Метод Ньютона
program newton; type vect1 = array [1..15] of real; vect2 = array [1..15] of char; vect3 = array [1..15] of integer; var coef,ncoef :vect1; cha:vect2;bol:boolean; pui:vect3; b1,n,i,deg,l,nbr,ln,gen,k:integer; s,p,c,x,y,z,r,d,ep,fd,x0,a,b :real; co,rep:char;op,op1: set of char; ch:string; ca:char; (*fonction de la puissance*) function pow(x:real;n:integer):real; begin p:=1; for i := 1 to abs(n) do begin if n < 0 then p:=p/10 else p:=p*x; end; pow:=p; end; (****************) function chifi(chifr:char):integer; begin case chifr of '1':chifi:=1;'2':chifi:=2;'3':chifi:=3;'4':chifi:=4;'5':chifi:=5; '6':chifi:=6;'7':chifi:=7;'8':chifi:=8;'9':chifi:=9;'0':chifi:=0; end; end; (*fonction qui lit la chaine de caractSre*) function cach(chaine:string):real; var res:real; point,j:integer; begin b1:=0; for i:=1 to length(chaine) do if chaine[i]='.'then b1:=1; if b1 = 0 then chaine:=chaine+'.'; if (chaine[1]<>'+') and (chaine[1]<>'-')then chaine:='+'+chaine; point:=length(chaine)+1; j:=1; for i:=2 to length(chaine) do begin if chaine[i]='.'then point:=i else begin cha[j]:=chaine[i];j:=j+1;end; end; for i:=1 to length(chaine)-2 do begin case cha[i] of '1':ncoef[i]:=1;'2':ncoef[i]:=2;'3':ncoef[i]:=3;'4':ncoef[i]:=4;'5':ncoef[i]:=5; '6':ncoef[i]:=6;'7':ncoef[i]:=7;'8':ncoef[i]:=8;'9':ncoef[i]:=9;'0':ncoef[i]:=0; end; end; res:=0; j:=0; for l:=point-2 downto 1 do begin res:= res + ncoef[l] * pow(10,j); j:=j+1; end; j:=1; for l:=point-1 to length(chaine)-2 do begin res:= res + ncoef[l] * pow(10,-j); j:=j+1; end; case chaine[1] of '+':res:=+1*res; '-':res:=-1*res; end; cach:=res; end; (*procedure qui affiche la formule *) procedure tri(st:string); var l,di:integer; mot,mots,chifre:string; begin op1:=['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']; ln:=1;op:=['+','-','=']; st:=st+'='+'0'; if st[1] in op then else st:='+'+st; for l:=1 to length(st) do begin if l=1 then mot :=st[l] else mot:=mot+st[l]; if (st[l]in op) and (st[l+1]='x')then mot:=mot+'1'; if (st[l+1]in op) and (st[l]='x')then mot:=mot+'1'; end; mots:=mot[1]; for l:=2 to length(mot)-2 do mots:=mots+mot[l]; st:=mot;writeln('l"‚quation est: [ ', mots,'=0 ]'); l:=1; while st[l] <> '=' do begin chifre:=st[l]; while (st[l+1]<>'x')and(st[l+1]<>'=') do begin l:=l+1; chifre:=chifre+st[l]; end; coef[ln]:=cach(chifre);ln:=ln+1; case st[l+1] of '=':l:=l+1; 'x':begin pui[ln-1]:=chifi(st[l+2]); l:=l+3; end; end; end; end; (*foction qui calcule f(x)*) function f(r:real):real; begin c:=0; case gen of 4:for l:=1 to ln-1 do c:= c + coef[l] * pow(r,(pui[l])); end; f := c; end; {*fonction qui calcule la 1er deriv‚*} function df(var x:real):real; begin c:=0; case gen of 4:for l:=1 to ln-2 do c:=c+pui[l] * coef[l] * pow(x,(pui[l]-1)); end; df:=c; end; {*fonction qui calcule la 2eme deriv‚*} function df2(var x:real):real; begin c:=0; case gen of 4:for l:=1 to ln-3 do c:=c+pui[l]*(pui[l]-1)*coef[l]*pow(x,(pui[l]-2)); end; df2:=c; end; {*programme principale*} begin rep:='n'; b1:=2; while rep<>'o' do begin writeln('PROGRAMME DE LA SOLUTION D"UNE FONCTION NON LINEAIRE PAR LA METHODE DE NEWTON');writeln(' '); writeln('* * * * * * * * * PRESENTE PAR BACHIR ET SAMIA * * * * * * * ');writeln; if b1<>2 then readln; writeln(' POUR CALCULER LA RACINE DE LA FONCTION: ');writeln(''); write(' donner f[x]=');readln(ch); case ch[1] of '1'..'9','+','-','x':begin gen:=4; tri(ch); end; end; begin readln; write('donner la valeur a=');readln(a); write('donner la valeur b=');readln(b); write('donner l"erreur ep=');readln(ep);writeln(''); k:=0; if f(a)=0 then begin writeln(' SOLUTION x=',a); writeln(' f[',a,']=',f(a)); writeln('ET LE NOMBRE D"ETERATION EST i=0'); end else if f(b)=0 then begin writeln(' SOLUTION x=',b); writeln(' f[',b,']=',f(b)); writeln('ET NOMBRE D"ETERATION EST i=0'); end else if f(a)*f(b)>0 then begin writeln(' ***************REMARQUE*************** '); writeln('ERREUR!!! LA FONCTION NE ADMET AUCUN ZERO...');end else begin if f(a)*df2(a)>0 then x0:=a else x0:=b; if f(x0)=0 then begin r:=x0; writeln(' SOLUTION x=',r); writeln(' f[',r,']=',f(r)); writeln(' ET LE NOMBRE D"ITERATION EST i=',k); end else begin if df(x0)=0 then begin writeln(' ***************REMARQUE*************** '); writeln('ERREUR!!! la derive est NULLE df(x)=0...');end else begin repeat d:=-f(x0)/df(x0); x0:=x0+d; k:=k+1; until abs(d)<abs(ep*x0); r:=x0; writeln(' '); writeln(' SOLUTION x=',r); writeln(' '); writeln(' f[',r,']=',f(r) ); writeln(' '); writeln(' ET '); writeln(' '); writeln(' LE NOMBRE D"ITERATUION EST N=',k); writeln(' '); end;end;end; write('voulez vous quiter O/N?'); read(rep); writeln(' '); writeln(' '); writeln(' '); writeln(' '); end;end; end.