Пример работы с Flash
The example of a simple movie creating which shows rectangle moving and circle transforming is below
Procedure MakeSWF; var Movie: TFlashMovie; Shape1, Shape2: TFlashShape; begin Movie := TFlashMovie.Create(0, 0, 400 * twips, 400 * twips, 12); Movie.Compressed := true; Movie.SystemCoord := scPix; Shape1 := Movie.AddCircle(0, 0, 50); Shape1.SetRadialGragient(cswfWhite, SWFRGBA(clNavy), 35, 35); Shape2 := Movie.AddRectangle(0, 0, 150, 50); Shape2.SetSolidColor(SWFRGBA(clRed, $cc)); For il := 0 to 20 do begin With Movie.PlaceObject(Shape1, 1) do begin SetScale(1+il / 10, 1+il / 20); SetTranslate(200, 200); if il>0 then RemoveDepth := true; end; With Movie.PlaceObject(Shape2, 2) do begin SetTranslate(20+il, il*6); if il>0 then RemoveDepth := true; end; Movie.ShowFrame; end; ... Movie.MakeStream; Movie.SaveToFile('demo.swf'); Movie.Free; end;