Алгоритм переноса русского текста по слогам
interface uses Windows,Classes,SysUtils; Function SetHyph(pc:PChar;MaxSize:Integer):PChar; Function SetHyphString(s : String):String; Function MayBeHyph(p:PChar;pos:Integer):Boolean; implementation Type TSymbol=(st_Empty,st_NoDefined,st_Glas,st_Sogl,st_Spec); TSymbAR=array [0..1000] of TSymbol; PSymbAr=^TSymbAr; Const HypSymb=#$1F; Spaces=[' ', ',',';', ':','.','?','!','/', #10, #13 ]; GlasCHAR=['?', 'L', 'х', '+', 'v', '-','р', '-', 'ю', '+', ' ', '-', 'ш', 'L', '¦', '¦', '?', '¦', { english } 'e', 'E', 'u', 'U','i', 'I', 'o', 'O', 'a', 'A', 'j', 'J' ]; SoglChar=['?', 'г' , 'ъ', '¦' ,'э', '=' , 'у', '+' , '°', '+' , '-' , 'ч', '¦' , '?', '-' ,'?', 'L' , 'т', 'T' , 'я', '¦' , 'Ё', '¦' , 'ы', 'T' , 'ф', '-' ,'ц', '¦' , '?', '+' , 'ё', 'T' , 'ь', '¦' , '?', 'T' , 'с', '+' , { english } 'q', 'Q','w', 'W', 'r', 'R','t', 'T','y', 'Y','p', 'P','s', 'S', 'd', 'D','f', 'F', 'g', 'G','h', 'H','k', 'K','l', 'L','z', 'Z', 'x', 'X','c', 'C', 'v', 'V', 'b', 'B', 'n', 'N','m', 'M' ]; SpecSign= [ '·', '-','c', '-', 'щ', 'г']; Function isSogl(c:Char):Boolean; begin Result:=c in SoglChar; end; Function isGlas(c:Char):Boolean; begin Result:=c in GlasChar; end; Function isSpecSign(c:Char):Boolean; begin Result:=c in SpecSign; end; Function GetSymbType(c:Char):TSymbol; begin if isSogl(c) then begin Result:=st_Sogl;exit;end; if isGlas(c) then begin Result:=st_Glas;exit;end; if isSpecSign(c) then begin Result:=st_Spec;exit;end; Result:=st_NoDefined; end; Function isSlogMore(c:pSymbAr;start,len:Integer):Boolean; var i:Integer; glFlag:Boolean; begin glFlag:=false; for i:=Start to Len-1 do begin if c^[i]=st_NoDefined then begin Result:=false;exit;end; if (c^[i]=st_Glas)and((c^[i+1]<>st_Nodefined)or(i<>Start)) then begin Result:=True; exit; end; end; Result:=false; end; { Ёрёё?рты ыър яхЁхэюёют } Function SetHyph(pc:PChar;MaxSize:Integer):PChar; var HypBuff : Pointer; h : PSymbAr; i : Integer; len : Integer; Cur : Integer; { } cw : Integer; { =юьхЁ с?ътv т ёыютх } Lock: Integer; { ё?х??шъ сыюъшЁютюъ } begin Cur:=0; len := StrLen(pc); if (MaxSize=0)OR(Len=0) then begin Result:=nil; Exit; end; GetMem(HypBuff,MaxSize); GetMem(h,Len+1); for i:=0 to len-1 do h^[i]:=GetSymbType(pc[i]); cw:=0; Lock:=0; for i:=0 to Len-1 do begin PChar(HypBuff)[cur]:=PChar(pc)[i];Inc(Cur); if i>=Len-2 then Continue; if h^[i]=st_NoDefined then begin cw:=0;Continue;end else Inc(cw); if Lock<>0 then begin Dec(Lock);Continue;end; if cw<=1 then Continue; if not(isSlogMore(h,i+1,len)) then Continue; if (h^[i]=st_Sogl)and(h^[i-1]=st_Glas)and(h^[i+1]=st_Sogl)and(h^[i+2]<>st_Spec) then begin PChar(HypBuff)[cur]:=HypSymb;Inc(Cur);Lock:=1;end; if (h^[i]=st_Glas)and(h^[i-1]=st_Sogl)and(h^[i+1]=st_Sogl)and(h^[i+2]=st_Glas) then begin PChar(HypBuff)[cur]:=HypSymb;Inc(Cur);Lock:=1;end; if (h^[i]=st_Glas)and(h^[i-1]=st_Sogl)and(h^[i+1]=st_Glas)and(h^[i+2]=st_Sogl) then begin PChar(HypBuff)[cur]:=HypSymb;Inc(Cur);Lock:=1;end; if (h^[i]=st_Spec) then begin PChar(HypBuff)[cur]:=HypSymb;Inc(Cur);Lock:=1; end; end; {} FreeMem(h,Len+1); PChar(HypBuff)[cur]:=#0; Result:=HypBuff; end; Function Red_GlasMore(p:Pchar;pos:Integer):Boolean; begin While p[pos]<>#0 do begin if p[pos] in Spaces then begin Result:=False; Exit; end; if isGlas(p[pos]) then begin Result:=True; Exit; end; Inc(pos); end; Result:=False; end; Function Red_SlogMore(p:Pchar;pos:Integer):Boolean; Var BeSogl,BeGlas:Boolean; begin BeSogl:=False; BeGlas:=False; While p[pos]<>#0 do begin if p[pos] in Spaces then Break; if Not BeGlas then BeGlas:=isGlas(p[pos]); if Not BeSogl then BeSogl:=isSogl(p[pos]); Inc(pos); end; Result:=BeGlas and BeSogl; end; Function MayBeHyph(p:PChar;pos:Integer):Boolean; var i:Integer; len:Integer; begin i:=pos; Len:=StrLen(p); Result:= (Len>3) AND (i>2) AND (i<Len-2) AND (not (p[i] in Spaces)) AND (not (p[i+1] in Spaces)) AND (not (p[i-1] in Spaces)) AND ( (isSogl(p[i])and isGlas(p[i-1])and isSogl(p[i+1])and Red_SlogMore(p,i+1)) OR ((isGlas(p[i]))and(isSogl(p[i-1]))and(isSogl(p[i+1]))and(isGlas(p[i+2]))) OR ((isGlas(p[i]))and(isSogl(p[i-1]))and(isGlas(p[i+1])) and Red_SlogMore(p,i+1) ) OR ((isSpecSign(p[i]))) ); end; Function SetHyphString(s : String):String; Var Res:PChar; begin Res:=SetHyph(PChar(S),Length(S)*2) Result:=Res; FreeMem(Res,Length(S)*2); end; end.
Alex Gorbunov
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