALE_LIB3', BPath+'\OTHER.BLL'); WriteString('LOCALE_LIB4', BPath+'\CHARSET.BLL'); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\Database Engine\Settings\SYSTEM\INIT',True); WriteString('AUTO ODBC', 'FALSE'); WriteString('DATA REPOSITORY', ''); WriteString('DEFAULT DRIVER', 'PARADOX'); WriteString('LANGDRIVER', 'ancyrr'); WriteString('LOCAL SHARE', 'FALSE'); WriteString('LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMIT', '32'); WriteString('MAXBUFSIZE', '2048'); WriteString('MAXFILEHANDLES', '48'); WriteString('MEMSIZE', '16'); WriteString('MINBUFSIZE', '128'); WriteString('SHAREDMEMLOCATION', ''); WriteString('SHAREDMEMSIZE', '2048'); WriteString('SQLQRYMODE', ''); WriteString('SYSFLAGS', '0'); WriteString('VERSION', '1.0'); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\Database Engine\Settings\SYSTEM\FORMATS\DATE',True); WriteString('FOURDIGITYEAR', 'TRUE'); WriteString('LEADINGZEROD', 'FALSE'); WriteString('LEADINGZEROM', 'FALSE'); WriteString('MODE', '1'); WriteString('SEPARATOR', '.'); WriteString('YEARBIASED', 'TRUE'); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\Database Engine\Settings\SYSTEM\FORMATS\NUMBER',True); WriteString('DECIMALDIGITS', '2'); WriteString('DECIMALSEPARATOR', ','); WriteString('LEADINGZERON', 'TRUE'); WriteString('THOUSANDSEPARATOR', ' '); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\Database Engine\Settings\SYSTEM\FORMATS\TIME',True); WriteString('AMSTRING', 'AM'); WriteString('MILSECONDS', 'FALSE'); WriteString('PMSTRING', 'PM'); WriteString('SECONDS', 'TRUE'); WriteString('TWELVEHOUR', 'TRUE'); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\Database Engine\Settings\REPOSITORIES',True); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\Database Engine\Settings\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT',True); WriteString('LANGDRIVER', 'ancyrr'); WriteString('TYPE', 'FILE'); WriteString('VERSION', '1.0'); CloseKey; OpenKey(Bor+'\Database Engine\Settings\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE',True); WriteString('BLOCK SIZE', '4096'); WriteString('FILL FACTOR', '95'); WriteString('LEVEL', '7'); WriteString('STRICTINTEGRTY', 'TRUE'); CloseKey; end; a.Free; end; begin Path:=GetExePath(ParamStr(0)); R:=dbiInit(nil); if R<>DBIERR_NONE then begin WriteString('Инициализация BDE ...'); InstallBDE; end; R:=dbiInit(nil); if R=DBIERR_NONE then begin WriteString('Инициализация BDE прошла успешно'); DbiDeleteAlias(nil, PChar(AliasName)); R:=DbiAddAlias(nil, PChar(AliasName), szPARADOX, PChar('PATH:'+Path+'\DB'), True); if R=DBIERR_NONE then WriteString('Псевдоним "'+AliasName+'" создан') else WriteString('Ошибка создания псевдонима "'+AliasName+'"'); R:=DbiCfgSave(nil, nil, Bool(-1)); if R=DBIERR_NONE then WriteString('Файл конфигурации сохранён') else WriteString('Ошибка сохранения файла конфигурации'); DbiExit; end else WriteString('Ошибка инициализации BDE'); end.
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Следуйте приведенной ниже инструкции для разворачивания BDE на клиентской машине:
1. | Отформатируйте две дискеты в дисководе клиентской машины. Пометьте дискеты как "Disk 1" и "Disk 2". |
2. | Скопируйте файлы с DELPHI CD, содержащиеся в каталоге \REDIST\BDEINST\DISK1 на дискету, помеченную как "Disk 1", и файлы из каталога \REDIST\BDEINST\DISK2 на дискету "Disk 2". |
3. | Вставьте в дисковод клиентской машины дискету, помеченную как "BDE Install 1" (в нашем примере мы используем дисковод с буквой A:). |
4. | Убедитесь в том, что в Windows отсутствуют запущенные программы. В Windows Program Manager выберите File|Run, введите в поле редактирования командной строки ("Command Line") "A:\DISK1\SETUP" и нажмите "OK" для начала установки Borland Database Engine на клиентской машине. |
5. | Сначала, на короткое время, появится окно "Database Engine Install", затем диалог "preparing to install...", и, наконец, диалог "BDE Redisttributable", содержащий кнопки Continue (Продолжить) и Exit (Выйти). Нажмите "Continue". |
6. | Появится диалог "Borland Database Engine Location Settings", позволяющий изменить каталог установки программ BDE и конфигурационных файлов. Оставьте настройки по умолчанию и нажмите "Continue" (Продолжить). |
7. | Появится диалог "Borland Database Engine Installation", позволяющий вернуться к предыдущим диалогам или начать установку. Нажмите "Install" (Установить). |
8. | Процесс копирования дискеты "Disk 1" будет отображаться полоской прогресса. |
9. | Появится диалог "BDE Redistributable Install Request". Вставьте дискету "Disk 2". Нажмите "continue" (Продолжить). |
10. | По окончании процедуры установки появится диалог "Borland Database Engine Installation Notification", сообщающий об успешной установке BDE. Нажмите "Exit" (Выход). |
11. | Завершите работу Windows, удалите дискету из дисковода и перегрузите клиентскую машину. |
На клиентской машине появятся два новых каталога - \IDAPI и \IDAPI\LANGDRV. Обратите внимание на то, что утилита BDE Configuration Utility, BDECFG.EXE, располагается в каталоге \IDAPI. Языковые драйвера располагаются в каталоге \IDAPI\LANGDRV как файлы *.LD. AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS и SYSTEM.INI при инсталляции не изменяются.
WIN.INI в каталоге \WINDOWS\SYSTEM будет иметь новые секции:
[Borland Language Drivers]
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Сборник Kuliba
Как установить BDE из файла BDEINST.CAB?
If you have taken a close look at the listing of the BDE installation directory (usually \Program Files\Borland\Common FIles\BDE), you've noticed there's a file called BDEINST.CAB. If BDEINST.CAB isn't present in the BDE folder, you probably chose not to let it be installed. As this tip requires this file, you might want to run install again and install only BDEINST.CAB. Anyway, let's get back to the tip.
BDEINST.CAB is a cabinet (Microsoft's compression format) file that contains only one large file: BDEINST.DLL. This DLL contains a simple installation program along with all the necessary files for a basic install of BDE. It will correctly install BDE with the native drivers for Paradox, dBase, MS Access and FoxPro. It won't install drivers for SQL database servers. If all you need is a basic installation of BDE for supporting one of the forementioned databases, then BDEINST.CAB is the best choice for you.
Given the problem InstallShield and Wise have with installing BDE 5, BDEINST.DLL has a great appeal, since it was created by the Borland folks and doesn't suffer from the same problems InstallShield and WISE do.
There is, however, a drawback: BDEINST.DLL is a quite large file, so it's that good if you're deploying on floppy disks. There's a workaround for this problem and we'll get back to it later on.
In order to use BDEINST.DLL, all you have to do is to extract it from BDEINST.CAB. There are several ways this can be done. Two of them are:
· | Using WinZip or another CAB-compatible archiver. Simply extract BDEINST.DLL from the CAB file. |
· | Using Microsoft's EXTRACT utility that comes with Windows 9x and NT. From a DOS window, issue the command below (path is also shown): |
· |
· | C:\Program Files\Borland\Common Files\BDE>EXTRACT /E BDEINST.CAB |
· |
· | This will extract BDEINST.DLL to the current directory, since no destination dir was specified in the command line. |
The task now is to use the DLL. This is as simple as issuing the command line below:
If the command above fails, make sure you have REGSVR32.EXE on your machine. Not all machines have it, and, in case of deploying BDEINST.DLL, it's also a good idea to deploy REGSVR32.EXE. This file can be found in \WINDOWS\SYSTEM or \WINNT\SYSTEM32.
A progress dialog box will popup indicating that the installation of BDE is going ok. This is all it takes to install BDE without needing any additional tool such as InstallShield or Wise.
If you do not want to deploy REGSVR32.EXE, you can create a small VCL-less and formless application that simply calls DllRegisterServer from the DLL.
Взято с Delphi Knowledge Base: https://www.baltsoft.com/
What are the essential files to ship with an application that uses the BDE?
Delphi allows you to generate a nice tight executable file (.EXE), but if you have created a database application you must include the files that make up the Borland Database Engine as well. The table below shows the files that are mandatory when delivering a database application with Delphi.
File Name Description
IDBAT01.DLL - BDE Batch Utilities DLL
IDPDX01.DLL - BDE Paradox Driver DLL
IDR10009.DLL - BDE Resources DLL
ILD01.DLL - Language Driver DLL
ODBC.New - Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager DLL V2.0
ODBCINST.NEW - Microsoft ODBC Driver Installation DLL V2.0
TUTILITY.DLL - BDE Table Repair Utility DLL
BDECFG.EXE - BDE Configuration Utility DLL
BDECFG.HLP - BDE Configuration Utility Help
IDAPI.CFG - BDE Configuation File (settings)
To assist the user, Delphi ships with an install program for exporting the appropriate files that you want deliver to your clients. Also, installation programs such as InnoSetup and InstallShield can automatically include the relevant files in their setup programs.
InnoSetup is my program installation program of choice, and it is FREE! For more information or to download a copy visit Jordan Russhttps:// www.jrsoftware.orgell's site at
Finally a tip on using the setup CAB file that ships with the BDE to install the relevant files can be found in DKB, article title "Installing BDE from BDEINST.CAB"
Взято с Delphi Knowledge Base: https://www.baltsoft.com/