Модификация настроек BDE
Is there a way to change the IDAPI.CFG file from Delphi coding using the BDE API, since I wish to avoid having my users utilize the BDECFG.EXE utility?
Here is a unit that is supposed to allow changing the config file:
unit CFGTOOL; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, DB, DbiProcs, DbiTypes, DbiErrs; type TBDEConfig = class(TComponent) private FLocalShare: Boolean; FMinBufSize: Integer; FMaxBufSize: Integer; FSystemLangDriver: string; FParadoxLangDriver: string; FMaxFileHandles: Integer; FNetFileDir: string; FTableLevel: string; FBlockSize: Integer; FDefaultDriver: string; FStrictIntegrity: Boolean; FAutoODBC: Boolean; procedure Init; procedure SetLocalShare(Value: Boolean); procedure SetMinBufSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetMaxBufSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetSystemLangDriver(Value: string); procedure SetParadoxLangDriver(Value: string); procedure SetMaxFileHandles(Value: Integer); procedure SetNetFileDir(Value: string); procedure SetTableLevel(Value: string); procedure SetBlockSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetDefaultDriver(Value: string); procedure SetAutoODBC(Value: Boolean); procedure SetStrictIntegrity(Value: Boolean); procedure UpdateCFGFile(path, item, value: string); protected public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property LocalShare: Boolean read FLocalShare write SetLocalShare; property MinBufSize: Integer read FMinBufSize write SetMinBufSize; property MaxBufSize: Integer read FMaxBufSize write SetMaxBufSize; property SystemLangDriver: string read FSystemLangDriver write SetSystemLangDriver; property ParadoxLangDriver: string read FParadoxLangDriver write SetParadoxLangDriver; property MaxFileHandles: Integer read FMaxFileHandles write SetMaxFileHandles; property NetFileDir: string read FNetFileDir write SetNetFileDir; property TableLevel: string read FTableLevel write SetTableLevel; property BlockSize: Integer read FBlockSize write SetBlockSize; property DefaultDriver: string read FDefaultDriver write SetDefaultDriver; property AutoODBC: Boolean read FAutoODBC write SetAutoODBC; property StrictIntegrity: Boolean read FStrictIntegrity write SetStrictIntegrity; end; procedure Register; implementation function StrToBoolean(Value: string): Boolean; begin if (UpperCase(Value) = 'TRUE') or (UpperCase(Value) = 'ON') or (UpperCase(Value) = 'YES') or (UpperCase(Value) = '.T.') then Result := True else Result := False; end; function BooleanToStr(Value: Boolean): string; begin if Value then Result := 'TRUE' else Result := 'FALSE'; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Data Access', [TBDEConfig]); end; procedure TBDEConfig.Init; var h: hDBICur; pCfgDes: pCFGDesc; n, v: string; begin Check(DbiOpenCfgInfoList(nil, dbiREADWRITE, cfgPersistent, '\SYSTEM\INIT', h)); GetMem(pCfgDes, sizeof(CFGDesc)); try FillChar(pCfgDes^, sizeof(CFGDesc), #0); while (DbiGetNextRecord(h, dbiWRITELOCK, pCfgDes, nil) = DBIERR_NONE) do begin n := StrPas(pCfgDes^.szNodeName); v := StrPas(pCfgDes^.szValue); if n = 'LOCAL SHARE' then FLocalShare := StrToBoolean(v) else if n = 'MINBUFSIZE' then FMinBufSize := StrToInt(v) else if n = 'MAXBUFSIZE' then FMaxBufSize := StrToInt(v) else if n = 'MAXFILEHANDLES' then FMaxFileHandles := StrToInt(v) else if n = 'LANGDRIVER' then FSystemLangDriver := v else if n = 'AUTO ODBC' then FAutoODBC := StrToBoolean(v) else if n = 'DEFAULT DRIVER' then FDefaultDriver := v; end; if (h <> nil) then DbiCloseCursor(h); Check(DbiOpenCfgInfoList(nil, dbiREADWRITE, cfgPersistent, '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT', h)); FillChar(pCfgDes^, sizeof(CFGDesc), #0); while (DbiGetNextRecord(h, dbiWRITELOCK, pCfgDes, nil) = DBIERR_NONE) do begin n := StrPas(pCfgDes^.szNodeName); v := StrPas(pCfgDes^.szValue); if n = 'NET DIR' then FNetFileDir := v else if n = 'LANGDRIVER' then FParadoxLangDriver := v; end; if (h <> nil) then DbiCloseCursor(h); Check(DbiOpenCfgInfoList(nil, dbiREADWRITE, cfgPersistent, '\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE', h)); FillChar(pCfgDes^, sizeof(CFGDesc), #0); while (DbiGetNextRecord(h, dbiWRITELOCK, pCfgDes, nil) = DBIERR_NONE) do begin n := StrPas(pCfgDes^.szNodeName); v := StrPas(pCfgDes^.szValue); if n = 'LEVEL' then FTableLevel := v else if n = 'BLOCK SIZE' then FBlockSize := StrToInt(v) else if n = 'STRICTINTEGRITY' then FStrictIntegrity := StrToBoolean(v); end; finally FreeMem(pCfgDes, sizeof(CFGDesc)); if (h <> nil) then DbiCloseCursor(h); end; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetLocalShare(Value: Boolean); begin UpdateCfgFile('\SYSTEM\INIT', 'LOCAL SHARE', BooleanToStr(Value)); FLocalShare := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetMinBufSize(Value: Integer); begin UpdateCfgFile('\SYSTEM\INIT', 'MINBUFSIZE', IntToStr(Value)); FMinBufSize := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetMaxBufSize(Value: Integer); begin UpdateCfgFile('\SYSTEM\INIT', 'MAXBUFSIZE', IntToStr(Value)); FMaxBufSize := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetSystemLangDriver(Value: string); begin UpdateCfgFile('\SYSTEM\INIT', 'LANGDRIVER', Value); FSystemLangDriver := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetParadoxLangDriver(Value: string); begin UpdateCfgFile('\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT', 'LANGDRIVER', Value); FParadoxLangDriver := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetMaxFileHandles(Value: Integer); begin UpdateCfgFile('\SYSTEM\INIT', 'MAXFILEHANDLES', IntToStr(Value)); FMaxFileHandles := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetNetFileDir(Value: string); begin UpdateCfgFile('\DRIVERS\PARADOX\INIT', 'NET DIR', Value); FNetFileDir := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetTableLevel(Value: string); begin UpdateCfgFile('\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE', 'LEVEL', Value); FTableLevel := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetBlockSize(Value: Integer); begin UpdateCfgFile('\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE', 'BLOCK SIZE', IntToStr(Value)); FBlockSize := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetStrictIntegrity(Value: Boolean); begin UpdateCfgFile('\DRIVERS\PARADOX\TABLE CREATE', 'STRICTINTEGRITY', BooleanToStr(Value)); FStrictIntegrity := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetDefaultDriver(Value: string); begin UpdateCfgFile('\SYSTEM\INIT', 'DEFAULT DRIVER', Value); FDefaultDriver := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.SetAutoODBC(Value: Boolean); begin UpdateCfgFile('\SYSTEM\INIT', 'AUTO ODBC', BooleanToStr(Value)); FAutoODBC := Value; end; procedure TBDEConfig.UpdateCFGFile; var h: hDbiCur; pCfgDes: pCFGDesc; pPath: array[0..127] of char; begin StrPCopy(pPath, Path); Check(DbiOpenCfgInfoList(nil, dbiREADWRITE, cfgPersistent, pPath, h)); GetMem(pCfgDes, sizeof(CFGDesc)); try FillChar(pCfgDes^, sizeof(CFGDesc), #0); while (DbiGetNextRecord(h, dbiWRITELOCK, pCfgDes, nil) = DBIERR_NONE) do begin if StrPas(pCfgDes^.szNodeName) = item then begin StrPCopy(pCfgDes^.szValue, value); Check(DbiModifyRecord(h, pCfgDes, True)); end; end; finally FreeMem(pCfgDes, sizeof(CFGDesc)); if (h <> nil) then DbiCloseCursor(h); end; end; constructor TBDEConfig.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Init; end; destructor TBDEConfig.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; end.
How can my program access the idapi.cfg file and probably change its INIT (Local Share etc.) section?
For 32bit only. You can of course use the registry to determine the default CFG File instead of passing it as a parameter here:
procedure ModifyCFG(const ACFGFile, AValue, AEntry, ACFGPath: string; SaveAsWin31: bool); var hCfg: hDBICfg; pRecBuf, pTmpRec: pByte; pFields: pFLDDesc; Count: word; i: integer; Save: boolean; Reg: TRegistry; const RegSaveWIN31: array[bool] of string = ('WIN32', 'WIN31'); begin hCfg := nil; pFields := nil; pRecBuf := nil; Save := False; Check(DbiOpenConfigFile(PChar(ACFGFile), False, hCfg)); try Check(DbiCfgPosition(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath))); {neccessary...?} Check(DbiCfgGetRecord(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath), Count, nil, nil)); pRecBuf := AllocMem(succ(Count) * 128); {128 additional safety...} pFields := AllocMem(Count * sizeof(FLDDesc)); Check(DbiCfgGetRecord(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath), Count, pFields, pRecBuf)); for i := 1 to Count do begin if StrPas(pFields^.szName) = AEntry then begin pTmpRec := pRecBuf; Inc(pTmpRec, 128 * (i - 1)); StrPCopy(PChar(pTmpRec), AValue); end; inc(pFields); end; dec(pFields, Count); Check(DbiCfgModifyRecord(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath), Count, pFields, pRecBuf)); Save := True; finally if hCfg <> nil then Check(DbiCloseConfigFile(hCfg, Save, True, SaveAsWin31)); if pRecBuf <> nil then FreeMem(pRecBuf, succ(Count) * 128); if pFields <> nil then FreeMem(pFields, Count * sizeof(FLDDesc)); end; {update registry SAVECONFIG value} Reg := TRegistry.Create; try Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not Reg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine', False) then ShowMessage('Configuration Path not found') else begin Reg.LazyWrite := False; Reg.WriteString('SAVECONFIG', RegSaveWIN31[SaveAsWin31]); Reg.CloseKey; end; finally Reg.Free; end; {DbiExit/Init to re-read cfg... make absolutely sure there are no active DB components when doing this (it's is best done by a loader app)} Session.Close; Session.Open; end;
ACFGPath would be '\SYSTEM\INIT\', AEntry would be 'LOCAL SHARE' und AValue would be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
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