Кодирование с помощью решетки
Автор: ___Nikolay
unit uMain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, StdCtrls, Gauges, ExtCtrls; type TfmMain = class(TForm) sgGrid: TStringGrid; Label1: TLabel; sgText: TStringGrid; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; edNormal: TEdit; Label4: TLabel; edEncoded: TEdit; btEncode: TButton; btDecode: TButton; chAnimation: TCheckBox; Timer1: TTimer; procedure btEncodeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btDecodeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure SetGrid(iState: integer); // Выставить решетку function EncodeStr(s: string): string; // Шифрование строки function DecodeStr(s: string): string; // Расшифрование строки public { Public declarations } end; var fmMain: TfmMain; implementation {$R *.DFM} { TfmMain } // Выставить решетку procedure TfmMain.SetGrid(iState: integer); var c, r, iColMin, iColMax, iRowMin, iRowMax: integer; x, y, iHalfCell: integer; pStart: TPoint; begin Timer1.Enabled := false; GetCursorPos(pStart); iHalfCell := sgGrid.DefaultColWidth div 2; // Половина ширины ячейки case iState of 1: begin iColMin := 5; iColMax := 9; iRowMin := 0; iRowMax := 4; end; 2: begin iColMin := 5; iColMax := 9; iRowMin := 5; iRowMax := 9; end; 3: begin iColMin := 0; iColMax := 4; iRowMin := 5; iRowMax := 9; end; 4: begin iColMin := 0; iColMax := 4; iRowMin := 0; iRowMax := 4; end; end; for c := 0 to sgGrid.ColCount - 1 do for r := 0 to sgGrid.RowCount - 1 do begin if (c >= iColMin) and (c <= iColMax) and (r >= iRowMin) and (r <= iRowMax) then sgGrid.Cells[c, r] := '0' else sgGrid.Cells[c, r] := '1'; // Визуализировать if chAnimation.Checked then begin Application.ProcessMessages; x := fmMain.Left + sgGrid.Left + sgGrid.CellRect(c, r).Left + iHalfCell; y := fmMain.Top + sgGrid.Top + sgGrid.CellRect(c, r).Top + iHalfCell + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); SetCursorPos(x, y); sgGrid.Repaint; Sleep(10); end; end; SetCursorPos(pStart.x, pStart.y); end; procedure TfmMain.btEncodeClick(Sender: TObject); const sMsgLengthCheck = 'Длина текста должна быть равна 100'; var s: string; begin s := Trim(edNormal.Text); if Length(s) <> 100 then begin MessageDlg(sMsgLengthCheck, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); Exit; end; edEncoded.Text := ''; edEncoded.Text := EncodeStr(s); end; // Шифрование строки function TfmMain.EncodeStr(s: string): string; label start; var c, r, i, iGridState: integer; sResult: string; x, y, iHalfCell: integer; pStart: TPoint; begin Timer1.Enabled := false; GetCursorPos(pStart); iHalfCell := sgGrid.DefaultColWidth div 2; // Половина ширины ячейки iGridState := 1; SetGrid(iGridState); i := 1; sResult := ''; start: for r := 0 to sgText.RowCount - 1 do for c := 0 to sgText.ColCount - 1 do if not boolean(StrToInt(sgGrid.Cells[c, r])) then if sgText.Cells[c, r] = '' then begin sgText.Cells[c, r] := s[i]; inc(i); // Визуализировать if chAnimation.Checked then begin Application.ProcessMessages; x := fmMain.Left + sgText.Left + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Left + iHalfCell; y := fmMain.Top + sgText.Top + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Top + iHalfCell + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); SetCursorPos(x, y); sgText.Repaint; Sleep(10); end; end; dec(i); if i < 100 then if i mod 25 = 0 then begin inc(iGridState); SetGrid(iGridState); inc(i); goto start; end; // Считываем по строкам for r := 0 to sgText.RowCount - 1 do for c := 0 to sgText.ColCount - 1 do begin sResult := sResult + sgText.Cells[c, r]; sgText.Cells[c, r] := ''; // Визуализировать if chAnimation.Checked then begin Application.ProcessMessages; x := fmMain.Left + sgText.Left + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Left + iHalfCell; y := fmMain.Top + sgText.Top + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Top + iHalfCell + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); SetCursorPos(x, y); sgText.Repaint; Sleep(10); end; end; Result := sResult; SetCursorPos(pStart.x, pStart.y); end; procedure TfmMain.btDecodeClick(Sender: TObject); const sMsgLengthCheck = 'Длина текста должна быть равна 100'; var s: string; begin s := Trim(edEncoded.Text); if Length(s) <> 100 then begin MessageDlg(sMsgLengthCheck, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); Exit; end; edNormal.Text := ''; edNormal.Text := DecodeStr(s); end; // Расшифрование строки function TfmMain.DecodeStr(s: string): string; label start; var c, r, i, iGridState: integer; sResult: string; x, y, iHalfCell: integer; pStart: TPoint; begin Timer1.Enabled := false; GetCursorPos(pStart); iHalfCell := sgGrid.DefaultColWidth div 2; // Половина ширины ячейки iGridState := 1; SetGrid(iGridState); i := 1; sResult := ''; // Заносим по строкам for r := 0 to sgText.RowCount - 1 do for c := 0 to sgText.ColCount - 1 do begin sgText.Cells[c, r] := s[i]; inc(i); // Визуализировать if chAnimation.Checked then begin Application.ProcessMessages; x := fmMain.Left + sgText.Left + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Left + iHalfCell; y := fmMain.Top + sgText.Top + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Top + iHalfCell + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); SetCursorPos(x, y); sgText.Repaint; Sleep(10); end; end; i := 1; start: for r := 0 to sgText.RowCount - 1 do for c := 0 to sgText.ColCount - 1 do if not boolean(StrToInt(sgGrid.Cells[c, r])) then begin sResult := sResult + sgText.Cells[c, r]; sgText.Cells[c, r] := ''; inc(i); // Визуализировать if chAnimation.Checked then begin Application.ProcessMessages; x := fmMain.Left + sgText.Left + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Left + iHalfCell; y := fmMain.Top + sgText.Top + sgText.CellRect(c, r).Top + iHalfCell + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); SetCursorPos(x, y); sgText.Repaint; Sleep(10); end; end; dec(i); if i < 100 then if i mod 25 = 0 then begin inc(iGridState); SetGrid(iGridState); inc(i); goto start; end; Result := sResult; SetCursorPos(pStart.x, pStart.y); end; procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.Enabled := true; end; procedure TfmMain.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin SetGrid(1); end; end.
DelphiWorld 6.0